

Study on Test of Settling Basin for Oncomelania Snail and Drawing Water in Middle-level Project

【作者】 童凡

【导师】 魏国远;

【作者基本信息】 长江科学院 , 水力学及河流动力学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 血吸虫病是一种严重危害人体健康和生命安全、阻碍社会经济发展的重大传染病。由于血吸虫及其中间宿主钉螺的孳生繁殖环境复杂,血吸虫病和钉螺传播环节多,单一的预防控制措施很难奏效,因此血吸虫病防治需采取卫生、水利、农业、林业等各种措施相互配合,综合治理。水利结合血吸虫病防治(简称水利血防)主要是通过江湖治理、堤防工程、节水灌溉、人畜饮水和小流域综合治理等水利工程,改变钉螺生存环境,防止钉螺孳生扩散,从而达到减少人群感染血吸虫病机率的目的,这也是血吸虫病防治工作的重要组成部分。涵闸(泵站)是调节水位、控制流量的低水头水工建筑物,具有挡水和引(泄)水的双重功能,在防洪、治涝、灌溉、供水、航运、发电等方面应用十分广泛。流动水体是钉螺扩散的载体,引水取水可能带来钉螺的扩散。许多从有钉螺的长江干支流及湖泊洪道引水的涵闸(泵站)使用后出现钉螺向下游扩散。因此必须在这些涵闸(泵站)修建控制性的防螺、灭螺工程,来防止钉螺向下游无螺区扩散,控制血吸虫病的传播。涵闸的水利血防无螺取水工程措施包括沉螺池和中层取水防螺建筑物等:沉螺池是沉集和拦截水流中钉螺的建筑物;中层取水建筑物是避开表层和底层有螺水体,从中层无螺水体取水的建筑物。目前小流量下的涵闸引水阻螺采用沉螺池是较成功的措施,而大流量涵闸的引水阻螺措施还没有达到可推广应用的技术水平,不能全面指导水利血防措施的规划、设计工作。本文对沉螺池设置拦螺墙(包括一道和两道)、设置拦螺坎等进行了大量水槽试验;并利用物理模型研究了沉螺池的水流结构,验证和比较了水槽模拟的效果;针对中层取水也进行了相应试验,优化了取水口消除漩涡的设计。在研究这两种措施的适用条件、阻螺效果、优缺点等问题的基础上,力争补充和完善当前的无螺取水技术。

【Abstract】 Schistosomiasis is a kind of grave infectious disease that will harm human body seriously and slow the development of the society and the economy. As the Schistosome and the snail, which is the middle host of the parasite, breed in very complex circumstance, it is difficult to control, and only taking one measure to prevent it will not be successful. So the prevention and cure need to adopt all sorts of measure including sanitation, water conservancy, agriculture and forestry. Water conservancy project combined with schistosomiasis control include rivers and lakes fathering, embankment engineering, irrigation of saving on water, etc. They change the snail’s survival conditions, avoid snail to diffuse, consequently decrease the crowd infection’s chance. This is very important for schistosomiasis control.Sluice a low water-head building of water power engineering that adjust water level, control water flux, its function including keep off water and draw or discharge water. It is used abroad in prevent flood, control water logging, irrigation, water supply, ship, generate electricity, etc. The flowing water is the carrier when snails diffuse. So the preventing snail project must be built in sluice to control the schistosomiases spread.The preventing snail projects in sluice include the settling basin for oncomelania snail and drawing water in middle-level project. The settling basin can sink and collect snail. Drawing water in middle-level can avoid the snail in the surface and bottom of the water. At the present time the sluices of small flux mostly adopt the settling basin project, the effect is obviously. But the sluices of big flux lack efficient measures.The thesis test the setting of blocking wall in the settling basin (including one and two) and the setting of blocking bank. A physics model is built to study the stream structure in the basin, comparing with the flume simulating. And a great deal of test were done aiming at drawing water in middle-level, optimize the design for eliminate burble on taking water gap. On the foundation of studying on the two project measures for apply conditions, effect of blocking snail, good and bad qualities, the thesis try to reinforce and consummate the technique for sluice water conservancy project combined with schistosomiasis control.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长江科学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 03期
  • 【分类号】TV67
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】55

