

Heterogeneous Data Exchange Design and Realization Based on XML

【作者】 魏文杰

【导师】 刘利民;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着Internet和信息产业的迅速发展,数据量呈现爆炸式的增长,数据库技术得到了广泛的应用。但由于在选择数据处理系统时存在各种差异,使得数据源千差万别,形成了一个巨大的异构数据库环境,如何共享这些异构数据成为人们面临的一大难题。XML技术一经出现就在异构数据交换方面显示了强大的力量,迅速成为一个与平台无关、与厂商无关的数据格式标准,克服了EDI等传统数据交换技术具有的格式不灵活、成本昂贵、交互性差等缺点。本文就异构数据库数据交换问题进行了研究,给出了基于XML实现异构数据库数据交换的较详尽的解决方案,并实现了一个异构数据交换的实例。本文应用XML技术建立了数据交换的模型,采用XML文档作为数据交换的载体,并设计了XML文档格式的交换规则字典作为人机交互的方式,用其与事先定义好的转换规则共同约束转换过程,很好的解决了转换过程中存在的插入异常、结构冲突、语义冲突等问题。论文还建立了数据库结构与XML Schema、数据库数据与XML文档、数据库数据类型与XML Schema数据类型三个方面的映射规则,并提出了“一个表对应一个XML Schema和一个XML文件”的映射规则,简化了XML Schema文档的结构,有效的缓解了由于XML文档过大而带来的解析问题。对转换过程中的大对象数据交换问题和安全问题提出了解决方案,最后利用J2EE的标准环境和JDOM API接口及JDBC驱动完成了异构数据的迁移,最终实现了异构数据库数据交换的目标。本课题来源于教育部“春晖计划”基金项目,经过实际数据的测试,取得了较好的效果。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of internet and information technology in recent years, the data amount is increasing explosively which result in the wide application of database technology. However, that various differences in choosing database processing system lead to the variety of data sources forms a huge heterogeneous database circumstances, so, how to co-share those heterogeneous databases is becoming a challenge to all of us.XML technology, which shows her powerful influence in data exchanging upon her birth, is becoming not only a data format standard irreverent to platform or supplier , but also overcomes those deficiencies of those traditional EDI data exchange technology ,such as inflexibility, high cost, poor interactivity.The following paper explores data exchange of heterogeneous databases, giving a much more detailed solution on achieving heterogeneous according to XML, and also accomplishes a vivid example on heterogeneous database.This essay set up a model on the basis of XML technology, using XML text as a carrier for data exchange, designing a changing regulation dictionary of XML text format as human machine interaction. It solves the problems as error inserting; structure conflicting and meaning conflicting that come up in the exchanging process through an advanced defined exchanging rule to administrate the exchanging process. Besides this, this essay also founds the mapping regulation for three pairs, which are database structures with XML SCHEMA, data of database with XML text, the data type of the database. Third, this essay brings up a mapping regulation which is“a table to a XML SCHEMA and a XML text”, simplifies the structure of XML SCHEMA, and effectively buffers the analysis ability in case of too enormous XML text. Fourth, this paper addresses a solving program on big target data exchanging problems and security issues in transforming process. Fifth, making full use of J2EE standard circumstance, JDOM API outlet and JDBC drive to accomplish the move of heterogeneous database, realizing the goal of heterogeneous database exchanging.This subject comes from the“Spring Plan”, a funds program of Education Department, has achieved great progress through years of practical data test.

  • 【分类号】TP311.10
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】529

