

On Ancient Village Tourism Development Based on Stakeholder Theory

【作者】 伍先福

【导师】 刘建平;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 旅游管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 2000年,皖南古村落申报世界文化遗产成功,古村落随即成为世人瞩目的焦点,古村落的保护与旅游开发问题迅即被提上日程。古村落是国家历史文化遗产的重要组成部分,有着重要的历史价值、文化价值、艺术价值、美学价值和旅游价值,保护古村落就是保护历史记忆、延续历史文脉和保存旅游资源。关注古村落开发所引起的复杂矛盾,解决古村落保护所带来的棘手难题,正是利益主体理论在旅游领域运用的合理诠释。利益主体(或利益相关者)问题是当前西方经济学界和管理学界的一个研究热点,在过去20多年的时间里,利益主体理论从理论基础、分析框架到研究方法都取得了令人瞩目的成就。如何对利益主体进行界定及分类,如何考察利益主体的利益要求,如何保证利益主体利益要求的实现,如何达到核心利益主体的共同治理,等等,都是目前学界关注的焦点。利益主体理论与旅游开发理论的结合,派生出了新的理论——旅游利益主体理论,这种新的理论可为旅游资源的永续利用提供更科学的研究思路和更可行的实践指导。古村落作为传统聚落的基本构成部分和最后一道屏障,其旅游开发所牵涉的利益主体关系极其典型。古村落旅游开发所涉及的利益主体众多,但基本可划分为三大类,即倾向于保护的利益主体、倾向于旅游开发的利益主体及游离其中的利益主体。古村落旅游开发利益主体分析的内容主要包括相关利益主体分析的技术与目标、古村落旅游合法利益主体的识别及其利益表达、古村落旅游利益主体之间的博弈分析、古村落旅游核心利益主体的界定与评价研究、古村落旅游利益主体的动态管理等等。其中,利益主体之间的冲突与协作问题是旅游利益主体理论的一个重要内容,也是检验其实践指导价值大小的一个重要标准。在古村落旅游开发中,如何让利益主体参与进来,有效协作以减少冲突,是旅游利益主体理论运用于实践的重要议题。张谷英历史文化名村是我国古村落旅游开发的一个典型案例,从系统论的角度对其旅游利益主体之间的协作问题进行探讨,正是旅游利益主体理论关注实践、指导实践的最初尝试。

【Abstract】 In 2000, Southern Anhwei successful declaration of World Cultural Heritages immediately followed by the ancient village to be in the spotlight of the world accelerated the issues of ancient village protection and tourism development. Ancient village, with its significant historical value, culture value, artistic value, aesthetic value and tourist value, is an important component in a state historical and cultural heritage. The protection of the ancient village is to protect historical memory, continue the thread of historical culture and preserve tourist resources. Focusing complex contradiction caused by the ancient village development and solving the difficult problems brought by ancient village protection are what stakeholder theory reasonably interprets its application in the tourism field.The topic of stakeholder(stake-related person)is a hot research topic in the temporary western study circles of economics and administration. In the past more than twenty years, stakeholder theory has made remarkable achievement in theory basis, analysis frame and research method. How to define and category stakeholder theory, how to study the value demands of stakeholders, how to ensure demands of stakeholders to be realized, and how to reach an agreement on shared administration among major stakeholders and so on are what the current study circle most concern. Stakeholder theory combined with tourism development theory derives a new theory--- tourism stakeholder theory. The new theory once formed will apply more scientific research thoughts and more available guidance for practice on sustainable development of tourist resources.Ancient village as an essential component and the last protective screen of traditional settlement has a typical relation with the value involved with tourism development. As the number of stakeholders related to ancient village tourism development is large, generally it can be divided into three main parts: stakeholder inclined to protection, stakeholder inclined to tourism development and stakeholder vacillating between above two. The content of analysis on stakeholder of ancient village tourism development conclude analysis on related stakeholders’technique and destination, the distinction and value expression of ancient village tourism legal stakeholders, analysis on the game played by the stakeholders with different ancient village tourism value, study of ancient village tourism core stakeholder value and nature of power, and dynamic administration of ancient village tourism stakeholder, etc. Especially, the conflict between stakeholders and problem about cooperation is not only the most important part in the tourism stakeholder theory but also an important standard to test the guidance value in practice. In the development of ancient village tourism, how to encourage stakeholder to join in and cooperate but not conflict each other is an imperative issue for the application of tourism stakeholder theory into practice. Zhang Guying, a historical and cultural famous village, is a typical case for ancient village tourism development in our country. The discuss on the cooperation between tourism stakeholders in the respect of system theory is an initial attempt for the tourism stakeholder theory to concern and guide practice.

【关键词】 旅游古村落利益主体博弈
【Key words】 tourismancient villagestakeholdergame
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】F592
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1298

