

The Analysis of the Current Situation and It’s Related Intellectual Property Protection Problems for Folk Medicine

【作者】 潘全英

【导师】 徐家力;

【作者基本信息】 贵州师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 民间医药的知识产权保护,是知识产权体系中的一个重要新兴领域,作为原始资源储量丰富国家的国计民生问题,具有显赫的意义。民间医药依仗现代科技的研发,是获取知识产权尤其是专利保护的必经门槛。本文将聚焦民间医药研发初期的瓶颈问题,通过大量的田野调查,更多地从民间医生的角度,力图反映他们真实的声音,探询出问题的症结所在并进行实质性地深入分析,创造性地进入到更具有可操作性的思路模式的探讨。民间医生在其特定的生存背景下对研发其医药态度有明确分化,即绝大多数的安于现状者和极少数的积极寻求研发者,研发机构趋向于观望也有其苦衷:民间医生与研发机构的羞涩复杂关系使“民间医药知识产权保护”在初期便倍受冷落而成长艰难。其重要原因之一,笔者认为,关键不在于通常所主张对预期知识产权权利人的“激励不足”,而是现行体制下民间医生寻求其医药研发所耗费成本就已过高;促进民间医药本土传承,是知识产权保护题中应有之意,而两者文化背景的迥异对知识产权介入后强者文化的包容情怀赋予了深层期待。在可能的民间医药知识产权保护模式探索上,笔者不敢也未尝试过提供完整的体系构建,仅在相关凸显的问题上做出了个人的冷峻思考:关注民间医药世居地原著民的惠益分享,知识产权保护的主体由个人转入群体;民间医药知识产权保护对民间医生经济和精神权利问题透视;公权力在民间医药知识产权保护现状中威力不足的遗憾,期待公权力调整后的重新介入,即成立“民间医药(奇方妙药)管理委员会”的模式探索;“奇方妙药池”(仿西方“专利池”模式)构建的可行性反思。

【Abstract】 The intellectual property (IP) protection of folk medicine is a new important area of the IP system. As a nation rich in resources of folk medicine, it will benefit us a lot. The research &development of folk medicine, is an economically empowering side to ensure its strong significance, which also a necessary step to get modern IP protection. In this context, the author focus on the critical difficulties in the initial phase of the research &development of folk medicine, through series of on-the-spot investigations, with an orientation of the folk practitioner’s viewpoint, try to transfer their most truly voices, through the substantial analysis of the crux of the problems, and finally find out creatively practical solutions. Due to divergent living settings, folk practitioners have marked differentiations in their attitudes toward the research &development of their folk medicine: the overwhelming majority who satisfied with the current situation and only a few who positively seek for exploitation of their medicine or special ways of treatment. Those research &development institutions have their own grievances: the unutterable and complicated relationship between these two sides made“the IP protection of folk medicine”being ignored in its early period for a long term, which contributed to its low-growing state. One of the reasons, as the author consider, is not the traditional thought of“lack of rewards”which modern IP system stresses continually, but the high cost for the folk practitioners, through the way he try to get a chance for his medicine to being researched by modern medical facilities. Through culturally respected, we could give the chance for later-on development, which still contributed to its passing down from generation to generations, as one basic goal of IP protection . On the possible solutions, the author does not dare to offer complete system, just make her own reasoning considerations: the benefit-sharing mechanism between the researching department and the local people where the folk medicine come from, shafting from private right to group right; the benefit-sharing mechanism between the researching departments and the folk practitioner, from economical and spiritual points; the absence of the functions of public power in the IP protection of folk medicine, exploration of new models of public power’s entering, as“the Management Committee for Folk Medicine”; the feasibility reflections of“Folk Medicine Pool”.

  • 【分类号】F426.72;F204
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】225

