

A Research on Anqing’s Folk Custom in MingQing Period

【作者】 汪志娟

【导师】 王世华;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 明清时期安庆府的民俗涉及民众生活的方方面面,且具有自己的特点,具体表现在:地区差异性、历史传承性、变异性、周期性、社会性以及区域内行业差异性、心理差异性上。本文立足于明清安庆府民俗的资料基础之上,结合现代民俗学理论(特别是区域民俗学理论),重点分析和探讨明清安庆府民俗的形成原因以及民俗所具有的社会功能。明清时期安庆的经济是安庆特定民俗形成的根本原因;而明清时期特定的政治、环境、领袖人物、宗教、心理、域外习俗对安庆民俗的形成产生不同程度的影响。另外,所有民俗事项本身也是民众生活的一部分,之所以为民众重视,是因为它有着广泛的社会功能。明清安庆府的民俗功能主要体现在:娱乐、聚合、教育、规范、心理调适等方面。

【Abstract】 Anqing’s folk custom in MingQing period involved many aspects in people’s ordinary life. It had its own characteristics. It mainly included area difference, historical inheritance, periodic, social as well as industry difference in the same region, psychological difference.This paper stands on the base of the Anqing’s folk custom materials in MingQing and combine the modern ethnology theory (specially region ethnology theory) to analyze and discuss about the reason of the Anqing’s folk custom’s formation and it’s functions. The economic situation of Anqing was the basic reason for Anqing’s folk custom while the politics, environment, leader, the religion, the psychology, the custom in other place had the varying degree influenceon the Anqing’s folk custom formation. All aspects of Anqing’s folk custom were a part of the people’s ordinary life. For it’s wide social action, people paid many attention to it. Anqing folk custom in MingQing period, it’s function mainly manifests in entertainment, polymerization, education, social norm, psychological adjustment.

【关键词】 明清时期安庆府民俗
【Key words】 MingQing periodAnqing’s overnmentfolk custom
  • 【分类号】K248;K892.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】327

