

The Constitution of the China Small and Medium Enterprise Cartel Exemption System

【作者】 崔雪松

【导师】 刘继峰;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 经济法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 中小企业在繁荣本国经济、增加就业机会等方面发挥的重要作用使其越来越受到各国的普遍关注,越来越多的国家在其反垄断法豁免制度中规定了中小企业的卡特尔豁免,而且还在进一步完善其豁免程序。改革开放时间尚短的中国,由于历史和经济体制的原因,使中小企业长期处于弱势地位。随着社会主义市场经济体制的不断深化和全球经济的进一步一体化,我国也应认识到中小企业的发展在出口创汇、繁荣市场、创建公平竞争市场的重要作用。本文力图通过对国外中小企业卡特尔豁免制度的介绍与分析以及对我国现阶段中小企业发展状况的阐述,为我国正在制定的反垄断法中的豁免制度提供中小企业卡特尔豁免的原则、体例、实体及程序方面的建议。除去引言和结论外,本文正文共分三个部分:第一部分:中小企业卡特尔豁免地位、豁免的理由及意义。该部分首先通过对中小企业在经济发展中的作用的评价,引出了中小企业卡特尔在反垄断法中应当享有的豁免地位;接着分析了中小企业卡特尔豁免地位的理由;最后,指出了中小企业卡特尔豁免在反垄断法的中的意义。第二部分:我国建立中小企业卡特尔豁免制度的必要性。该部分首先指出了我国中小企业在发展中存在的问题,引出了通过中小企业卡特尔豁免的方式解决这些问题的可能性;然后指出了我国现有法律对中小企业卡特尔保护和规制的情况并进行了分析;最后阐述了我国建立中小企业卡特尔豁免制度的必要性。第三部分:我国中小企业卡特尔豁免制度构想。该部分首先界定了在我国中小企业的含义,然后从中小企业卡特尔豁免制度的体例、原则、实体及程序四个方面为我国正在制定的反垄断法提出建议。

【Abstract】 The small and medium enterprise is playing a more and more important role in prospering nation economic and increasing the employment opportunities. More and more counties have put more attention on it and added the small and medium enterprise cartel exemption system into Anti-monopoly law. Furthermore, they are busy with the small and medium enterprise cartel exemption procedure recently. It is a very short time after the Reform in China. Because of the history and the economic system problems, the small and medium enterprise is placed in the minority position over a long period of time. Along with the development of socialism market economy and the integral of the whole world economy, we should realize the important role of the small and medium enterprise in improving foreign exchange, prospering our nation economic and creating faire competition market. By expatiating the small and medium enterprise cartel exemption system in foreign counties and the situation of the small and medium enterprise in China, this paper try to afford the system, the principle, entity and procedure of small and medium enterprise cartel exemption system for the China Anti-monopoly law under-prepared.Except the preface and the conclusion, this text is divided into three parts:Part one: the status, the reason of it’s status and the meaning of the small and medium enterprise cartel exemption system in the Anti-monopoly law.According to appraise the function of the small and medium enterprise in economic development, this paper figured out the status of the small and medium enterprise in cartel exemption system. Furthermore, this paper analyzed the reason of the small and medium enterprise getting the status and the meaning of it as well.Part two: the importance of creating the China small and medium enterprise cartel exemption system.By figuring out the problem of the small and medium enterprise in development, this part indicated the probability for the small and medium enterprise to resolve it. Moreover, it introduced the situation of the protection for the small and medium enterprise from law. At last, this part point out the importance of creating the China small and medium enterprise cartel exemption system.Part three: the constitution of the China small and medium enterprise cartel exemption system.Firstly, this part defined the small and medium enterprise in China.Then, this paper provided suggestion to our Anti-monopoly law which is under-prepared, from the system, view of principle, entity and procedure of designing the small and medium enterprise cartel exemption system.

  • 【分类号】D922.294
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】243

