

Research on Merchandising Right

【作者】 黄一芸

【导师】 冯晓青;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 经济法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 商品化权是现代社会生活中新出现的一种权利类型。虽然出现较晚,但在发达国家对其的研究受到了学者们的重视,并且已有国家立法给予保护。随着我国社会主义市场经济的进一步发展,整个社会的商品化现象日益突出,大量纠纷不断涌现,在我国,商品化权还是一个崭新的概念,目前我国关于商品化权的司法实践和理论研究还比较薄弱。而由于缺乏理论上的支持,司法机关在处理此类问题时往往束手无策。为了能够改变这种司法实践的难题,推动中国的法制化进程,对商品化权的研究已经成为当前知识产权研究中的一个迫切任务。所谓商品化权是指蕴含商品信誉,具有商业流通价值的角色或角色特征及其他形象因素等非商业权利领域保护的对象进行二次开发后移用于商业领域,将其蕴含的公众吸引力用于商业促销的权利。商品化权适合“新型知识产权说”,是一种晚生代知识产权,具备知识产权的共有特性,是无形财产权中的一种新型知识产权。借鉴国外已有的研究成果,深入研究了商品化权的基础理论,重视对已有案例的分析,目的是尽快解决司法实践中审理商品化权案件缺乏理论指导的困难,尽早确立商品化权制度,使应受到保护的利益得到实际保护,同时也起到鼓励知识产权开发、促进经济发展的作用。文章在对英美等国外相关资料进行仔细研究的基础上,对商品化权的基本理论问题进行了详细的论述,介绍了商品化权的起源发展、概念内涵,商品化权的性质及其与相关权利的比较;接着进一步研究了商品化权的要素,分析了其客体与对象这一容易混淆的问题;最后详细阐述了商品化权的独立性,并从为现实生活中的商品化权提供统一的保护模式,节约法律成本的角度对商品化权的保护提出了未来的设想与建议。

【Abstract】 Merchandising right is a new kind of right, which appeared in modern society lately in developed countries, many experts focus on its research and some countries already have law to protect it. With the development of Chinese socialist market economy, the phenomena of merchandising are becoming increasingly notable in world today, from which numerous disputes arise. In China, merchandising right is still a new concept, and the research of its legal practice and theory is very simple. Entanglements and/or other similar legal issues, consequently are the juridical puzzles in practice due to the lack of the support from theoretical system. To improve the puzzled situation in juridical practice and promote the perfection of Chinese legal system, study on merchandising rights is imperatively needed in the area of intellectual property.Merchandising right is the right of some people to control the commercial use or exploitation of certain objects characterized by public attraction, which can be transferred to marketing promotion. Merchandising right is a kind of new intellectual property right of invisible property right, which possesses common characteristics of intellectual property right.In the basis of foreign countries research conclusions, research its basic theory, analyze practical cases to solve the problem of short of theory and establish the institution of merchandising right in order to protect rights practically and then encourage the exploitation of intellectual property right, promote economy’s development.After serious research of foreign countries theory, the thesis discussed merchandising right’s basic theory problem introduced its origination and development, concept and characteristics, compared merchandising right against the rights of personality, trademark, copyright and other related rights, with emphasis on the differences between merchandising right and the other rights. Then further researched merchandising right’s essential factor, analyzed the difference between object and target.In the end, analyzed the value and legal basis for the establishment of the legal system on merchandising right. Then suggested further protection of merchandising right for united protected pattern and legal cost saving.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】136

