

Legal Regulation on the Anti-monopoly Law of Franchise

【作者】 张家华

【导师】 周雄文;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 以1987年肯德基进驻我国为标志,我国商业特许经营在短短的20年间获得了飞速发展,成为众多商业经营模式的一支突出的主力军。然而与此同时,我国的相关法律制度建设却显得滞后和缺乏,这必然会影响商业特许经营的进一步发展。由于商业特许经营的特殊性,特许人容易滥用优势地位进行地区限制、维持转售价格、搭售、回售、竞业禁止等限制竞争行为,并且特许人与被特许人之间也可能利用这种特殊的商业合作关系实施限制竞争的行为。西方发达国家一直以来就非常重视对特许经营的反垄断法规制,我们应该借鉴他们的成熟经验,做到未雨绸缪。并且,目前在我国,跨国企业和国内企业利用这种经营模式实施限制竞争的行为日益突出。因此,对商业特许经营的反垄断法规制尤为迫切。对商业特许经营的反垄断法规制要平衡特许经营中知识产权保护与反垄断法的冲突性和协调性,要结合本身违法原则和合理性原则进行判断,要兼顾公平与效率。鉴于我国目前还没有《反垄断法》,商务部的《商业特许经营管理办法》对规制特许经营的垄断行为除了原则性规定“特许人以特许经营方式从事商业活动不得导致市场垄断,妨碍公平竞争”外,没有了其它具体可操作性规定。尽管可以适用或类推适用其它法律法规,但法律之间不完整、不系统、不协调现象突出,与商业特许经营的发展现状很不相称。因此,要以“借鉴和结合原则”、“合理平衡原则”、“竞争性原则”为立法指导,完善规制商业特许经营的相关法律。首先尽快出台《反垄断法》,使商业特许经营的反垄断法规制置身于反垄断法的核心法律之中;其次完善其它相关法律法规;最后建议由国务院制定专门的《商业特许经营管理条例》,明确界定必须予以禁止的商业特许经营的限制竞争行为和可以予以豁免行为的条件。这样一个全方位、多层级,结构严谨、内部和谐的法律体系才能形成,这是商业特许经营反垄断法规制的法律依据,也是商业特许经营健康有序、蓬勃发展的支持和保障。

【Abstract】 With the mark of KFC into China Mainland in 1987, franchise has been developed quickly during 20 years, becoming an outstanding economic power among the numerous business operation modes. But at the same time, the relative laws are deficient or lag, which will affect the development of franchise consequently. As franchise’s particularities, the franchiser is inclined to abuse superiority to restrict competition such as regional restriction, rescale maintenance, tied selling, returning selling, prohibition against competition. Furthermore, restriction competition will be possible implemented between a franchiser and franchisee because of the special business cooperation. Now, multinational and domestic corporate take their advantages to restrict competition more and more seriously. The western developed countries always attach importance to legal regulation on anti-monopoly of franchise, we should learn from them. So it is urgent to regulate franchise.To regulate franchise should balance both conflict and coordination of franchise intellectual property, should judge according to both Illegal rule principal and Reasonable rule principle, should balance both justice and efficiency. Since lacking Anti-monopoly Law, the Commercial Minister made Franchise Regulatory Rules which roughly provide“A franchiser mustn’t restrict market competition when carry out franchise business”, besides, there is no other laws and regulations. Although franchise can be applied of other laws and regulations, its present situation can’t be adapted because of the incomplete system of law. Hence, we should create the idea of legal regulation on anti-monopoly law of franchise to perfect the regulation by“drawing lessons from and combination principle”,“reasonable balance principle”,“competition principle”. At first, Anti-monopoly Law should be established, which can put franchise into the core law of anti-monopoly law. The second, perfect other relevant laws and regulations. At last, the State Department enacts a specialized franchise Regulation, clearly providing prohibiting franchise competition restriction behaviors and the terms of exemption. A all-directions, many layer classes, careful constructions, harmonious inner part law system is not only the basis of the legal regulation on anti-monopoly law of franchise but also the support and guaranty of franchise.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】D922.294
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】207

