

A Comparative Study on the Publicity System of the Trust of Realty

【作者】 孙兆晖

【导师】 王涌;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 民商法学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 本文以不动产信托公示制度为研究对象,采用比较法方法论的逻辑进路,结合日本、台湾地区、英国及美国等两法系主要国家和地区的不动产登记制度背景,对其不动产信托公示制度进行了比较研究。第一部分对信托公示制度的含义进行了界定,认为适格的信托公示制度应能满足两个条件:第一,具备一套较为固定的信托表征方式,能够让交易第三人知悉信托法律关系部分或全部的构成要素,同时,该信托表征方式具备一定的公信力;第二,在实施信托设立、变更或消灭等信托变动行为时,一般情况下,未经法定方式公示,信托变动不得对抗不知情的交易第三人。本文第二部分从前述两个条件出发,对日本、台湾地区、英国及美国的信托公示制度进行了分别考察,结果发现日本以及台湾地区采取了统一的不动产信托登记制度,英国采取了不完全的土地信托登记制度,而美国则选择了信托标注制度。第三部分与第四部分解释了各立法例上不动产信托公示制度异同的原因。信托法律关系具有对世性,要求建立维护交易安全的制度,因此前述立法例均建立了不动产信托公示制度。但是,由于日本、台湾地区、英国及美国的物权法或财产法上的制度背景不同,特别是各自的不动产登记制度相异,导致了前述不同立法例分别采取了相异的不动产信托公示制度。本文第五部分从降低交易成本的功能角度,评价了前述三种不动产信托公示制度。降低交易成本是维护交易安全的主要途径,从降低交易成本功能上看,日本及台湾地区统一的不动产信托登记制度要优于英国及美国的公示制度,而英美国家之所以能够化解其面临的交易成本困境,是因为其悠久的衡平法传统保障了忠实义务人规范得以有效实施,从而有效制止了受托人的机会主义行为。我国大陆目前的不动产信托登记主要停留在理论探讨与局部实践阶段。从不同立法例选择相应信托公示制度的原因以及降低交易成本两个角度看,我国大陆应于未来的统一不动产登记立法中,依附不动产物权登记制度建立不动产信托登记制度。同时,我国大陆目前的信托登记实践也存在诸多需要完善之处。

【Abstract】 This dissertation attempts to make a comparative study on the publicity system of the trust of realty among main nations and district in civil and common law system, including Japan, Taiwan, England and America.Part One defines the conception of the publicity system of trust. The qualified publicity system of trust must possess two main characteristics. Firstly, there must be some steady exterior modality of trust, which can disclose part or whole elements of trust relationship. Meanwhile, the disclosure of trust is reliable as it is endowed by law with credibility. Secondly, in a general way, the parties of the trust can not defend against the claims of the third party with the establishment, modification or termination of the trust, unless they have been published. Through the aforementioned characteristics or requirements, Part Two probes into the publicity system of trust of realty in Japan, Taiwan, England and America. The production of research is that all the foregoing nations and district have established the publicity system of trust of realty, with the registration system of trust of realty both in Japan and Taiwan, the incomplete registration system of trust of land in England, and earmark system of trust in America.Part Three and Part Four make explanation of the similarities and differences of three kinds of publicity systems of trust of realty. The trust relationship can bind not only the parties of trust but also the third parties in the transaction, which make it necessary to protect the transaction security. Therefore, publicity system of trust of realty was established in all of foregoing nations and district. However, as concrete institutions in real right law or property law are different, especially in aspect of realty registration systems, corresponding publicity system was adopted in different nations and district.Part Five estimates aforementioned publicity systems of trust of realty with the function criterion of reducing transaction cost. Reducing transaction cost is main approach to protect transaction security. From the aspect of economical analysis we find that the uniform registration system of trust of realty in Japan and Taiwan is more efficient than publicity systems in England and America. However, it must be pointed out that England and America can solve the puzzledom incurred by transaction cost. The reason is that Equity has been insuring the performance of fiduciary’s duty of loyalty, which effectively prevents fiduciary’s opportunism conduct.The existing publicity of trust of realty in China is mainly about theoretical study and local practice. From the aspect of the institutional basis of corresponding publicity system and the function of reducing transaction cost, the dissertation suggests that China should establish publicity systems of trust of realty adhering to uniform realty registration system in future. Of course, the practice of registration of trust of realty needs improving on.

  • 【分类号】D912.28
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】402

