

Clinical Studies on Children’s Bronchial Asthma in Catabasis Treated with Fang Xiao Granule

【作者】 曲晓红

【导师】 邢向晖;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医儿科学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:本文旨在从理论及临床方面对儿童哮喘缓解期的病因病机和防治方药进行系统观察与探讨,寻求儿童哮喘缓解期的有效防治药物,探讨防哮药物的疗效机理。方法:将90例哮喘缓解期儿童随机分为3组,分别给予防哮颗粒(中药治疗组)及固本咳喘片(中药对照组)口服、普米克都保(西药对照组)吸入,观察用药前后患儿主要症状、体征、发作次数、肺功能及肺循环的变化,及防哮颗粒对患儿气道炎性因子、免疫因子的影响,并与两对照组比较。结果:防哮颗粒的总有效率为93.33%,在减轻患儿主要症状、体征,减少感冒次数、咳喘天数,改善肺循环方面优于两对照组;在改善肺功能方面与普米克都保的疗效无差别,而明显优于固本咳喘片(P<0.01);并能降低哮喘缓解期儿童血清中炎性因子TNF-α、免疫因子IgE的含量,抑制支气管和肺脏局部EOS聚集,抑制气道变应性反应,减轻气道狭窄;提高IgA、IgG、IgM水平及CD3、CD8含量,增强患儿免疫力。结论:防哮颗粒通过控制气道慢性炎症和降低气道高反应性,增强患儿免疫力,改善其肺功能及肺循环障碍,达到防治本病的目的。

【Abstract】 Objective:By observing and probing into the etiology、pathogenesis、prevention and cure medicine of children’s bronchial asthma in theories and clinic,we try to find efficient prevention and cure medication of children’s bronchial asthma in catabasis, and discuss the curative effect mechanism of medicine against asthma. Methods: 90 bronchial asthma children in catabasis are randomly divided into 3 groups,treated with Fang Xiao Granule (FXG)、gu ben ke chuan pian and Pulmicort-Turbuhaler. We observe the change of the children’s cardinal symptom, objective sign, frequency, pulmonary function and pulmonary circulation, and the influence on inflammatory factor and immunological factor between three groups. Result: The clinical study shows that the total effective rate of t FXG is 96.67%. FXG is better than two comparison groups in reducing cardinal symptom, objective sign, cold number oftimes, coughing and gasping number of days and improving pulmonary circulation. FXG and Pulmicort-Turbuhaler has the same effect in improving pulmonary function,and better than the compact group of gu ben ke chuan pian. FXG can reduce the content of inflammatory factor TNF-αand immunological factor IgE in the serum of bronchial asthma children in catabasis, restrain the collection of EOS in bronchi and lung, restrain the inflammation in air-way and alleviate air-way straitness;improve the level of serum IgA、IgG、IgM and CD3、CD8,enhancing the immune functiong of bronchial asthma children. Conclusion: FXP might work by means of enhancing the immune function and improving the pulmonary function and pulmonary circulationg to control chronic bronchial inflammation and reduce its reactivity to prevent the relapse of adthma.

  • 【分类号】R272
  • 【下载频次】85

