

【作者】 李来安

【导师】 杨秀清;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 鉴定作为解决民事案件中专业性问题的制度性措施,其重要性在民事诉讼中越来越多的得到彰显。但遗憾的是我国目前的法律法规目前对之还没有形成一种系统性的规定,这带来的必然性结果便是司法实践活动无法可依,不仅鉴定明辨是非还原事实真相的功能得不到发挥,还间接导致法院的错误裁判。因此,对我国民事诉讼中的鉴定制度进行研究,理顺我国有关民事诉讼中鉴定的各项法律法规,构建一套科学合理的鉴定制度迫在眉睫。本文以民事诉讼中鉴定制度的基本概念为切入点,在对中外类似立法进行纵向比较的基础上,探讨我国民事诉讼中鉴定制度的基本理论问题,具体而言分为如下四章:第一章民事诉讼中鉴定制度的概述。概括性的对民事诉讼中鉴定制度的概念进行了表述,同时认为民事诉讼中的鉴定制度融合了实体和程序两方面的规定,是一套科学性很强的操作规则,及而对几个类似的概念:司法鉴定、刑事诉讼中的鉴定、专家辅助人,进行了辨析,以期本文的读者对民事诉讼中的鉴定制度有一个全面准确的理解掌握,也为后面对民事诉讼中鉴定制度进行深入的探讨奠定基础。第二章鉴定主体制度。鉴定主体即鉴定人是鉴定制度的核心,鉴定活动从展开到结束都离不开鉴定主体的参与。本部分围绕着鉴定人的资格、鉴定人的权利义务、鉴定人的法律责任三个方面展开,在分析比较大陆法系和英美法系国家做法的基础上,探讨两大法系之间有关此问题立法差异的原因,进而指出我国现行立法在这三方面存在的不足,结合我国的具体国情提出适宜于我国的鉴定主体制度。第三章鉴定的基本程序。鉴定人的鉴定活动直接决定着鉴定结论的科学性和客观性,一套完善的鉴定实施程序对获得正确的鉴定结论至关重要。本部分首先论述了鉴定人的选任程序,接着对鉴定人实施鉴定鉴定活动应当遵循的程序性规则进行了阐述,并就鉴定实施阶段存在的重复鉴定现象进行了研究,认为重复鉴定制度存在有一定的合理性,建议限制而非取消重复鉴定制度。第四章鉴定结论制度。鉴定结论自身的特点决定了其可以成为一种独立的证据类型,鉴定结论对查明案件中专业性问题的重要性和鉴定结论内容的专业性决定了对鉴定结论的审查判断乃至采纳必须是严谨和审慎的。所以本部分在探讨鉴定结论的证据属性之后,对鉴定结论审查判断的内容及方式进行了研究,提出了完善我国鉴定结论审查判断制度的建议。

【Abstract】 In recent years, cases relating to the special field problem spring up in large amount. Appraisement, a measure that dealing with the problems ,becomes more and more important. But, what a pity ,the legislation of our country has not carried out any regulation on appraisement. as a result, the appraisement of our country reveals out a lot of problem. Therefore, Imperative reformation will be needed. Well, the purpose of this article is to give any suggestion to the reformation. There are four chapters to expound this problem:Chapter one :In this chapter, I’ll give you a general statement of appraisement of our country and help you distinguish several similar concept .While you read it ,you will understand what appraisement is ,you will get a clear impression of it, so please read it carefully now. when you finish ,you will be interested in it.Chapter two: In this section ,I’ll talk about the expert witness, who is able to solve the problem involved the case. His rights and duty are all my topic. You can learn how the expert witness dose his work and what he can get form his work. You will agree that the work of the expert witness is very special. As the appraisement is a important factor of civil procedure ,how and what expert witness dose will greatly affect the judgement. So if he break the rule ,he must be punished.Chapter three is about the procedure .I’ll tell you how to choose a appropriate expert witness and the rule he must obey when he dose experiment. It is know to us that appraisement is an activity that only a person who have special experience can do, so we should take action to confine the act of expert witness. Even, the repeated-appraisement will be referred to. I’ll express my idea about how to access this phenomenon. Chapter four is the focus of this paper. In this part ,I’ll discussed the expertise ,which is a legal proof according to our civil procedural law. It is the offspring of the action of appraisement. By its help, the judge will get the truth of the case and make a fair judgement. But not every expertise could be adopted as a proof, because there may be something wrong with it. So it must has been checked before being handed in court. This chapter will tell how to test the expertise.

【关键词】 鉴定人重复鉴定鉴定结论
【Key words】 expert witnessrepeated-appraisementexpertise
  • 【分类号】D925.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】171

