

Fair Income Distribution and Economic Growth

【作者】 彭天问

【导师】 刘长庚;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 政治经济学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 经济增长的重要前提条件是实现公平的收入分配。企业作为国民收入的创造主体,企业实现收入的公平分配对于实现国民收入的公平分配具有重要的意义。企业内分配主要是通过各要素所有者之间的产权交易实现的,而当前企业由于产权制度不合理,导致企业内收入分配不公平。因而研究通过企业产权制度的改革建立能够实现公平收入分配的企业产权制度,进而促进国民收入的公平分配和推动经济的稳定增长,就具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文在对公平分配与经济增长关系理论分析的基础之上,认为公平收入分配与经济增长之间存在着一种相互激励、相互促进和影响的一体化良性互动的关系:经济的增长为改善收入分配状况提供物质基础,进而促进公平收入分配的实现;更重要的是收入分配状况的改善和公平的收入分配可以对经济增长中各要素所有者产生有效激励和刺激,提高资源配置的效率,提高经济增长的质量,从而促进经济增长,在经济发展过程中形成“经济增长-公平收入分配-经济增长”与“公平收入分配-经济增长-公平收入分配”双向促进和推动的一体化双向循环机制。而公平分配实现的微观基础则是企业产权制度,建立以要素资本联合产权和劳动联合体产权有机融合的企业联合产权制度可以从本质上实现公平的收入分配。在此基础之上,本文进一步分析了企业联合产权制度促进经济增长的机制。企业联合产权制度不仅能提高人力资本投资水平和企业技术创新水平,还可以优化企业资源配置和创新企业的收入分配制度,因而可以促进经济稳定地增长。最后本文通过对我国企业内收入分配不公的两种表现形式和企业收入分配不公对经济增长的影响的论述,分析了我国企业公平分配与经济增长的现状,并提出了相应的对策:改革现行的企业产权制度,建立以要素资本联合产权和劳动联合体产权有机融合的企业联合产权制度。企业联合产权制度可以实现企业内公平的收入分配,进而促进全社会公平收入分配的实现,推动经济的增长。

【Abstract】 The important premise of economic growth is the realization of fair income distribution. As the creation corpus of national income, the realization of firm’s fair income distribution is significant to the realization of the fair distribution of citizen’s income. There is an unfair distribution in firms due to the absurdity of the current institution of property rights. Thus it is theoretically and realistically worthwhile to conduct the research of carrying out the fair income distribution in firms in order to promote citizens’fair income distribution and the stable growth of economy.Based on the foundation of theoretical analysis of the relationship between the fair income distribution and economic growth, the paper argues that there is a kind of positively interactive relationship between the fair income distribution and economic growth, which exerts mutual encouragement, promotion and influence: the continual growth of the economy can provide material foundation for the improvement of the income distribution condition, then promotes the realization of the fair income distribution. The more important is that the improvement of income distribution condition and the fair income distribution can effectively stimulate the factor owners, raise the efficiency of resources installation and elevate the quality of economic growth, thus promote the growth of the economy. Then in the process of economic development, an integral mutual circulation mechanism can be formed which is characterized by the mutual promotion and drive of“economic growth—fair income distribution—economic growth”and“fair income distribution—economic growth—fair income distribution”. The micro basis of fair income distribution is the firm’s institution of united property rights. The establishment of the firm’s institution of united property rights which is the combination of factor property rights and labor property rights can fulfill the fair income distribution essentially. Based on the foundation, the article further analyzes the mechanism of the institution of united property rights for economic growth promotion. The institution of united property rights can not only raise the creative level of the manpower capital and the level of technical innovation, but also can optimize firm resources and innovate the system of income distribution, as a result can promote economic increase stably. In the end, the article analyzes two kinds of unjust manifestations and the influence of the firm’s unfair income distribution to the economic growth, and a counterplan to current unfair income distribution in the firm is proposed: reform of the current firm’s institution of property rights and establish the firm’s institution of united property rights which is the combination of factor property rights and labor property rights. The firm’s institution of united property rights could realize the fair income distribution in the firm, then promote the realization of citizen’s fair income distribution and the economic growth.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】F124
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】432

