

On Spouse Right

【作者】 肖军芳

【导师】 彭熙海;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 经济法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 配偶权是法律赋予的合法婚姻关系的夫妻,基于配偶身份而享有的互为配偶的身份利益,权利人得专享请求对方作为或不作为以实现这种专属身份利益的权利。配偶权以合法婚姻的存在为存在基础和产生前提,以权利主体的特定性、平等性,权利客体的利益性、独占性和内容上的权利义务不可分双重性为显著特征。在权利性质上,配偶权属于典型的相对权、身份权、请求权。配偶权的权利义务主体只能是配偶双方,婚姻外第三人不构成配偶权的主体。配偶权的客体是配偶权权利义务指向的对象,是基于配偶这一法定特殊身份而产生的身份利益,不包括财产、行为等。配偶权的具体权利内容主要包括:夫妻姓名权、住所商定权、同居权、贞操请求权、相互扶助权、家事代理权等。配偶权一旦遭受非法侵害,可根据侵权法原理,适用过错责任原则来归责并从违法行为、损害事实、因果关系、主观过错四个方面综合考量,追究侵权人的法律责任。根据行为人的主观过错程度和因果关系,针对侵害配偶权的具体违法行为和损害事实,本着物质赔偿与非财产赔偿并重的原则,规定财产责任方式和非财产责任两种方式,赋予受害人单独选择适用财产责任方式救济或者非财产责任方式救济或同时选择财产责任和非财产责任并用救济的权利,从而最大限度的保护婚姻家庭的稳固和当事人的合法权益。

【Abstract】 Spouse right is the right that law endow the couples with regular marriage who have mutual identity benefit on the base of spouse identity and the obligee could claim to the opposing party have feasance or not to realize the right of this exclusive identity benefit. It’s existence premise and foundation is the regular marriage, the fixed and equal subject of this right and the beneficial and monopolity object and impartibility of the right and responsibility on its’content are the character of Spouse Right. On the character of such right, Spouse Right is a typical relativity right, identity right and appeal right. The subject of the Right’s droit and responsibility is the spouse themselves not included the third part outside the marriage. The object of the Right’s is the one who own the spouse’s right and responsibility and take the benefit for the special legal identity as the spouse,the benefit of consort’s identity barring the property and behavior and other things. The main and concrete content of the Right included the spouse compellation right, the right of bargaining habitation, the cohabitation right, chasitity right, mutual assistence right and housekeeping agency right. Once the Spouse Right was infringed, people could seek the tortfeasor’s legal responsibility considering his or her tresgress behavior, the reality of damage, causality and subjective miasstakes according to the law of tort theory and blame on the mistakes-caused duty principle. At the same time, because of the speciality of marriage family relationships, the vitims should be relieved by compensation after divorce within the marriage and the adoptation of material compensation and mental redeem.According to the client’s subjective errors and causality and in the allusion to the actual tort behavior and damage truth, the vicitims are endowed with property relief or non-property relief or both to maitain their marriage and family’s steadiness and [rotcet the client’s legal right and interests on the principle of material compensation and nonproperty compensation that with the same importance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】D913.9
  • 【下载频次】269

