

Study on the Integration of Small Towns of Peripheral Areas of Metropolitan Regions

【作者】 丁小兰

【导师】 袁中金; 朱建达;

【作者基本信息】 苏州科技学院 , 城市规划与设计, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 随着经济全球化和全球城市时代的来临,城市郊区化和乡村城镇化进程明显加快,大城市周边地区小城镇地处城市与乡村相互作用最为活跃的地区,它的建设与发展不仅对于周边农村地区社会经济的发展具有传导和引导作用,而且对于大城市社会经济发展和空间拓展具有推动作用。对大城市周边地区小城镇进行研究,既丰富了我国大城市空间结构变化研究,也深化了我国小城镇研究。所以,作为经济敏感性、社会敏感性和环境敏感性最强烈,空间利用方式变化最大的地域实体,大城市周边地区小城镇的整合研究显得尤为重要。本文从国内外大城市空间结构和小城镇研究文献的评述出发,从大城市、大城市与周边地区小城镇关系、小城镇三个方面总结了大城市发展理论、大城市与周边地区小城镇关系理论、大城市周边地区小城镇发展理论,并以合肥市为例,对合肥市周边地区小城镇整合进行了具体研究。合肥市周边地区小城镇整合研究包括两部分:第一部分为合肥市周边地区小城镇现状研究。主要分析了合肥经济与空间发展历程、合肥周边地区小城镇基本概况和类型,概括了合肥周边地区小城镇的规模小、功能弱、密度大、分布不均衡、发展动力不足、产业水平低等现状特点;第二部分,对合肥周边地区小城镇从空间整合和特色镇整合两个方面进行了深入研究。在空间整合上,从中心城区的扩散效应和周边地区小城镇第三产业的发展上分析了空间整合的影响因素,提出了空间整合的“九大功能区、两级轴线,十五个生长点(五个一级生长点、十个二级生长点)”的空间整合方案。在特色镇整合研究上,对第一产业特色镇、工业特色镇进行了分析,并重点提出了旅游资源特色整合、旅游景区整合、旅游线路整合的方案。本文通过对合肥市周边地区小城镇的整合研究表明,大城市周边地区小城镇整合应以空间和产业为支撑。在空间整合上,应考虑大城市空间拓展和功能转移,遵循地理位置、功能相近原则;在产业整合上,既考虑小城镇吸纳大城市梯次转移的产业,还要考虑小城镇自身资源优势,发展特色产业,形成特色镇。

【Abstract】 With economical globalization and global city time approaching, The process of Suburbanization and Rural Urbanization speeds up obviously. The small towns of peripheral areas of metropolitan regions, situated at the most dynamic district which the city and the village mutually affected. Its construction and the development, not only transmit, guide social and economic development of the peripheral countryside area, but also have impetus on the social, economic development and the spatial expansion of the metropolitan regions. Studying on the small towns of peripheral areas of metropolitan regions, enriched the spatial structure of metropolitan regions, also deepen the research of the small towns development in China. Therefore, as the region entity which the economical, social and environment sensitivity are most intense, as the region entity which the way of spatial utilization varies frequently, the study on the integration of towns of peripheral areas of metropolitan regions, appears especially important.Embarking upon overview of the domestic and foreign research literature on metropolitan spatial structure and the small towns research, from three aspects in metropolitan development, the mutual relations between the metropolitan and the small towns in its peripheral areas, the small towns in metropolitan peripheral areas, the paper summarizes the corresponding theory on the metropolitan development, the mutual relations between the metropolitan and the small towns in metropolitan peripheral areas, the development of the small towns in metropolitan peripheral areas. And taking Heifei city as example, make a specific study on the integration of small towns of peripheral areas of Hefei metropolitan regions.The study, on the integration of small towns of peripheral areas of Hefei metropolitan regions, includes two parts. The first part is the present situation research. The first part, analyzes the process on economy and the spatial development of Hefei, introduces the general situations and the basic type of small towns of peripheral areas of Hefei metropolitan regions, sums up the character of the small towns of peripheral areas of Hefei metropolitan regions. The character is small scale, weak function, thick density, unbalanced distribution, insufficient development power, the lower industrial level. The second part make a deep research on space integration and integration of the characteristic town to those small towns. The space integration analyzes its influence factor, from the central city diffusion effect, from the tertiary industry development of those small towns, proposes the space integration project "nine great functional regions, two pole axis, fourteen the growing point including five first-class, nine second-class". About integration of the characteristic town, the paper analyzes the primary industry characteristic towns, the industry characteristic towns, puts forward the integration scheme on traveling resources characteristic, scenic spot, tourism route.Through the study on the integration of small towns of peripheral areas of Hefei metropolitan region, the paper indicates the view that the integration of small towns of peripheral areas of metropolitan regions, should take space and industry as emphasis. The space integration, taking spatial expansion and industry transition as important factor, should abide by the principle which the geographical position and the function is close. The industry integration should consider the phenomenon, which the small town accept the gradient transfer industry from metropolitan region. And it should take account for resources superiority of the small town, in order to developing its own characteristic industry, forming the corresponding characteristic town.

  • 【分类号】TU984
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】505

