

A Research on the Status Quo of Teaching Track and Field Athletics in Post-War Sierra Leone Secondary Schools

【作者】 康泰·安东尼·斯蒂芬

【导师】 张英波;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究通过问卷调查,在调查和研究战后塞拉利昂中学田径教学现状的基础上,分析和讨论发放给中学学生、体育教师以及体育行政管理官员的问卷调查结果,分析和讨论问卷中所反映出的问题,分析和讨论战后塞拉利昂中学田径教学优、劣势及潜力。本研究也提出一些积极的建议,以解决战后塞拉利昂中学田径教学和学习所存在的问题。通过使用文献资料法、专家访谈法,问卷调查法,以及前面所提及的现实情况,研究者得出以下结论:1.塞拉利昂中学大部分的学生,主要以两种方式接受田径运动的学习内容,一种是接受作为体育健康教育部分内容的田径教学,另一种是参加比赛。2.在塞拉利昂体育健康教育大纲中所规定的针对初中和高中的田径方面内容,适合于学生的实际水平。3.在班级间和校际比赛中,将学生分到初级、中级和高级组中,为很多学生参加各种各样的比赛提供了机会,但组织方式还需要与国际田联规则进一步接轨。4.中学教学大纲中田径内容部分所分配的时间太少,这对促进学生参加比赛是不够的。5.缺乏针对体育健康教育教师进行的田径方面的科研,田径对中学生以及塞拉利昂整个社会缺乏吸引力。6.田径考核方式不能充分代表田径的内容。教师很少将考核方式与体育健康教育大纲所规定教学目标或学生学习效果联系起来。大部分笔试考题在内容上缺乏有效性。7.教育科学技术部体育健康教育处,所给予的管理和监督力度极其薄弱。8.塞拉利昂欠缺经过良好训练以及有资历的专业教师,体育健康教育教师的待遇非常低,影响了塞拉利昂中学田径运动的开展。

【Abstract】 Based on the investigation and research through surveying questionnaires about the general condition of Track and Field teaching in post-war Sierra Leone secondary schools, this paper analyses and discusses the results of the above questionnaires administered to secondary school students, sports teachers and administrators, the understanding of the problems that currently exist with the matter in question and the evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages as well as the potential of the secondary schools Track and Field teaching in Sierra Leone. The paper also highlights some positive measures to solve the problems of the secondary schools Track and Field teaching and learning after the war in the country.With the use of relevant reference materials, consultations with experts, target investigations and aiming at the afore-mentioned reality of the matter, the researcher is able to come up with the following conclusions.1. A large proportion of secondary school students in Sierra Leone participate in the teaching and learning of Track and Field either by way of offering the sport as part of the Physical Health Education Programme or taking part in competitions.2. The contents of the Track and Field aspect of the National Physical Health Education Syllabus for both the Junior and Senior Secondary Schools are suitable for the levels they are meant for. The contents are therefore not too much for the three years in the Junior Secondary School and the next three years in the Senior Secondary School. Little wonder then that the students’perform satisfactorily in both the Basic Education Certificate Examination and the West African Senior School Certificate Examinations3. Secondary school students go through local arbitration procedure that categorises them into junior, intermediate and senior athletes for inter-house and inter-secondary school competitions. This makes room for many and varied competitions giving opportunities for many students to participate but with no strict adherence to the IAAF rules.4. There is little time allocated to the Track and Field aspect of the syllabus. There is only one lesson of Track and Field taught per week, which is not enough to develop the students for competitions.5. There is no Track and Field scientific research carried out by the Physical Health Education teachers and so the sport is never made attractive and profitable to the students and the Sierra Leone society as a whole.6. The forms of assessment in Track and Field are mainly classroom multiple-choice written exams given at the end of every term. In these exams, the Track and Field aspect is not adequately represented in the sample of questions drawn. The teachers hardly relate the testing methods to the objectives or learning outcomes of the Physical Health Education Syllabus. The teachers are also faced with the difficulty of using one test to measure the objectives set in the Track and Field aspect and so most of the classroom written test questions lack content validity in both urban and rural schools.7. The management and supervision given by the Physical Health Education Unit of the Ministry Of Education Science and Technology is low.8. There is a partial lack of trained and qualified specialist teachers to effectively handle the Track and Field aspect of the Physical Health Education Programme with sound theoretical as well as practical methods of teaching in order to make the sport interesting for the students. However the quality of track and field teaching employed by the Physical Health Education teachers was satisfactory. Many of the teachers plan their lessons well with clear teaching points to guide improvement. The level of remuneration for the Physical Health Education Teachers is low. Demoralised, frustrated and trying to make ends meet, many of these teachers have to run after their own private business.

【关键词】 塞拉利昂中学田径现状
【Key words】 Sierra Leonesecondary schooltrack and fieldstatus quo
  • 【分类号】G82-4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】154

