

Research on the Causes and Management Strategies of Middle School Students’ Deviant Behavior

【作者】 李文砚

【导师】 龙文祥;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,我国中学生的违法犯罪率呈明显上升趋势。据统计,公安机关抓获或审查、讯问的涉嫌犯罪人员中,有10%为14—17周岁的未成年人,这个年龄段主要都是中学生。犯罪学研究证明,违法犯罪的青少年在中学时代都有不同程度的偏差。所以,中学生偏差行为日益引起更多人的关注。本研究以生物学、社会学和心理学的理论为背景,采用访谈和问卷调查相结合的方法对中学生偏差行为进行全面、具体的分析。调查结果显示,目前中学生较为严重的偏差行为主要有:讲脏话、考试作弊、吸烟、请朋友出气或替朋友出气、打架、放学后在外游荡等。中学生偏差行为的产生是个人、家庭和社会环境多方面共同起作用的结果,可通过强化、惩罚、消退和中断行为链等策略实施对中学生偏差行为的管理。全文主体共分五大部分。第一部分,对相关概念予以界定,并通过访谈和问卷调查相结合的方法,对中学生偏差行为的现状进行调查。调查结果显示,中学生偏差行为较为普遍;第二部分,论述了与偏差行为相关的理论,即生物学、心理学和社会学理论;第三部分,从个体因素和环境因素两个角度对诱发中学生偏差行为的因素进行分析,认为中学生偏差行为的产生是个人、家庭、学校和社会多方面因素共同起作用的结果;第四,对中学生偏差行为的管理策略进行了初步探讨。第五是结语部分,提出了本研究的不足和有待进一步解决的问题。

【Abstract】 In recent years, China has been showing a rising trend in crime of middle school students. According to statistics, among the arrested, questioned or suspected criminals, 10% are minors between 14-17years old, who are mainly middle school students. Crime study shows that juvenile criminals have varying degrees of error during their secondary school time. Therefore, students’ deviant behavior increasingly catches more people’s attention.The study is based on biology, sociology and psychology background. Using the method of combining interviews and a questionnaire survey, the author carries out comprehensive and specific analysis. Survey results show that the more serious deviant behaviors mainly are saying ruin words, cheating in exams, smoking, asking a friend to vent, and being asked to vent for a friend, fighting or loitering outside after school etc. Students’ deviant behavior is the joint result of personal, family and social environment. It can be managed through strengthening, penalties, dissipated and the off-chain strategies.The full text is divided into five parts. The first part defines the conceptions and investigates the status of Students deviant behavior by the combination of interviews and questionnaires. Survey results show that more students have deviant behavior. The second part discusses the related theory including biology, psychology and sociology. From the point of individual and environmental factors, the third part shows that Students’ deviant behavior is the result of individuals, families, schools and social factors. The students’ deviant behavior management strategies are proposed for a preliminary discussion in the fourth part. The last part is the conclusion in which the shortage of the study and the question need to be further solved are put forward.

  • 【分类号】G637
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】442

