

Analysis on Chinese Legislation Enforcement Mechanism of Public Participation in Environmental Protection

【作者】 张兰

【导师】 王灿发;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 法律的生命在于它的实行。公众参与环境保护立法能否实现其立法目的,真正为公众参与提供法律保障,取决于其能否得到有效的实施。公众参与环境保护立法实施机制正是立法得以全面、有效实施的重要保障。然而,现有公众参与环境保护立法实施机制存在的问题却已使得其无法为公众参与环境保护立法的实施提供有力的保障。故此,本文以公众参与环境保护立法实施机制为对象,探讨健全的公众参与环境保护立法实施机制的构建。论文在对公众参与环境保护立法及其体系构成、公众参与环境保护立法实施机制界定的基础上,对我国公众参与环境保护立法的规定进行了梳理,重点分析了现有实施机制的现状,虽然其在程序、制度、体制以及公众参与能力建设上有所构建,但是却存在较多问题,体现为忽略理论基础,指导原则不明确;缺乏专门的程序立法,现有程序规定存在较多缺陷,无法为公众参与环境保护立法的实施提供完善的程序保障;虽然环境信息公开制度、法律监督制度有所构建但不完善,法律责任制度和法律救济制度缺失;执法和司法体制存在的问题制约着公众参与环境保护立法在执法与司法环节的实施;公众参与能力建设不足,缺乏公众基础保障。构建健全的公众参与环境保护立法实施机制,应该针对公众参与环境保护立法实施机制存在的问题,从这五个方面的问题入手,包括:确立利益衡平的理论基础,明确环境利益优先原则和权力——权力制衡原则;程序方面,制定专门的程序立法,明确公众参与的具体形式及其程序,建立公众意见的反馈机制;制度方面,完善环境信息公开制度和法律监督制度,构建法律责任制度和法律救济制度;在执法体制上,健全环境执法体制、消除地方保护主义、赋予强制执行权和完善执法责任规定,在司法体制上,针对司法地方化,改革司法机关的人事和财政体制,加强对司法机关的监督;在公众参与能力建设方面,加强环境意识的宣传教育,培育公众的参与权利意识,促进公众参与有效组织体制的形成以及完善公众参与的环境保护奖励制度。

【Abstract】 Life of the law lies in its enforcement. Whether the legislation of public participation in environmental protection could realize its legislative purpose and could really provide legal guarantee for public participation depends on whether the legislation could be effectively enforced. Legislation enforcement mechanism of public participation in environmental protection is just the important safeguard of the comprehensive and effective enforcement of the legislation. However, the existent problems of the existing legislation enforcement mechanism have made the mechanism not to provide the powerful guarantee for the enforcement of the legislation. So, taking the legislation enforcement mechanism of public participation as the study object, the paper discusses the construction of the sound legislation enforcement mechanism of public participation.On the base of defining the legislation of public participation in environmental protection, its system structure and the legislation enforcement mechanism of public participation in environmental protection, the paper hackles Chinese provisions of the legislation of public participation, analyzes the present situation of the existing enforcement mechanism. The mechanism has have some construction on procedure, institution, system and public participation capacity building, but there exists many problems, including: ignores the theory base and the guiding principles are indefinite; lacks special procedure law, the existing provisions of procedure have many defects and can’t provide the perfect procedure safeguard for the legislation enforcement; the environmental information publishing system and the legal supervision system are imperfect, lacks the legal liability system and the legal relief system; the existent problems of the system of law enforcement and judicature restricts the legislation enforcement in law enforcement and judicature; public participation capacity building is deficient and lacks the safeguard of public base. To construct sound legislation enforcement mechanism should aim at these problems, starts with perfecting these five aspects, including: establishes the theory base of interest balance and nails down the principle of environmental interest prior and the principle of power-right checks and balances; on the procedure, makes the special procedure law, nails down the concrete form and procedure of public participation, sets up the feedback mechanism of the public opinions; on the institution, improves environmental information publishing system and legal supervision system, and constructs legal liability system and legal relief system; on the system of law enforcement, improves the environmental system of law enforcement, eliminates regional protectionism, endows enforcement powers and improves the responsibility of law enforcement, and on the system of judicature, aiming at the regional protectionism in judicature,reforms the system of judicial personnel and finance,strengthens the supervision to the judicial body; on the public participation capacity building, reinforces propaganda and education of the environmental consciousness, cultivates the participation right consciousness of the public, promotes the forming of effective organizational system of public participation, and perfects incentive system of public participation in environmental protection.

  • 【分类号】D922.68
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】427

