

The Teaching Actuality on Gym General Lesson of Henan Colleges PE Department

【作者】 高春明

【导师】 郑吾真;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 体操普修课作为体育专业的主干课程,对学生专业知识的形成与发展,对全面培养和提高学生能力起着非常重要的作用。在新世纪里,随着实施素质教育的全面推进、全民健身计划的深入开展与普及、健康第一指导思想的贯彻以及终身体育思想的提出,社会对体育人才的培养赋予了更多新的内容,提出了更高、更新的要求。鉴于这一客观现实,近几年来我国体操教学界从更新思想转变观念入手在教学思想、教学模式和教学方法等许多方面进行了改革尝试,并取得了显著成效。本文通过综合运用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法等多种方法,对河南省高等院校体育院系体操普修课教学现状(主要包括教师队伍现状、学生学习状况、场地器材状况、教学方法及教学组织形式等方面)进行了深入细致的调查分析,阐明了发展优势,肯定了成功的经验,指出了存在的问题,并结合高校体育教学改革的实际,提出新形势下促进河南省高等院校体育院系体操普修课教学进一步改革与发展的策略和建议。主要结论如下:1.河南省体育院系体操教师呈现出以中青年教师为中坚力量的良好势态,是一支年轻、充满生机活力、有较大可塑性的师资队伍,符合体育专业学科的特点和实际需要,有利于教学、科研、训练等工作的顺利开展。但年龄、职称结构断层现象严重;学历结构单一,硕士以上高学历人才偏少,显示我省体操教师群体智能结构亟待改变;女教师比例偏低,有经验的高学历、高职称教师流失严重,对我省体操教学的改革与发展造成了严重影响。职称、收入、待遇问题得不到解决是影响教师队伍不稳定的主要因素。2.河南省体育院系的学生对体操普修课比较感兴趣,学习动机比较明确,因此,他们的学习态度比较端正。学生上课自然班人数偏多,场地器材不能满足教学的需要。课时数少,体操基础差是影响体操普修课教学质量和效果的主要原因。3.河南省大多数体育院系的体操普修课教学,基本上仍采用传统的教学手段和教学方法,教师使用现代化教学手段和方法整体水平较低,一些较好的教学实验科研成果,没有得到有效的推广和普及。4.学生技能评价缺少具体的内容和标准。应转变思想,改革考试制度与方法,突出技能考核地位,使体操普修课教学从以竞技教学为中心转向以培养学生掌握体操技能教学为中心。5.河南省高等体育院系体操普修课教学,近几年来,虽然存在不足之处,但由于基本指导思想端正,教学目标明确,学校领导重视,评估措施得力,教师业务能力较强,工作态度认真,教学质量及效果较好。并积累了一定的经验,保障了体操教学工作在河南各高等院校体育院系的顺利进行。

【Abstract】 The gymnastics general lesson as the gym special subject trunk curriculum,to specialized information of student formation together with development ,to completely foster is taking the very much significant action with lifing student’s capability .Newly is living century the liner ,in the wake of implementation quality completely carrying forward of education、the entire people improve the health thoroughly launching of sheme together with the popularization、well first implementing of guiding ideology along with proposeeing of lifelong gym idea ,the community adjust the fosteing endowing with even more fresh substances of gym a talented person ,propose talllyer、demand of renewal .In view of this appearance ,close our country of some years gymnastics educations circle through replaces idea are transformd the viewpoint and are begined with at education idea、reformation test together with attempt have been carried on to much respects such as education pattern and education means and so on ,moreover acquire outstanding some results .The original utilizes the literature datum law by means of the synthesis、investigation law、much kinds of means such as mathematical statistics law and so on ,universal fundamental key element state of the education system mended the course to the Henan colleges and universities gym courtyards fasten gymnastics、education process key element state、education effect reaches respects such as main problem that is and so on the diagnosis that to be underway thoroughly meticulous ,moreover unite university gym reform in education practice ,propose to accelerate below the fresh condition Henan colleges and universities gym courtyards to fasten universal the mending course education of gymnastics to reform further tactics and proposal against the development .The main conclusion is as follows :1.The Henan colleges and universities gym courtyards fasten that universal mending of the gymnastics course gymnastics tutor troops present well situation that takes middle young people tutor as nucleus force ,Youngization of the tutor troops age scenes display .They have the well professional work level、well education capability and earnest responsible education bearing .Yet age、job title composition fault appearance is seriously ,record of formal schooling composition unity ,High record of formal schooling a talented person is little with prejudice over the Master , schoolmistress drop at the proportion with prejudice ,Experienced high record of formal schooling、tall job title tutor is washed away gravely ,Save the gymnastics education reformation to come into being the grave effect to me against the development .job title、revenue、the pay problem is not obtain and is resolved is affecing the unsteady main elements of tutor troops .2.The Henan colleges and universities gym courtyards fasten student to be interested in universal mending course of gymnastics study ,Studying the intention comparatively makes definite ,Correct hence studying the bearing .Period the figure is little ,The material in space lack along with student gymnastics base , and to fall short of is affecing the universal main element mending course education quality and the effect of gymnastics .3.The Henan colleges and universities of gym courtyards fasten that gymnastics universally mends the course education ,Yet stay tradition education measure and the means in essentially ,Sluggish more later higher education development total progress ,Gymnastics tutor employs modernize education measure and the means entirety level to let drop .Some better education test scientific research fruit ,Valid popularization and popularization are not obtain .4.Student’s achievement examination means is obsoletely ,The examination yet with student adjust information memory and skill and reaches the standard to give priority to ,The immediate result that such sense of worth causes is that student merely lays stress on information memory and the movement technique achievement ,To gym education capability and community practice capability the fosting deficiency .In the gymnastics course education after being living ,Tutor still ought to strengthen to foster the innovation capability of student ,Theory and practice one another unite capability and community gym work capability .5.The Henan colleges and universities gym courtyards fasten that gymnastics universally mends the course education closer year ,Since the fact that fundamental guiding ideology is correct, the education target is definite , and educational institution leadership values ,Assessing the step gets help from ,Education quality and effect better ,Moreover acquire specified experience ,Safegrard being underway successfuly of gymnastics education .

  • 【分类号】G832
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】336

