

Organized Crime and Its Prevention and Cure

【作者】 周世勇

【导师】 高跃先;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 法律, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 有组织犯罪与毒品犯罪、恐怖主义活动被并称为当今世界三大灾难性犯罪,是当代国际社会普遍关注的热点问题。有组织犯罪已严重威胁到各国政治、经济、文化和社会的发展,成为世界公害和全人类面临的一个共同课题。本文拟对有组织犯罪的概念、起源与发展、成因与趋势、防治对策等方面进行初步的探讨,提出自己粗浅的见解,供理论界和实务部门参考。本文共分四个部分:在第一部分是有组织犯罪的界定。由于各国的政治、经济、文化、社会背景不同,有组织犯罪的表现形式也各不一样,研究的角度不同,因此,各国甚至一国的有组织犯罪定义不尽相同。本文在总结中外学者关于有组织犯罪概念的基础上,从犯罪学的角度,认为有组织犯罪应界定为三人以上故意实施的一切有组织的共同犯罪活动。考虑到当前我国打击有组织犯罪的实际需要,以及为了与其它国家、地区和国际组织的有组织犯罪概念取得相对的一致,本文所探讨的有组织犯罪,主要是指黑社会性质组织犯罪和黑社会犯罪。在第二部分是有组织犯罪的起源与发展。选取意大利、美国和中国等三国有组织犯罪的起源和发展形态作为材料,对其进行分析。这些国家中的有组织犯罪代表了不同政治、经济、文化、历史背景中有组织犯罪的历史渊源,具有典型意义。了解这些犯罪组织的历史渊源及其发展,对于我们进一步认识有组织犯罪以及认识当代中国内地有组织犯罪十分必要。在第三部分是分析当前中国内地有组织犯罪的成因及其发展趋势。笔者把有组织犯罪的成因概括为政治、经济、文化等三个方面,并指出在我国社会转型期和世界经济全球化的大背景下,我国有组织犯罪的组织形式将更加复杂和严密,数量上将呈增长之势,质量上必将向典型的黑社会组织犯罪演化,“企业化”、“公司化”趋势显著,区域化、国际化趋势明显。在第四部分是有组织犯罪的防治对策。介绍了境外防治有组织犯罪的经验,并针对我国防治有组织犯罪的对策提出了若干建议。指出我国应在刑事立法、司法、社会治安综合治理和国际合作交流等方面加强工作。

【Abstract】 Organized crime, drugs crime and activities of terrorists’ organization are regarded as the three most serious disastrous crimes. Organized Crime is an issue to which the international society pays close attention. It has endangered many country’s politics, economy, culture and the development of society. It has become a public hazard of the World and a common issue faced the whole mankind. This dissertation intends to initially probe into the definition of organized crime, its origin and development, cause of formation and tendency, countermeasure of prevention and wiping out of organized crime and so on, and propose own superficial view, offering some reference for the field of the theory and the departments of dealing with the crime. The whole dissertation is arranged into four parts:The first part is the definition of organized crime. The forms of gangsterdom crimes vary globally due to the differences of political, economic, cultural and social backgrounds of the countries, and angles of research are different; therefore, the definitions of organized crime in every country or even in a country are not completely the same. From an angle of criminology after summarizing the point of view of Chinese and foreign scholars about the definitions of organized crime. The writer holds that the organized crime should be defined as all the organized co-criminal activities committed- on purpose by the crime organization consisting of three or more members; Considering the practical requirements of cracking down organized crime currently in China, or order to reach relative agreement on the definition with other countries, regions and international organizations, in this dissertation, the probing organized crime mainly refers to gangsterdom crime and crime of gangsterdom property.The second part is the origin and the development of organized crime. The writer chooses the origin and development forms of organized crime in Italia, the USA and China as material and analyses them. The organized crime in these countries represents different politics, economy, cultures, historical background and historical origin of organized crime, which is of typical significance. Learning about the historical origin of these crime organizations and their development is necessary for us to understand further organized crime and realize that there exists organized crime in the inland areas of current China.The third part is analyses of the cause of formation of organized crime in the inland areas of current China and its developing tendency. The writer summarizes the cause of formation of organized crime into three ways; politics, economy, culture and besides points out that in the background of transformation of the society of China and globalization of world-word economy, the features of organized crime are as follows: the organization forms of organized crime in our country will be more complicated and more tight, the number will show an upward tendency, the nature will certainly evolve into gangsterdom crime, the tendency of enterprisization and companyization is remarkable and the trend of regionization and internationalization is obvious.The fourth part is the counter-measures of prevention and control of organized crime. The writer introduces the experience about organized crime overseas and puts forward some proposals against the counter-measures of prevention and control of organized crime in our country, pointing out that our country should enhance criminal legislation, judicature, comprehensive settlements of social security and international cooperation and communication and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】D917
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】310

