

An Empirical Study on Self-efficacy and Autonomy in English Learning

【作者】 任清英

【导师】 文卫平;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 英语语言文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着以学习者为中心的教学理念的确立,学习自主性被视为语言学习过程中的先决条件,培养学习者自主性成为外语教学最重要的目标之一。Holec(1981)将自主学习定义为“一种对自己学习负责的能力”。Dickinson(1993)认为学习者具备自主学习能力意味着他能够确定学习目标、识别学习内容和进程、选择学习内容和策略、监控学习进程及评估学习效果。这一概念的提出引起外语教学界的广泛关注。许多语言学家、学者纷纷以此为中心展开了大量研究和探讨,但是这些研究主要集中在自主学习概念的界定及其理论基础的剖析和培养自主学习能力的方法及必要性和可行性等几方面,而从情感因素特别是自我效能的角度探讨自主学习的实证研究尚不多见。自我效能是指个体对自己是否有能力组织和执行某种特定行为的判断。认知心理学家Bandura(1977)认为自我效能是个体行为强有力的决定性影响因素。学生的自我效能感作为影响自主学习的重要因素,能激发和调节其自主学习。本研究试图将英语学习自我效能作为影响自主性英语学习能力的一个情感因素,通过对来自湖南省五所大学的260名三年级非英语专业学生进行问卷调查来探究学习者英语学习自我效能与自主学习能力的现状及其关系,为教师提高学生的自主性英语学习能力和个性品格提供理据。问卷所得到的数据采用SPSS12.0软件进行独立样本T检验,方差分析,相关分析和回归分析。数据分析结果表明:1)不同英语水平的非英语专业学生英语学习自我效能水平总体上存在差异:学业优秀者的自我效能水平高于中等和学业偏差者;学习优秀者和偏差者之间自我效能存在显著差异;2)非英语专业男女生在英语学习自我效能感方面不存在显著差异;3)英语水平与英语学习自我效能呈正相关;4)非英语专业学生自主性英语学习能力总体上趋向一般,且不同英语水平的学生自主性英语学习能力存在差异:学业优秀者和中等者的自主性英语学习能力明显高于学业偏差者;5)男女学生在自主性英语学习能力上无显著差异;6)英语水平与自主性英语学习能力呈正相关;7)英语学习自我效能与自主性英语学习能力之间存在显著正相关;在自主性英语学习能力的四个维度中,策略运用与目标设定能有效预测英语学习自我效能,其总体预测值为27%;就自我效能而言,学习能力自我效能和学习目标自我效能能很好地预测自主性英语学习能力,其总体预测值为27.4%。结合自我效能和自主学习理论,作者在论文中对研究结果进行分析,并就如何将研究成果应用于教学中提出建议,强调应重视情感对自主学习能力培养的重要作用,为学习者营造一个安全的心理环境,使他们积极自主地进行语言学习。在文章的结尾部分,作者指出本研究的局限性,并对今后相关课题研究提出建议。

【Abstract】 With the establishment of the learner-centered teaching philosophy, learner autonomy is generally considered to be a prerequisite in language learning processes, and fostering learner autonomy is recognized as one of the most important goals in language teaching. Holec(1981) defines learner autonomy as“the ability to take charge of one’s own learning”. Dickinsin(1993)contends that an autonomous learner should understand the aims and methods of teaching, set his/her learning goals, select and make use of appropriate learning strategies, monitor their use of these strategies and self-asses or monitor their own learning. Ever since the birth of the concept, learner autonomy has become a hot issue in the research of foreign language education and many linguists and researchers have focused on the research of learner autonomy. However, most of the studies center on the definitions and analyses of theoretical bases of learner autonomy and the ways, necessity and feasibility to foster leaner autonomy while few empirical studies on learner autonomy have been carried out in the perspective of affective factors, especially self-efficacy. Self-efficacy refers to people’s judgments of their capabilities to organize and execute courses of action required to attain designated types of performances. According to Bandura (1977), self-efficacy is a determining element in human behavior. As one of the key factors that affect learner autonomy, self-efficacy can motivate and regulate students’learning.Taking self-efficacy as one influential affective variable on learner autonomy, the present study attempts to examine the current situation of self-efficacy and autonomy in English learning of Chinese non-English majors and the correlation between them by administering a questionnaire to 260 third-year non-English majors attending Xiangtan University, Changsha University, Hunan Normal University, Hunan University of Technology and Central South University of Forestry and Technology in the hope of offering some theoretical warrant for English teachers in the improvement of students’autonomy in English learning and personal qualities. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 12.0 (SPSS12.0) is employed to manage, display and analyze data; independent samples T-Test, Pearson correlation, one-way ANOVA and regression analysis are applied.The analyses of the data of this study show: 1) Students with different levels of English proficiency differ in self-efficacy in English learning: the level of self-efficacy in English learning of successful learners is higher than that of intermediate and unsuccessful learners; there exist significant differences in self-efficacy in English learning between successful learners and unsuccessful learners; 2) There is no significant gender difference in the level of self-efficacy in English learning; 3) There is a positive correlation between learners’English proficiency and self-efficacy in English learning; 4) Non-English majors in China have a moderate level of learner autonomy in general; and students with different levels of English proficiency differ in autonomy in English learning: successful and intermediate learners have a much higher level of autonomy in English learning; 5) There exists no significant difference in the level of autonomy in English learning between male and female students; 6) Learners’English proficiency is positively correlated with autonomy in English learning. 7) There exists a significant and positive correlation between self-efficacy and autonomy in English learning. Among the four components of autonomy in English learning, strategy use and goal setting are good predictors of self-efficacy in English learning with a total predictive value of 27%; as far as English learning self-efficacy is concerned, sense of course competence and sense of self-confidence for goal are predictive of autonomy in English learning with a total predictive value of 27.4%.Based on the theories on self-efficacy and learner autonomy, the author interprets the results of this research and states the pedagogical implications of the present study. It suggests that the role of affect should be emphasized in the development of autonomy in English learning and a psychologically secure environment should be created for learners to perform more autonomously in English learning. At the end of the thesis, the limitations of the present study are recognized and suggestions for future studies on the similar topics are made.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】866

