

【作者】 叶洁汝

【导师】 郑俊果;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 经济法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 电力产业由于其自身的技术经济特征,过去一直被认为是自然垄断产业,因此,世界各国对其都实施了垂直一体化垄断的经营体制。然而,随着市场经济的发展、经济学及科学技术水平的提高,人们的认识发生了变化:电力产业只是输电和配电环节仍然具备自然垄断性,而发电和售电环节并不具备自然垄断性,后者完全可以引入竞争。于是,很多国家对其电力产业进行了市场化改革。不同的国家立足本国国情,采取了不同的市场化运营模式及其监管制度。我国如何在电力产业市场化改革中,针对我国电力产业市场化改革的现状,借鉴他国的经验并找到并完善适合自己国情的电力产业市场化模式及其相应的监管制度体系,是本文论述的重点。文章分为三个部分进行论述,其中:第一部分主要介绍了电力产业市场化改革的理论与实践。主要通过电力产业市场化改革基本理论中电力产业运行的基本原理、电力产业与自然垄断、电力产业市场化改革的模式的比较分析得出选择电力产业市场运营模式的决定因素。通过中外电力产业市场化改革实践中英国、美国、日本以及我国电力产业市场化改革的实践得出,建立和完善电力产业市场化运营中的监管制度体体系,是电力产业市场化改革的基本保障。第二部分主要论述分析了电力产业市场化改革中的政府监管。主要通过电力产业市场化改革中,美国加州电力危机中政府监管制度的辨析、自然垄断行业政府监管的必要性辨析论证电力产业市场化改革中政府监管的必要性。通过对电力产业市场化改革中澳大利亚、新西兰电力产业市场化中政府监管制度的辨析、澳新两国电力产业市场化运营中政府监管制度的启示,归纳出电力产业市场化运营的监管模式主要有两种:一是非独立的——政监合一的监管模式、二是独立的电力监管模式。第三部分主要是我国电力产业改革监管体制的完善。针对我国电力产业改革监管体制概况及我国电力监管法律规范的现状分析论证了完善中国电力产业监管的法律制度体系迫切性,进而围绕我国电力产业监管体制的目标保障电力系统安全、稳定运行,实现电力产业经营的有效竞争,实现电力产业的可持续发展,提出我国电力产业监管制度体系的构架,具体内容包括:建立我国的电力价格监管制度、完善我国电力调度的监管制度、实行电力产业市场准入监管制度、建立电力监管的信息公开制度、完善我国电力监管的法律体系。

【Abstract】 Because of its technological and economic characteristics, electricity had been regarded as a natural monopoly industry for a long time and used a monopoly institution for its operation. With the development of economic theories and technology, people realize, that there is only some fields of electricity industry exist natural monopoly, the other fields can exist competition. Many countries begin the reform of electric market. They take different models of drawing competition in the fields of electricity produce and sale, based on their different background. It is a complex course that we how to find a fine model of electricity reform for our country through taking lessons from other countries.There is a new opinion of the function of regulation in the reform of electricity, which is benefited from the theories and practices. It is not right that simply drawing competition and relax regulation during the course of the reform. At the same time, to establish a new regulation system is a right choice. The task of regulation is heavier at the beginning of the reform than before. The regulation practice of Australia and New Zealand show, independent regulation according to the law is important to the reform of electrics market.The goal of the electricity regulation is to keep the electric system operating safely and stably, to realize the effective competition of the electric system operating and to realize the continuous development of the electric industry.Although China had set up Electricity Regulatory Committee and established Electricity Regulation and set up the comparative independent electricity regulation system, there are some many problems influence the realization of the goal of electricity regulation. How to improve the electricity regulation system and realize the goal of electricity regulation through taking lessons from other countries and based upon the background of China becomes an important issue.

  • 【分类号】F426.61
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】385

