

Study on Sheer Behavior of Concrete Column Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Sheet under Low Cyclic Level Load

【作者】 顾向阳

【导师】 刘曙光;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古工业大学 , 结构工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 有些建筑结构由于设计失误、老化、材料质量缺陷、地震灾害等诸多因素的影响,其功能已不能满足安全、适用、耐久性能的要求。如何充分利用现有结构,使其发挥正常功能,达到经济节约的目的成为目前工程界研究的热点。工程实践表明,在分析研究的基础上对现有不满足功能要求的结构进行针对性加固是解决这一问题的有效途径。目前结构的加固有许多种方法。碳纤维布包裹加固混凝土结构技术近些年在国内外迅速发展,它具有轻质高强、耐腐蚀耐疲劳、施工便捷、不增加加固构件的自重和尺寸等优点,已成为国际混凝土加固技术中的热点。本文对碳纤维布横向包裹加固混凝土柱在低周水平荷载作用下的受力性能进行试验研究。主要开展了以下几方面的工作。1、在考虑碳纤维布的粘贴量、粘贴方式、剪跨比及轴压比等参数的影响,制作两组共12个试件。2、对试验的过程及其破坏形式进行描述。试件的破坏形态主要有剪切破坏、弯剪破坏及弯曲破坏,对导致构件的破坏原因进行分析。3、对试验的数据进行分析处理。绘制荷载-位移滞回曲线,骨架曲线,荷载-应变曲线。分析这些曲线在不同参数影响下的变化规律。随着碳纤维布量的增加,柱的滞回曲线面积增大,曲线由对比试件的捏拢而变得饱满。加固柱子的抗剪承载能力得到提高,柱子的延性性能得到改善。随着轴压比的增大,柱子的抗剪能力增大;随着剪跨比的增大,柱子的抗剪承载力降低。4、分析碳纤维布横向包裹加固混凝土柱抗剪的受力机理。在确定材料本构关系模型的基础上,基于桁架模型推导加固柱抗剪承载力计算公式。与试验数据对比,公式计算结果偏于安全。

【Abstract】 Construction function is unfit for the requirement of safety, applicability and durability because of the effect of many factors of design misplays, aging, material’s quality defeat, earthquake disaster. It has received significant attentions in civil engineering on how to widely using existing structures, performance its normal functions and attaining the economical aim. Based on the research and analysis, strengthening the defeat structure is one effective method for the question.Now, there are many strengthening methods for structure. In recent years, the technology of CFRP confining concrete structure has rapidly developed in international and domestic engineering. It has received extensively attention in civil engineering due to their unique properties, such as high strength-to- weight ratio, good resistance to corrosion and fatigue, convenient to construction, no additional weight and dimension. In this paper, experimental study has been done on confining concrete column’s properties with CFRP under low cyclic loads. The following works have been done:1 Twelve specimens have been made, which considered the parameters influence of the amount of the CFRP, stickup fashion, span ratio and force-axis ratio.2 The failure fashions and experimental performance have been described. The failure fashions have three patterns: sheer destroy, sheer - flexural destroy and flexural destroy. The destroy reasons have been considered in the paper.3 Based on the experimental date analysis, hysteretic curves of load-displacement, skeleton curve and load-stress curves have been given to investigate the transformation rules of those curves under the influence of different parameters. With the adding of CFRP amount, the area of hysteretic curves becomes bigger and chubbier and there is a remarkable improvement in sheer capability and ductility of the concrete column confined with CFRP. With the force-axis ratio adding, the sheer capability of the confined columns has an improvement. But the sheer capability of the confined columns becomes lower with the decreasing.The mechanism of the concrete column confined with CFRP has been studied in this paper. According the material relationship of strain-stress, a reasonable shear capability design formula is presented based on the typical truss mode. Compared with the experimental dates, the calculating results are safety, and can be referenced in engineering practice.

  • 【分类号】TU375.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】222

