

Research of Numerical Simulation on the Change of Reservoir Parameters after Flood Development

【作者】 李晓燕

【导师】 姜瑞忠;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 油田在注水开发过程中,储层的物理特征参数随注入水冲刷而不断发生变化。本文在全面总结了引起储层物理特征参数变化原因的基础上,重点分析了渗透率和原油粘度随注水冲刷而呈动态变化的特点。在精确推导出注入水冲刷孔隙体积倍数表达式的基础上,建立了考虑渗透率和原油粘度时变效应的三维三相数学模型。将该数学模型用有限差分方法离散化得到数值模型后,应用IMPES方法对其进行求解。编制了新的储层参数时变的数值模拟软件。新编制的数模软件可同时应用于矿场规模和实验室尺度范围的参数时变模拟分析。其与商业数值模拟软件ECLIPSE对比计算,表明了所开发模拟软件的合理性。应用新编软件,进行实际矿场规模与实验室尺度的参数时变数模运算,表明渗透率和原油粘度的时变效应对油田注水开发有一定的影响。最后,开展时变效应与剩余油分布关系研究,从剩余油饱和度角度分析了时变效应对注水开发影响的原因。

【Abstract】 During the flood development of oil field, reservoir physical characteristics have been continuously changed following the water that has been injected. In this paper, the distinguishing feature that permeability and viscosity dynamic changed following the multiplier of injected water, based on reasons which cause the change of reservoir characteristics is analyzed. A mathematical model which considers the time variables of permeability and viscosity is built, based on the expression of the multiplier of injected water which is derived accurately. The numerical model which is derived from the mathematical model is calculated by IMPES method. The software which considers the time variables is compiled.The new compiled software can calculate field models. It also can calculate laboratory models. The compared result of the new software and ECLIPSE indicates its justifiability. The field model and laboratory model is calculated by the software, and the results indicate that the time variables has effect on the water flood development. At last, the relationship of time variables and remaining oil is researched, and the reasons of the effect of time variables to water flood is analyzed from the remaining oil saturation angle.

  • 【分类号】TE357.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】493

