

The Investigation and Analysis of the Province of Heilongjiang Practicing Education of the Normal University at the Present Condition

【作者】 金晓明

【导师】 孙平;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 教育实习是师范生在教师指导下,将所学的专业基础知识、基础理论和基本技能,综合运用于中学教育实践,培养从事中学教学工作能力的一门重要的实践性课程。体育教育实习是高校体育教育专业教育实践的中心环节,是体育教育专业课程体系的重要组成部分。近年来,随着市场经济的发展和社会需求发生的巨大变化,师范教育特别是体育教育面临着各种各样的挑战。传统的教育实习模式的弊端日益暴露出来。特别是在中小学全面推进实施的素质教育改革,综合课程改革、活动课程改革等都直接或间接影响着高校的课程设置和培养目标,我们的体育教育专业也是如此。因此我们高校体育教育专业的课程体系和培养目标必须做出适当调整。本文以黑龙江省普通高校体育教育专业的教育实习为研究对象,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、专家访谈法对高校、实习单位、实习生、指导教师、带队教师等五个方面进行研究。通过研究、分析得出以下结论:1.黑龙江省高校体育教育专业的教育实习得到了各高校、实习生和实习单位的高度重视。2.黑龙江省高校体育教育专业的教育实习的时间为6—8周。校内见习的次数为1—2次,时间为3—5周。教育实习的形式以集中实习为主。实习生在教育实习过程中实习的内容单一。教育实习基地的设立不理想,实习基地体育场地、器材不能保证实习生教育实习的需要。教育实习成绩考核没有统一的标准。3.黑龙江省高校体育教育专业的实习生的实践课的编写质量较好;担任班主任工作态度认真;协调人际关系的能力比较强。实习生的业余运动训练能力和对中学基本教材掌握能力比较差。4.对黑龙江省高校体育教育专业的实习生的综合评价中,实习生的工作态度、运动技能、教书育人情况较好,实习生对基本知识、基本理论的掌握和对突发事件的处理能力比较差。5.黑龙江省高校体育教育专业的实习生的动作示范、实践课教学效果、课堂组织能力比较好,而实习生的语言表达能力、教学方法运用能力、保护与帮助能力比较薄弱。实习生对中学体育新课程标准了解不够,有50%的实习生对自己的教育实习感到满意。

【Abstract】 Teaching practice is an important practicing curriculum, and the students of normal school are guided in teacher, applying the professional knowledge, theory and skill. In recent years, along with the development of the market economy and the huge variety of the social need occurrences, the normal education especially the physical education faces the various of challenges, with exposing the disadvantage of traditional education practicing mode, especially pushing forward the education for all-round development reform completely in the primary and junior high school, all direct or the indirect affect the course of the university constitution. Our physical education profession must be developed and adjusted. This paper takes the province of Heilongjiang the common and university practice education as the research object, adopting the document data method, questionnaire survey, mathematics statistic law, the expert interview to the university, department practice, and so on. The conclusion is drawing through the research and analyze:1. The physical education of the university in the province of Heilongjiang got high value in trainee and practice unit.2. The physical education profession of the university is 6-8 weeks in the province of Heilongjiang. The practice times of the school arranged from 1 to 2, continuing for 3-5 weeks. The mode of practicing education focused on concentrated practicing, with the content being monotone. The practicing base and equipment do not enough for practicing students. Achievement examination did not unit in a single standard.3.The province of Heilongjiang trainee’s can fulfill the good quantity of teaching plan, and work attitude is earnest, the ability of the social interaction is stronger moderate, the trainee’s ability of amateur sport and the ability to control the teaching material of the university are worse.4. In the evaluation of the province of Heilongjiang trainee’s work attitude, the sport technical ability, teaching and raising the students are better. however, the trainees are lack of mastering the basic knowledge and theories and dealing with the abrupt affairs.5. The province of Heilongjiang trainee’s action of the physical education profession, fulfillment the lesson teaching result, the classroom organizational skill is better, but the trainee’s language express, teaching method, protection and help ability is weaker. The trainee did not enough to understand the new course standard of the university, there are 50 percent trainees who are satisfied with own education practice.

  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】858

