

Research on Optimizing Tubing Technology of Dewatering Method in Fractured Gas Reservoir

【作者】 田波

【导师】 樊灵;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 有水气田开发的中后期,气井会出水,严重影响天然气产量和气田采收率,因此必须采取排水采气措施。论文系统地研究了优选管柱排水采气工艺。优选管柱工艺适用于产水不太多的气井,此工艺可以延长气井的自喷带水期。论文描述了裂缝性地层中气水两相不连续微观渗流现象,解释了气井波动产水产气的原因,并推导了裂缝性气藏直井天然气、水的产能预测模型;在前人研究的基础上,研究了气井井筒压力、温度分布耦合计算方法,将Hagedorn-Brown方法中的图版拟合成方程便于计算机编程;研究了天然气水合物的形成条件和形成机制,建立了预测水合物生成条件的统计热力学模型,研究了组分逸度的计算方法;把节点分析方法与携液最小流速模型相结合,提出了管柱优选的方法;根据水在井筒中雾化成大小不一的液滴,在考虑气井排液的情况下,建立了气井积液动态模型;建立了根据井眼轨迹计算的连续油管受力分析模型,分析了连续油管的应力要素;在理论研究的基础上,完成了优选管柱工艺技术优化设计软件的编制。

【Abstract】 It is well known that a water driving gas reservoir will happen to water producing in most of area along with it being exploited deeply.The output of gas well is affected badly and the ultimate gas reservoir recovery ratio will be declined greatly. So to increase the outputs of gas wells and gas fields,it is urgent to take projects of drainage gas recovery.Optimizing tubing technology is just applied in the gas wells that produce a little water and this technology can prolong the flowing and throughputing water time of gas wells.This paper described the discontinuous filtering flow phenomenon of gas and water phases in the fractured gas reservoirs, explained the reason why the gas wells in fractured reservoirs unsteady produce water and gas. It established the gas and water inflow performance relationship of vertical well in the fractured gas reservoirs. On the basis of predecessor’s fruit, this paper researched the coherent calculating method of pressure and temperature distribution in the gas well. It transformed the charts of Hagedorn-Brown method to functions in order to programming the software. It described the reason and mechanism of engendering gas hydrate and established the statistic thermodynamic model which can predict the engendering pressure or temperature of gas hydrate.In order to calculating these, it researched the method of calculating the component fugacity. Through combining critical gas flow rate for gas wells unloading and nodal system analysis, it developed a method that can be used for optimizing the tubing and predicting the reservoir pressure of undewatering. Because water will be break to fluid drop of different diameter, the gas well can also remove part of water. On the basis of this principle, this paper established the model of gas well dynamic liquid loading process. It established the mechanical model which can be used for calculating the axial force, friction and contact force of coiled tubing according to wellbore track. On the basis of all the above, an optimizing tubing technology of dewatering method software has been accomplished.

  • 【分类号】TE931
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】677

