

Investigating and Analyzing of Implementing 《Student Physical Fitness Standard》 in Beijing High School Student

【作者】 梁建秀

【导师】 周典明;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育训练学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 文章首先剖析了《学生体质健康标准(试行方案)》(以下简称《标准》)的内涵特点;试行的背景;研制背景及其颁布实施对发展素质教育,学校体育工作产生影响,推进学校体育改革的重大意义。根据我国中小学生在形态指标呈继续增长趋势,多项身体素质指标却呈下降趋势,针对这一现状。通过对北京市中学师生、的调查问卷;专家、领导、仪器厂家访谈的情况分析;对国内、国外标准比较分析;看到北京市中学实施过程中有它可取之处以及《标准》在制定和实施中存在许多具体操作问题。同时发现软件、硬件方面存在不足。本文就这些问题进行分析研究,研究现状;《标准》实施中组织实施中;评价标准在《标准》实施过程中发现的几方面问题;测试仪器实施中存在问题;软件系统、网络的上报和反馈情况中存在问题;《标准》贯彻在学校体育教学和体育科研的情况主要结果和结论:第一,《标准》在现阶段中,实践证明它是科学的、合理的,虽然标准存在许多问题,但是目前较好的统一评价标准。第二,北京市中学在实施《标准》的过程中稳步发展,师生转型意识强,领悟快,且不断地影响全国大中小学校对《标准》的实施提供了不少可资借鉴的经验。第三,《标准》测试结果科学、准确,数据分析和统计专业程序处理已经成熟,有助体育科研的发展。第四,《标准》在评价中存在不少问题。第五,《标准》实施过程中也存在软硬件的问题。针对问题提出相应的改进意见和一套可行的模式:建议设置国家体质监控中心和各学校设置测试分析中心,加强组织实施。最终目的:为《标准》的实施更加标准化、科学化、软件化、网络化-信息化管理。加强学生体质健康,促进体育科研,加强体质监测体系、组织网络的基础设施建设,构建多元化体育服务体系也提出了一种新的工作思路和研究方向。对学生体质健康提供网络化、一体化的服务。

【Abstract】 In the thesis, we analyzed essential speciality of <<student physical fitness standard>>, background of trying out of <<student physical fitness standard>> and research background of <<student physical fitness standard>>. Issue for enforcement of <<student physical fitness standard>> makes the meaning to developing essential education, influencing physical fitness work in school and promoting physical fitness reformation. According to investigation, china student’s modal Indexes increase, but its many physical fitness indexes decrease. By investigating teachers and students, visiting specialist, leader and instrument factory and analyzing internal and international standard, the advantage of <<student physical fitness standard>> not only was discovered but also some problem in establishing and implementing <<student physical fitness standard>>. Soft and hard condition in school is not enough to carrying out <<student physical fitness standard>>. Id order to solve the above problem and carry well out <<student physical fitness standard>>, propaganda is intensified; leaders support physical fitness work; correct guide of health is brought up; teaching quality of physical fitness is improved; evaluating standard is perfected; level of physical fitness scientific research is promoted; feedback information of physical fitness scientific research is duly used; quality of instrument is assured and soft system is perfected.Our result is as follow. First. although <<student physical fitness standard>> has some problem to be solved, practice has proved that <<student physical fitness standard>> is scientific and reasonable, and is better evaluation standard. Second, in the process of carrying out <<student physical fitness standard>> in Beijing high school, teachers and students have strongly transformative consciousness and susceptive apperception. They provide much experience for schools and colleges in all country to carry out <<student physical fitness standard>>. Third, carrying out <<student physical fitness standard>> can assist to develop physical fitness scientific research. Fourth, <<student physical fitness standard>> has some problems. Fifth, soft and hard conditions do not satisfy the demand of carrying out <<student physical fitness standard>>. According to existent problems, the improved idea and feasible mode is brought forward, that is, center of national physical fitness supervision is established; center of test and analysis is established in schools and implementing <<student physical fitness standard>> is reinforced. The final aim is to make management of implementing <<student physical fitness standard>> more normative and scientific by network.

【关键词】 体质健康实施现状
  • 【分类号】G633.96
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】546

