

Disquisition on Civil Trial by Default Institution

【作者】 魏志波

【导师】 常英;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在民事诉讼中,缺席审判制度是指在一方当事人缺席的情况下,法院依法对案件进行审理并做出判决的制度。缺席审判制度是我国民诉法学界以往关注不多的一个制度,近来这一制度才逐渐引起学者们的注意。我国民事诉讼法上没有成型的缺席审判制度,关于缺席审判的几条规定不仅立法技术粗糙而且存在严重的缺陷。审判实践中这一制度运用得不多,没有发挥其应有的功能和作用,而且对整个民事诉讼实务产生了一系列消极影响。一个国家的缺席审判制度在一定程度上反映了该国的诉讼模式和诉讼价值取向。与经济发展和社会的进步相适应,我国的民事审判方式改革已进行多年,虽然改革进展缓慢、困难重重,但原来的强职权主义吸收当事人主义因素已是大势所趋。在强职权主义吸收当事人主义因素的过程中,缺席审判制度作为民事诉讼中无法省略掉的一项制度也必须进行相应的调整和完善,否则不仅这一制度本身失去意义,而且会影响到审判方式改革这一系统工程的顺利进展。因此,加强对缺席审判制度的研究有其重要的理论和实务价值。本文一共有6个部分。引言:概述了缺席审判制度的必要性、我国缺席审判制度的现状以及本文的行文思路。第一章:缺席审判制度概述。在这一章中介绍了缺席审判制度的含义、功能和历史沿革。各国立法中缺席审判的外延有宽有窄,本文要讨论的缺席审判在缺席的主体上和情形上外延都比较宽泛。缺席审判制度在民事诉讼中有着非常重要的功能,因此这一制度无法省略而且必须加以完善。从缺席审判的历史沿革中可以看到该制度发展的客观规律,从而为我国缺席审判制度的完善提供历史经验。第二章:缺席审判制度的法理分析。这一章分析了一系列现代民事诉讼原理与缺席审判制度的关系。民事诉讼原理是民事诉讼制度构建的基石,完善我国缺席审判制度也必须与现代民事诉讼原理相适应。这一章还对两种缺席审判模式进行了评析,在此基础上得出结论,构建一国的缺席审判制度时应该兼采两种模式的长处以达到最佳效果。第三章:缺席审判制度的比较法研究。在这一章中首先通过对各国缺席审判制度的介绍与评析为我国缺席审判制度的完善提供外国的经验,然后分析了我国缺席审判制度的特点、缺陷及消极影响,以便改革时对症下药。第四章:我国缺席审判制度的完善。在这一章中首先明确了完善我国缺席审判制度的指导思想,然后是完善我国缺席审判制度的具体设想。结语:总结本文的研究内容和主要观点

【Abstract】 In civil litigation, trial by default institution should be prescribed as a legal institution with which the court hear and adjudge a case when one party defaults. Trial by default institution was poorly concerned by Chinese civil procedure law science theory circle in the past, and it has caught the scholars’regards recently. There is not decent trial by default institution in Chinese Civil Procedure Law, and the defections of the several rules on trial by default lead to poor operation in practice and some negative influence on the civil litigation practice. The trial by default institution materializes the style and the value choice of a country’s litigation in some degree. In concert with economy development and society progress, our civil judicial reform has been carried on for many years. Although the reform goes on slowly facing much difficulty, the super bureaucratic legalism adopting elements of party autonomy is the direction. During this course, trial by default institution as a necessary part of civil litigation must be adjusted and perfection too, otherwise it will be an insignificant institution damaging our civil judicial reform. Accordingly, it’s very important to study the trial by default institution both in theory and in practiceThis article divides into six partsIntroduction: this part states the necessity of trial by default institution and the actuality of this institution in China briefly, including the skeleton of this article. Chapter one: Summarization of trial by default institution. This chapter account for the meanings, function and developing history of trial by default institution. The definition of trial by default covers various extensions in legislations of different countries. The trial by default institution in this article covers a wide confine concerning both defaulters and condition of default. Trial by default institution has very important function in civil litigation, so it is an obbligato institution requiring perfection. We can conclude the development rules of trial by default institution from its evolution providing history experience for the perfection of our trial by default institution.Chapter two: Analysis on the theory base of trial by default institution. This chapter analyzes the connection between some modern civil litigation principles and trial by default institution. Civil litigation principles are the base of civil litigation institution, and our trial by default institution must acclimatize itself to modern civil litigation principles for purpose of perfection. In this chapter, there are also comments on the two basic modes of trial by default and a conclusion upon the comments that picturing a trial by default institution should concurrently adopt advantages of the two modes.Chapter three: trial by default institution exploration of the Contrastive Method. This chapter provides foreign experience for our perfection work by the review and comment on the trial by default institution of several countries at first, and then analyzes the characteristic、defections and negative effect of China trial by default institution clearing the problems to solveChapter four: the perfection of China trial by default institution. This chapter ascertains polestar for the perfection of our trial by default institution in the first place, and then pictures the details of the perfection Conclusion: Sum up the total achievement and main standpoint of this article

【关键词】 缺席缺席审判法理现状完善
【Key words】 DefaultTrial by defaultTheory baseActualityPerfection
  • 【分类号】D925.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】297

