

Dairy Industry Integration Analysis in Henan Province

【作者】 祝孔顺

【导师】 陈俊国;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 农村与区域发展, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 奶业原来是河南的薄弱产业。近年来,河南省的奶业有了长足的发展,但自2004年以来,奶业市场的价格大战愈演愈烈,在部分地区已经开始出现“奶比水贱”的奇特现象;各地奶牛养殖户收益普遍下降;有的城市郊区几度发生倒奶事件。此外,河南省奶业产业化经营中还存在着产业布局不合理、资源浪费严重,乳品企业和奶农的契约关系不稳定、产业化水平低;加工企业产业集中度低、龙头带动作用差,奶业组织发展滞后、未能发挥纽带作用等问题。这些问题使河南的奶业产业化经营陷入了困境,已经严重制约了河南奶业的健康发展。本文以河南奶业产业化经营为研究对象,采用新制度经济学理论、博弈论等经济学理论,针对河南省奶业产业化经营现状,找出了河南奶业产业化经营中存在的问题,并对问题产生的原因进行了理论分析。最后,结合国内外奶业产业化经营的经验,提出了河南奶业产业化经营的对策。

【Abstract】 Dairy formerly is an unsubstantial industry in Henan Province. These years, the dairy of Henan Province has a long-term and sufficient development, but since 2004, the price competition has got more and more furious, in some part of districts there began to appear a strange phenomena that milk is cheaper than water; The income of the cow breeding families universally decreased; in the countryside of some cities there even happened milk-pour-away event. Furthermore, there exist the problem in Dairy of Henan Province that the master of industry is unreasonably; the candidate is too extravagant; the covenant of contractual of the enterprise of dairy is insecure; the grade of industrialization is low; the concentrative of industry is low; the ability of the enterprise of dairy industry is too bad; the consortium of dairy is lag, it don’t exert the relation function which seriously restrict the further development of dairy industrialization management.This paper just takes dairy industrialization management of Henan as its researching object, and using the New Institutional Economics theory, and the Game theory, aiming at the status quo of dairy industrialization management of Henan Province, has found the problems in the dairy industrialization management, and made a theory analysis of the cause of the problems. At last, combined with experience of the domestic dairy industrialization management, it puts forward the countermeasure of the dairy industrialization management of Henan Province.

【关键词】 河南奶业产业化经营乳品加工业
【Key words】 HenanDairyIndustrializationDairy industry
  • 【分类号】F326.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】177

