

A Study to the Current Situation of the Physical Education about the Blind Schools in Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai

【作者】 周艳茹

【导师】 卢雁;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的发展和人道主义地位的提高,残疾人这一特殊群体的受教育情况也而越来越多地受到关注。但是从总体来讲,关于残疾人体育教育的科学研究目前还处于刚刚起步的阶段。盲校的体育教育也同样如此。由于一直以来缺乏相关的研究,对于现状的了解不足,使得盲校体育教育改革的步伐远远落在了普通高校以及中小学的后面,这对于新世纪新形势下的盲校体育教育的开展非常不利。本文将研究的视点建立在盲校体育教育的现状上。以北京、天津、上海三大直辖市盲校体育教育现状为研究对象,采用文献资料法、谈话法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析与推理法等研究方法,并且借鉴普通学校体育教育系统的组成,以体育教学、课余体育(课外体育活动、课余体育训练与竞赛)为主,以学校体育管理和学校体育场地器材等物质设施为辅对盲校体育教育现状展开深入的调查和研究,并且以体育教学为中心,对体育教学所涉及到的一些重点因素进行分析,总结以这三所学校为代表的当前盲校体育教育的现状,探询盲校体育教育中存在的问题,总结盲校体育教育的特殊性,提出与现有问题相对应的一些建议。以期为我国特殊学校体育教育的发展提供一些理论与实践上的参考。通过研究得知:(1)目前京、津、沪三市盲校的学生身体形态较之普通学校的学生要差,对于参加体育活动的态度不够积极,生师比过高,且体育教师接受过特殊教育培训的人数太少,这些都不利于体育教育活动的开展;(2)三市盲校体育教学所涉及的各个因素如教学目标、教学内容、教材与教学文件、教学评价、教学管理等都存在着亟需解决的问题;(3)三市盲校的有关领导对体育教育工作的重视程度不够,且相关管理工作者与体育教师在影响体育教育工作开展的因素上的认知不一致,影响了盲校体育教育工作的顺利进行;(4)三市盲校的体育场地与器材情况以及科研工作的开展情况都不容乐观,需要进一步改善。

【Abstract】 With the improvements in humanitarian standards, society is increasingly concerned with the education of disabled people. Generally speaking, scientific research into the care and education of disabled people is still in its infancy. Because of the lack of research and knowledge in the past, the education reform of the school for the blind is far behind those of regular high school and grade school. As a result, the development of the education for the blinds remains in a disadvantageous position in this new century. This paper’s research focuses on the current status of the education for the blind, by using the current physical education with the blind schools in Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai for its researching targets. This research utilizes the education system of the regular schools, with physical education and after-school activities (outside of class activities、training and competition activities, etc.) as primary data. In addition, the school’s management methodologies and availabilities of facilities were also used as secondary data points. The goals of collecting and analyzing these data are multifold: first, to accurately depict the current situation of the school for the blind; second, to explore the issues surrounding the education of disabled people; and lastly, to provide some practical recommendations in resolving the issues of improving the schools of disabled people.Through this research of three cities, we discovered that: 1) the physiques of the students in the blind schools are in poorer shape than those of the normal schools, furthermore, they are also less motivated to participate in physical activities. 2) The various elements of the physical education program such as objective, content, facilities, and management style all required various levels of revamping. 3) The leadership of these three cities does not think the educational issues are of sufficient importance to require their undivided attention, and the management and faculty team both have various levels of understanding on how to improve disabled education, thus impacted the mechanisms of the school’s operations. 4) The three cities’facilities and development of scientific research cannot be described as optimistic, and require further improvements.

  • 【分类号】G812.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】297

