

Present Production Situation and Development Strategy of Strong Gluten Wheat in Xinxiang

【作者】 刘经纬

【导师】 陈彦惠;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 农业推广, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 小麦是我国最主要的粮食作物之一,常年种植面积3000万hm~2左右,产量和消费量约占全国粮食总量的1/4。从20世纪90年代中期开始,我国小麦连年丰收,曾一度出现了优质强筋小麦供不应求,而普通小麦大量库存积压、农民增产不增收的局面,严重挫伤了农民生产的积极性。因此,积极发展优质专用小麦生产,是国家和人民利益的需要,是调整农业结构、提高土地利用率、增加农民收入的需要,是提高小麦市场竞争力、满足市场需求的需要。对实现我国小麦生产可持续发展具有重要而深远的战略意义。本研究以新乡市优质强筋小麦发展状况为研究对象,采取实地考察、查阅资料、网上搜索等方法收集相关数据与资料,对调查和收集的数据进行系统分析和研究。运用系统方法,全面分析了目前新乡市优质强筋小麦发展的优势条件和发展状况,剖析了新乡市优质强筋小麦生产存在的问题和原因,在此基础上,提出新乡市优质强筋小麦持续快速发展的对策和措施。1、新乡市发展优质强筋小麦有以下优势条件:(1)新乡市地处黄淮平原麦区中部,具有特殊的地理和气候条件,(2)便利的交通条件和特殊区位优势(3)有雄厚的科研实力和较好的推广体系,(4)政府高度重视,项目政策双带动。2、新乡市优质强筋小麦发展的现状:(1)产业化经营体系基本形成,(2)引进和培育了一批优质强筋小麦新品种,(3)优质强筋小麦加工与销售初具规模,(4)强筋小麦品质明显提高。3、新乡市优质强筋小麦发展存在一些不容忽视的问题:(1)现有品种品质不稳,综合性状好的优良品种不多。(2)宣传指导不够细致,配套栽培技术还不够完善。(3)加工企业龙头带动与品牌效应不凸显。(4)市场服务体系不够健全。针对新乡市优质强筋小麦发展中存在问题,本研究为新乡市优质强筋小麦进一步发展提出以下对策和措施:(1)科学规划、优化布局,区域化、规模化种植优质强筋小麦。实行单品种集中连片种植,做到“千亩成方,万亩连片”,有利于实现优质强筋小麦品种的标准化栽培。(2)加强优质强筋小麦品种的引进、选育和种子繁育工作。(3)进一步研究推广优质强筋小麦高产高效的配套栽培技术。帮助农民科学选用优质强筋小麦品种;组织土肥站做好测士配方施肥;组织机手统一播种;植保部门做好病虫害预报预测,全程跟踪服务;合理运筹肥水,套种地区要杜绝浇灌麦黄水;做好单收、单晒和单储。(4)加强组织管理,实现优质强筋小麦产业化经营。优质小麦产业化经营是一项政策性强、涉及多部门、多环节的系统工程,政府主管部门要加强组织管理和协调。(5)政府高度重视、大力发展小麦加工业,重点扶持龙头企业。

【Abstract】 Wheat is one of the most important crops in our country.And the planted area is about 30 million hectare one year,the wheat production and the consumption is about 1/4 of the total wheat.Since the middle of the 90th20 century peasant get foison in continuous years,but the peasant get much few from the foison for that the high grade wheat they plant can’t get the market need and the common wheat is overstocked,the peasant can not get much more from the foison,for that it frustrated peasant’s positive very much.So positive developing the high grade wheat for special use is the need of the country and the people’s benefit,adjusting the agriculture structure,improving the ground ration,increasing the peasant income,strengthening the competence of the wheat on market and the market.It is a very important stratagem to continuous developing wheat production in our country.Since the 90th20 century the strong gluten wheat was introduced in Xinxiang,the Xinxiang become the well-bred breeding and the producing the strong gluten wheat foundation in our country at present because there have four advantages in Xinxiang:1.It has the special geography and the climate for because it located the middle of the Huang-huai plain wheat area 2.It has the good convenience and the special place.3.It has the strong power on breeding and the better system on the sale.4.The government pays much more attention to it.Present production situation of the strong gluten wheat in agriculture in Xinxiang:1.The industrializing of sate system have been formed.2.A kind of the strong gluten wheat was bred and introduce in.3.It becomes the scale to processing and selling the strong gluten wheat.4.It is obvious to improve the quality of strong gluten wheat.Some matters appearanced during the production of the strong gluten wheat at present that we should face up in Xinxiang,it shows that:1.That the varieties the peasant plant is not stabilization in quality,and the varieties is few in the good comprehensive agriculture characters,2.The propaganda of guidance is not specific,and the right planting methods extend very slowly.3.That the enterprises in machining wheat have not form the huge scale and completely show it’s advantage,4.the system of the market service has not perfect in reality.The artic give the methods and measures in order to develop the strong gluten wheat furthermore:1.The strong gluten wheat should plant in the right place in a large scale through the scientific layout.One variety should planted much big area in a place to realize the standard cultivation of strong gluten wheat.2.We should strengthen introducing in, selecting and breeding the strong gluten wheat.3.We should study and extend the cultivation methods of how to get the high yield and efficiency furthermore.We should select the wheat variety scenically,fertilize after investigate the soil,planting uniform, prevent and cure pests and the diseases in the whole growth,fertilizing in the right time, harvest and storing single.4.We should strengthen the organization and complies the industrialization on strong gluten wheat.5.The government should pay much more attention to developing the enterprises which machining the wheat,and support the biggest enterprise which machining the wheat.

  • 【分类号】F326.11
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】129

