

JinShui District Zhengzhou Village Industry Development Pattern and Strategic Research

【作者】 谢卫星

【导师】 刘旗;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 农村与区域发展, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 党的十六大提出全面建设小康社会,而我国人口的70%在农村,农民收入的50%来源于农业。因此,全面实现小康社会,其重点和难点在农村。没有农业的现代化,没有农村的工业化,就难以实现全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标。本文通过调查分析郑州市金水区农村工业发展现状,立足于城郊型农业的显著特点,用全新的理念审视农业发展,逐步探求适宜金水区农村工业实际的发展模式。论文紧紧围绕金水区打造都市农业示范基地的奋斗目标,按照“依托都市,建设农村,服务都市,富裕农民”的总体思路,坚持以加快发展为第一要务,以结构调整为主线,积极推进产业化经营,大力发展农村工业,努力增加农民收入,促进全区农业和农村经济的持续快速发展。本文大体分为五个部分:第一部分提出了本文的目的、意义及所依据的几个经济学基础理论;第二部分对金水区农村工业发展现状及存在的问题进行了分析和探讨;第三部分总结了国外农村工业发展模式及启示;第四部分和第五部分在分析归纳的基础上,提出了金水区农村工业的发展模式、发展战略及对策建议等。

【Abstract】 With 70% of the population in the countryside, whose half of the receivesoriginating from agriculture, the communist party of china has loudly proposed the great concept of the construction of a well-off society. Consequently, the key and difficulties on the rod to the proposed society will be in the countryside. Without the realization of modernization, industrialization in the countryside, the well-off society is impossible for china.Basing on the remarkable characteristic of the suburb agriculture style in JinShui District Zhengzhou, and on the analysis of the present situation of the agricultural industry here, after inspecting the agricultural development of JinShui District with a brand-new idea, this article seeks a suitable development pattern for the agricultural industry in JinShui District. The paper closely revolves to the goal of making the city agriculture demonstration basement, according to the overall principle of "rely on the city, construct the countryside, serve the city, well-off the peseants", taking the acceleration of development as the most important, and the adjustment of the construction as the main line, the paper calls for the positively advancing the industrialized management, vigorously developing the village industry, diligently increasing the peasants’ receive, in order to promotes the overall fast and continuous development of the agriculture and rural economy in JinShui District.This paper mainly contains five parts: the first part comes up with the purpose, significance and several economic theories which serve as the theoretical bases of this paper; in the second section, the author has analyzed and explored the present situation and the existing problems of the agricultural industry in JinShui district; the third part has summarized the progress model and insight of the agricultural industry abroad; basing on the analysis in the fourth and fifth sections, the author has proposed some effective progress models, improving strategies , suggestions for the agricultural industry in JinShui district.

  • 【分类号】F327;F427
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】72

