

Demonstrational Research on Protecting the Employees’ Rights and Interests in State-owned Enterprises’ Reformation

【作者】 王忠诚

【导师】 周伟;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 法律, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 本文从四川绵阳这一地级市国有企业改革的实证调查入手,对照法律规定与实现状况对国有企业职工权益保障进行了分析评估。针对企业改制中职工民主参与权、经济补偿权得不到应有的尊重,劳动就业权得不到应有的保障、社会保障权得不到应有的落实,提出国有企业改革应坚定不移走法治化道路,并对实现国有企业职工权益的法律保护提出了初步构想。全文共分五个部分。要点如下:引论,主要阐明研究背景和意义,研究的对象,研究的思路结构,研究的方法体系。第一章,国有企业改革中职工的参与权。以案例着手,分析了职工在国企改革过程中的参与地位,论证了工会、职代会等组织的维权缺陷。第二章,国有企业改革中职工的安置补偿权。基于不同企业、地区间国企改革安置补偿标准的较大差异,以及员工持股自愿原则的颠覆倾向,论述了职工经济补偿权益平等保护的重要性及对策。第三章,国有企业改革中职工的劳动权。指出国有企业职工在下岗方面缺乏法律法规予以规范、下岗职工再就业面临三大障碍,着重论证了社会保险制度的立法缺陷。通过实证调查,展示了下岗失业职工生存质量。第四章,从法律视角对加强国有企业改革中职工权益保护提出了框架性建议:消除代理人机会主义,转让决策权由国家权力机关或由其授权企业职工代表大会行使;赋予上级工会对企业改制的有效监督权,摆脱地方政府的绝对制约;承认职工厉害关系人地位,赋予劳动争议可诉性;加大劳动监察力度,全面落实职工社会保障权。

【Abstract】 This paper analyzes and evaluates the state-owned enterprises’ employees’ rights and interests, which is basing on comparing the regulations of law and the reality form investigating Mian Yang city’s state-owned enterprises’ reformation. To such realities: employees’ right of participation and right of compensation in reformation can not get respect, right of obtaining employment have no protection, right of social security have not been put into effect, this paper points out that the reformation of state-owned enterprises should confirmedly take the way of rule by law, and it also presents the elementary conformation of legal protection of realizing the state-owned enterprises’ employees’ rights and interests.This paper includes five parts. Outlines follow: Introduction, it illustrates the background and meaning , conformation and system of measures of research. Chapter 1, employees’ right of participation, it analyzes the employees’ status of participation in reformation and demonstrates the limitations of labor union and labor congress’s protecting employees’ rights and interests. Chapter 2, employees’ right of compensation, basing on different enterprises and different area’s standards of compensation are very different, it addresses the importance of equal protection of employees’ compensation and the countermeasures. Chapter 3, employees’ right of labor, it points that it wants of regulations to regulate the employees’ unemployment, and the unemployed man and woman have three great obstacles when they are looking for another job, and it emphasizes the legal limitation of system of social insurance. And it shows the unemployed man and woman’s living qualities through the demonstrational investigation. Chapter 4, basing on view of law, it presents frame-saw suggestion to enhance the protection of employees’ rights and interests in state-owned enterprises’ reformation: clearing up the opportunism of vicegerents, the right of deciding transfer should be exerted by organization of state power or enterprise’s employees’ congress which is authorized by organization of state power; regulating that labor dispute could be resolved by litigation; enhancing labor supervision and inspection to realize employees’ rights of social security.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】F249.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】590

