

A Study on Rhyming in Poetry of Jiangsu in the Ming Dynasty

【作者】 钱芳

【导师】 储泰松;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 明代是近代汉语语音发展的重要时期,明代语音的研究对汉语语音史有着极其重要的价值。分析诗文押韵是音韵学的重要研究方法之一。词是一种重要的文学体裁,它的形式较为自由,通过研究词韵我们可以了解当时的实际语音面貌,为明代语音史的描写和建构,为汉语方音史的研究作出贡献。明代江苏地区经济发达,文化繁荣,词人众多,作品丰富。本课题对明代485位江苏籍词人、6354首词作、8530个韵段作了全面而系统的分析、研究,归纳出明代江苏词韵的韵部系统,并对明代江苏词韵中的特殊语音现象作了详细分析,揭示出明代江苏语音的方音特点。明代江苏词人的用韵系统可以归纳为18部:(1)阴声7部:歌戈部、家麻部、鱼模部、尤侯部、皆来部、齐微部、萧豪部;(2)阳声7部:真文部、寒先部、侵寻部、覃咸部、东钟部、江阳部、庚青部;(3)入声4部:屋烛部、铎觉部、薛帖部、德质部。这个用韵系统与《广韵》韵部系统有所不同:江与阳唐同用,蒸登与庚耕清青同用,支脂之微齐祭同用,佳韵的“佳涯捱画挂罢”、央韵的“话”字,以及“打、大、他”归入麻部,尤侯部的部分唇音字归入鱼模部,入声[-p]、[-t]、[-k]尾界限已经不是很清楚。在江苏词韵中有不少异部通押情况:阴声韵之间的通叶有:歌戈部与鱼模部,鱼模部与齐微部,鱼模部与尤侯部,鱼模部与萧豪部,皆来部与齐微部,尤侯部与萧豪部,尤侯部与齐微部,尤侯部与歌戈部,齐微部与歌戈部,家麻部与皆来部,歌戈、尤侯与鱼模部,歌戈、齐微与鱼模部,齐微、尤侯与鱼模部,萧豪、皆来与齐微部;阳声韵之间的通叶有:东钟部与庚青部,真文部与寒先部,此外还有[-m]、[-n]、[-η]三类韵尾的通押;入声韵之间的通叶有:屋沃部与铎觉部,铎觉部与薛帖部,铎觉部与德质部,德质部与屋沃部,薛帖部与德质部,铎觉、薛帖与德质部,屋沃、薛帖与铎觉部;还有阴入相押、阳入相押、阴阳相押的情况,其中不少混押现象与今天的北部吴语相合。本课题的研究成果展现了明代江苏的实际用韵面貌,对研究明代语音有一定的参考价值,也为汉语方音史的研究提供了断代语音材料。

【Abstract】 The Ming.Dynasty is an important period in the development of Middle Chinese phonetics,and the phonetics in the Ming Dynasty have a great value to the investigation of the history of Chinese phonetics.Analyzing the rhyme is an important way of phonology.Ci is an important type of literature,and its form is more freedom.By studying on the rhyme in Jiangsu province,we can know the actual phonetics at that time,and the study may contribute to the description and construction of the phonetic history of the Ming Dynasty as well as the investigation of the history of Chinese dialect phonetics.In the Ming Dynasty Jiangsu province was economically developed and culturally prosperous.There were a large number of poets who created a great many poems.This dissertation attempts to make a thorough study of 6354 poems written by 485 Ci poetries in Jiangsu province in the Ming Dynasty,which contains 8530 rhymes,conclude the systerm of rhyme in Jiangsu province,and make a detailed analysis on the especial phonetic phenomena in the rhyme in Jiangsu province,and conclude the characteristic of the dialect phonetics in Jiangsu area.We conclude eighteen rhyme categories used by the Ci poetries in Jiangsu area in the Ming Dynasty:(1)severn categories of Yin sheng rhymes: Ge-Ge(歌戈)、Jia-Ma(家麻)、Yu-Mo(鱼模)、You-Hou(尤侯)、Jie-Lai(皆来)、Qi-Wei(齐微)、Xiao-Hao(萧豪);(2)severn categories of Yang sheng rhymes: Zhen-Wen(真文)、Han-Xian(寒先)、Qin-Xun(侵寻)、Tan-Xian(覃咸)、Dong-Zhong(东钟)、Jiang-Yang(江阳)、Geng-Qing(庚青);(3)four categories of Ru sheng rhymes:Wu-Zhu(屋烛)、Duo-Jiao(铎觉)、Xue-Tie(薜帖)、De-Zhi(德质).This systerm of rhyme is different from <Guangyun>’s TongYong(同用)and DuYong(独用):Jiang and Yang-Tang(江与阳唐同用),Zheng-Deng and Geng-Geng-Qing-Qing(蒸登与庚耕清青同用),Zhi-Zhi-Zhi-Wei-Qi-Ji(支脂之微齐祭同用),Jia rhyme "Jia(佳)、Ya(涯)、Ai(捱)、Hua(画)、Gua(挂)、Ba(罢)", Guai(夬)rhyme "Hua(话)" and "Da(打)、Da(大)、Ta(他)" are modified Ma(麻) rhyme.Some labial word in You-Hou(尤侯)are modified Yu-Mo(鱼模).The limitation among the Ru sheng -p,-t,-k are indistinct.There are some rhyming characteristics between the different rhyme categories in the system of Jiangsu area in the Ming Dynasty:between Yin sheng rhyme:Ge-Ge and Yu-Mo(歌戈与鱼模),Yu-Mo and Qi-Wei(鱼模与齐微),Yu-Mo and You-Hou(鱼模与尤侯), Yu-Mo and Xiao-Hao(鱼模与萧豪),Jie-Lai and Qi-Wei(皆来与齐微),You-Hou and Xiao-Hao(尤侯与萧豪),You-Hou and Qi-Wei(尤侯与齐微),You-Hou and Ge-Ge(尤侯与歌戈),Qi-Wei and Ge-Ge(齐微与歌戈),Jia-Ma and Jie Lai(家麻与皆来),Ge-Ge,You-Hou andYu-Mo(歌戈、尤侯与鱼模),Ge-Ge,Qi-Wei and Yu-Mo(歌戈、齐微与鱼模),Qi-Wei,You-HouandYu-Mo(齐微、尤侯与鱼模), Xiao-Hao,Jie-Lai and Qi-Wei(萧豪、皆来与齐微);between Yang sheng rhyme, Dong-Zhong and Geng-Qing(东钟与庚青),Zhen-Wen and Han-Xian(真文与寒先),and the limitation among the ending of a final -p,-t,-k are indistinct.;between Ru sheng rhyme:Wu-Wo and Duo-Jue(屋沃与铎觉),Duo-Jue and Xue Tie(铎觉与薛帖),Duo-Jue and De-Zhi(铎觉与德质),De-Zhi and Wu-Wo(德质与屋沃), Xue-Yie and De Zhi(薛帖与德质),Duo-Jue,Xue-Tie and De-Zhi(铎觉、薛帖与德质),Wu-Wo、Xue-Yie and Duo-Jue(屋沃、薛帖与铎觉),and there are some other cases,such as Yang sheng and Ru sheng(阳入相押)、Yin sheng and Yang sheng(阴入相押)、Yin sheng and Yang sheng(阴阳相押)。Among these,a lot of rhyming characteristics are coincide with the north of Wu dialect.This dissertation exhibits the actual rhyming of Jiangsu in the Ming dynasty,and contributes to the investigation of the history of Chinese dialect phonetics.

  • 【分类号】H114
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】267

