

Guohe River Government Project Comprehensive Benefit Appraisal

【作者】 马洪康

【导师】 查良松;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 涡河是淮北地区跨豫、皖两省的骨干排水河道,发源于河南省开封市黄河南岸,流经河南省的开封、尉氏、通许、太康、杞县、柘城、鹿邑县和安徽省的亳州市谯城、涡阳、蒙城等县区,于怀远县城附近汇入淮河。河道全长396km,流域总面积15900km2。安徽省涡河流域地跨2市1区4县,即亳州市谯城区、涡阳、蒙城、利辛和蚌埠市怀远等4县。据2000年资料统计,域内总人口约413万人,耕地39.4万公顷。流域内自然条件十分优越。涡河在历史上是黄河夺淮的主泛道之一,经多次黄泛冲蚀,河床被蚀宽刷深,洪水漫岸后流速减缓,所挟泥沙在两侧沉积,逐年抬高,使两岸形成约2km宽的高地,远离河岸处逐渐降低,排水条件很好,洪涝灾害的频率很低。自1958年上游河南省引黄淤灌以来,大量泥沙淤积在涡河河道内。致使排水不畅,洪涝灾害频繁发生,造成巨大的经济损失。过去的一些防洪设施存在很多问题,为了本区的经济发展,根据淮委和水利部的建议,国务院决定对涡河实施治理。文章通过对本区的自然状况和社会经济条件的分析,结合对所采取治理措施的分析,选取受治理工程影响较大的21个环境因子,运用层次分析法(AHP)分析各个因子的权重,通过模糊记分,得出各环境因子的得分,据此算出各个因子的匹配系数,根据匹配系数的值判断有利影响和不利影响因子,根据二者的得分情况,得出涡河治理工程将使本区的生态环境大大改善的结论。作为一项重大的水利工程,生态效益是造福子孙后代的大事,而具有较良好的经济收益则是地方政府和居民积极参与工程的动力。通过对历次洪涝灾害损失的分析,运用环境经济学的方法,得出工程在防洪除涝方面的经济收益。结合工程治理所取得的航运和灌溉收益,与总投资相比教,得到总的经济收益。说明涡河治理工程不仅将获得现成的经济利益,还会获得巨大的生态环境效益。

【Abstract】 Guohe river is main draining water river courses in Huaibei area of Henan and Anhui province, originates in Yellow River south side of Kaifeng city of Henan Province, flows after Kaifeng, weishi, Tongxu, Taikang, Qi County, Zhecheng, Luyi County in Henan Province and Qiao Cheng, Guoyang, Mengcheng county of Bozhou city of Anhui Province, join Huaihe River nearby the Huaiyuan county. River course span 396km, basin total area 15900km2. Guohe River basin cross 2 city 1 area 4counties in Anhui Province, namely Bozhou city, Qiaocheng district, Guoyang, Mengcheng and Lixin county and Bengbu city, Huaiyuan county and so on. According to 2000s statistics data, in territory total population approximately 4,130,000 people, plants crops 394,000 hectare. In the basin the natural condition is extremely superior. It ever been the main road that Yellow River outflow and converge to sea in the history. after eroding many times, the river bed is eclipsed the width to brush the depth, after the flood inundates the shore the speed of flow to slow down, pinches the silt in the both sides deposition, raises year by year, causes both banks shape existing agreement 2km width the high ground, the far away river bank place to reduce gradually, the condition of draining water is very good, the flooding disaster frequency is very low. massive silt siltation is formed in river course of Guohe River for Henan Province developing irrigation by drawing water from Yellow river since 1958, Causing draining water impede, the flooding disaster frequent occurrence, creates the huge economic loss. Past some flood prevention facility existence very many questions, for the home court economical development, according to the Huaihe river committee and Ministry of Water Conservation’s suggestion, the State Council decided implements the government to Guohe River. The article through to the natural condition and the social economy condition analysis, unifies to takes the government measure the analysis, selects is governed the project influence big 21 environment factor, analyzes each factor using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) the weight. By mixing up the general score recording the score , figuring every environment factor out, matching factor figuring each factors out, the value according to the matching factor judges advantageous effect and the adverse effect factor, according to their score, the conclusion are reached that the ecological environment of this area will improve greatly for the Guohe River governing project .As a significant hydraulic engineering, the ecology benefit benefits posterity’s important matter, but has the good economic gain is the local authority and the inhabitant participates in the project positively the power. Through analysis which loses to all previous flooding disaster, utilization ecology method, obtains the project to eliminate the waterlogged aspect in the flood prevention the economic gain. The union project government not only obtains the shipping and the irrigation incomes, compare with the total investment, obtain the obviously economic interest, but also will be able to obtain the huge ecological environment benefit.

  • 【分类号】TV85
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】178

