

Channel Research of Lazer Communication System Through Atmosphere

【作者】 冷雪

【导师】 尹福昌;

【作者基本信息】 长春理工大学 , 光学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 大气激光通信作为一种非常好的无线通信手段,自激光出现以来,众多学者对它做了理论上和实验上的研究。在大气激光通信系统中,由于在传输过程中受到大气散射、折射、湍流等很多因素的影响,会造成激光光能量衰减,光强闪烁,光束随机偏转,能否克服这些影响是大气激光通信推广应用的关键。近年来,大气激光通信技术取得了辉煌的成就,但它受大气环境因素的影响非常严重,因此对大气激光通信信道的研究就显得格外重要。论文首先系统叙述分析了大气激光通信的关键技术,大气衰减及大气湍流效应,并在此基础上结合通信理论给出信道模型,然后针对信道模型提出相关的技术方案,如自适应光学系统技术。根据光检测理论,论文研究了在大气衰减及大气湍流效应影响下系统误码率的分析方法,重点研究了OOK调制和PPM调制下的系统误码率。论文也分析了影响最佳光束发散角的因素,提出改善发散角的技术。以上研究对通信系统的设计具有一定的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Atmospheric laser communication has been as a kind of verygood wireless communication means, since the laser appears, sonumerous scholars have done it with the research on the experimentand in theory. Because such a lot of factors as atmosphericscattering, refracting, turbulence, etc. in the course oftransmisting in the atmospheric laser communication system willcause the energy of laser to decay, strength of laser tofluctuate, the random deflection of the light beam, it is a keyto overcome the influence. In recent years, we have made thebrilliant achievement in atmospheric laser communicationtechnology, but it is very sensitive to atmospheric environmentalfactor. So the study on atmospheric laser communication channelseems extremely important.This paper has narrated and analyzed atmosphere decaying andatmospheric turbulence effect systematically at first, analyzedthe atmospheric turbulence effect, Then the paper provide thechannel model based on it and put forward relevant technologicalschemes against the channel, for instance, adaptive opticalsystem technology.According to the optical_detected theory, the paper hasstudied the analytical method of err under the influence of theatmosphere decays and atmospheric turbulence effect, under OOKmodulating and PPM modulating especially. The paper analyses somefactors which influence optimized optical beam disperse angle andput forward technology to improve the optical beam dispersesangle. The above-mentioned research have certain directivesignificance to the design of the communication system.

  • 【分类号】TN929.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】454

