

Study on Physician’s Duty of Disclosure

【作者】 罗秀

【导师】 蒲川;

【作者基本信息】 重庆医科大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 医师的说明义务来源于英美法中的“Informed Consent”理论。按照布莱克法律词典的解释,“Informed Consent”的含义为:医师在对患者实施手术等医疗行为时,首先要针对向患者提出的医疗处置方案,就其风险以及其它可以采取的措施等做出详细的说明,并在此基础上得到患者的同意。在美国法上称为“告知后同意”,我国台湾地区称为“医师的说明义务”,日本则为“医师的说明与患者的同意”,在我国一般称作“知情同意”。严格来讲,“Informed Consent”包括了告知(说明)和同意两层含义,在法律上这是两个不同层次但又密切相关的概念。“说明”是“同意”的前提和基础,说明义务的履行与否决定了患者同意的有效性;“同意”的基础是“知情”,而“知情”的途径就是医师“说明义务”的履行。医师的说明义务理论主要是在美国的判例中形成与发展,在美国、德国、日本以及我国台湾地区都有着比较成熟的理论,学说和研究也比较多。而在我国,对该理论的研究多以“知情同意”为内容,着重关注患者知情权的实现,忽略了对医师的说明义务的研究。因此,本文试图以“医师”为研究视角,对“说明义务”进行研究。本文研究的内容主要包括:医师的说明义务的一般理论、说明义务的内涵及违反说明义务的民事法律责任。在研究方法上,主要采用比较法的方法,结合美国、德国的理论和判例进行研究。以民法说明义务的一般理论为基础,参考美国法和德国法的相关理论,对医师说明义务的理论背景、法律体系及内涵进行比较研究。最后结合我国的法律,对违反说明义务的民事法律责任进行分析,进而提出建议和意见。

【Abstract】 The word“physician’s duty of Disclosure”originates from the theory of“Informed Consent”in the common law. According to the Black law dictionary, it is meaning doctor must make detailed explanations to the patients, such as the risks, results and obtain the patient’s agreement before performing medical procedures. It is called“Informed consent”in America law,“physician’s duty of disclosure”in Taiwan,“physician’s explanation and patient’s agreement”in Japan. In our country it is often called“knows the circumstances of matters and agrees”. Strict says,“Informed Consent”includes explanation and agreement that is different and connected concepts in the law.“Explanation”is the premise and foundation of“agreement”, decides the validity of the patient’s agreements. Understanding is the foundation of agreement, which rely on the doctor’s explanation.Physician’s disclosure theory roots in the legislative precedents in American. There are advanced legislative visualizations and doctrines in America, German, Japan as well as Taiwan. But in our country, researches are most based on the theory“knows the circumstances of the matter”, emphatically pay attention to the patient’s right and neglect the physician’s duty of disclosure. Therefore, the article tries to research on“the duty of disclosure”, takes the physician as the research angle of view, use the method of comparison test.Contents of this article mainly includes: the general theory and implications of“the physician’s duty of disclosure”, physician’s explanation theory in the comparison law, as well as the legal liability in civil law. Finally, analysis the legal liability in the domestic law, and puts forward the proposal to the judicial practice.

  • 【分类号】R192.3
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】223

