

On Civil Liability of the Capital Contribution Flaw of Shareholders

【作者】 陈兆彬

【导师】 彭熙海;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 经济法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 出资是股东最基本的义务。出资义务兼有约定义务和法定义务的性质,因此,股东违反出资义务,不仅要按照合同约定承担违约责任,还要承担法律规定的责任。股东出资瑕疵责任不同于普通的民事责任,它在责任主体、责任性质、责任的归责原则和请求权主体等方面都有其特殊性。公司法规定出资瑕疵责任制度的根本目的,是要加强对公司、诚实股东和公司债权人权利的救济,以达到当事人之间的利益以及当事人利益与社会利益的平衡,进而促进市场经济的和谐、稳定发展。为此,公司法必须采用一些强制性规则,但需要考虑国家强制力干预私法的强度,以保证手段之于目的的正当性和有效性。股东出资义务是指股东根据协议的约定以及法律和章程的规定向公司交付财产或履行其他给付义务。股东出资义务的性质既是一种约定义务,同时也是一种法定义务。股东出资瑕疵是指股东违反出资义务,其履行不符合法律规定、设立协议或公司章程的出资要求。出资瑕疵的表现形式表现为股东完全未出资、未适当出资和抽逃出资。股东出资瑕疵的行为严重违背了公司资本充实原则的要求,危害着市场主体之间的基本交易安全,扰乱了正常的市场经济秩序和社会稳定,对公司、其他股东和债权人的正当权益也构成了侵害。世界各国的立法大都对股东出资瑕疵的民事责任作了比较详细的规定。股东承担出资瑕疵责任的根据有发起人协议、公司章程及公司法的规定等。在公司成立情形下,股东出资瑕疵责任有违约责任、资本充实责任、损害赔偿责任和股东对债权人的直接责任等;在公司不成立情形下,股东出资瑕疵责任有违约责任和损害赔偿责任。笔者认为,公司发起人、董事等高级管理人员和有过错的中介机构应作为承担资本充实责任主体,并就其过错行为对公司、诚实股东和公司债权人造成的损害与出资瑕疵股东承担连带责任;资本充实责任应采用过错推定原则而不是无过错责任原则进行追究;公司债权人在公司法人人格未被否认而公司财产又不足以清偿其债务时,可以要求出资瑕疵股东直接向其承担责任,但应以该股东欠缴的资本数额为限。我国股东出资瑕疵民事责任制度的缺陷主要表现在责任体系失衡、法律漏洞较多和法律规定在具体适用上不够明确等。我国的股东出资瑕疵民事责任制度,应当在构筑国家强制与私法自治之间的合理界限,全面考察股东与公司、其他股东及债权人之间的关系的基础上,按照资本制度的设计目的和内在功能进行重构,进一步加强对公司、诚实股东和债权人的保护。

【Abstract】 Capital contribution is shareholders’fundamental duty. The duty of capital contribution bears the characteristics of both stipulated duty and legal duty. Thus, once there is violation of the duty of capital contribution of shareholders, the shareholders shall not only shoulder the responsibility of breach of contract but also the responsibility prescribed by the law. The responsibility of capital contribution flaw of shareholders is not the same with ordinary civil liability and it has its peculiarities in main body, property, criterion of liability, main body of claim and other aspects.The basic aim of the regulations of the responsibility of capital contribution flaw prescribed in company law is to strengthen the relief of the interests of companies, honest shareholders and company creditors in order to maintain the balance of the interests among parties and the balance of interests between parties and the society in the hope of promoting the harmonious and stable development of market economy. Therefore, some compulsory rules shall be adopted in company law. At the same time, the intensity of coercive power of the country to interfere with private law shall be taken into consideration in order to guarantee the validity and effectiveness of the rules.The duty of capital contribution of shareholders means the duty of shareholders to deliver property or fulfill other obligation to company as the regulations prescribed by the contract and law. The nature of the duty of capital contribution of shareholders is both stipulated duty and legal duty. Capital contribution flaw of shareholders means shareholders’violation of capital contribution duty or the fulfillment of capital contribution does not conform to the regulations of law, establishment contract or company rules. The manifestation of capital contribution flaw takes the forms of no capital contribution, improper capital contribution or drawing-out of capital. The conduct of shareholders’capital contribution flaw goes against the principle of capital enrichment of company seriously and do harm to the basic transaction safety among market parties and interfere with normal economy order of market and stability of society. It also invades the legal rights of companies, other shareholders and creditors. The legislation of most country in the world have given detailed regulations to civil liability of shareholders’capital contribution flaw.The foundations of the liability of shareholders’capital contribution flaw are sponsor contract, rules of company and the regulations in company law. When the company has been established, the liabilities of shareholders’capital contribution flaw are as follows: responsibility of breach of contract, responsibility of capital enrichment, responsibility of damage compensation and the direct responsibility of shareholders to creditors. When the company has not been established, the liabilities of shareholders’capital contribution flaw are the responsibility of breach of contract and the responsibility of damage compensation. The author holds that sponsors as well as directors of company and other senior administrative staff and dishonest intermediaries shall act as the party that shoulder the responsibility of capital enrichment and joint responsibility with the shareholders with capital contribution flaw for the damage done to companies, honest shareholders and company creditors caused by their faults. The principle of fault estimation shall be adopted for capital enrichment responsibility instead of the principle of no fault liability. The company creditors could make claim to the shareholders with capital contribution flaw directly when the status of legal person of company has not been denied and the company’s property is insufficient for the clearness of the debt. However, the limit shall be the shareholder’s unpaid capital.The defects of the civil liability system of capital contribution flaw of shareholders in our country are mainly as follows: the unbalance of responsibility system, relatively many gaps in law, ambiguities in the application of regulations of law, etc. The civil liability system of capital contribution flaw of shareholders in our country shall make a reasonable boundary between nation coercion and autonomy of private law, based on comprehensive investigation of the relationship among shareholders and companies, other shareholders and creditors, reconstruct the system according to the design aim and innate function of capital system in order to strengthen the protection to companies, honest shareholders and creditors.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】196

