

The Study and Realization of the Sensing System of Micromechanical Silicon Gyroscope

【作者】 安建宏

【导师】 张鹤鸣;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在硅材料上采用氧化、光刻、腐蚀、键合等微机械加工技术制作出来的微机械惯性传感器具有批量生产成本低、体积小、质量轻、功耗低、可靠性高、易于与微电子电路集成实现数字化和智能化等优点。它成功地把旋转或者非旋转的惯性传感器从宏观概念向微观世界推进了至关重要的一大步。微硅机械振动陀螺仪是微机械惯性传感器乃至整个微机械研究领域内一项重要课题。微硅机械陀螺仪在航天航空器惯性制导、汽车自动导航和安全系统、武器火控系统、雷达天线稳定、机器人姿态控制、工业生产自动化、医用电子学等领域都有广阔的应用。本文在分析差动电容式传感器工作原理的基础上,设计了音叉电容式微硅陀螺仪检测系统。电容检测电路采用电荷放大器方案。对电容检测电路的输出信号进行了分析,设计了信号检测电路,利用锁定放大技术检测微小信号。在锁定放大器前级设计高阻抗、低噪声、高增益放大器,使用开关式乘法器电路进行相关检测,根据锁定放大的特点,设计了二阶无源带通滤波器、有源低通滤波器,有效的分离出了输入角速度。通过对电路性能的分析、陀螺主要参数的估算,确定所设计的电路可以达到基本要求。本文的最后,采用BiCMOS工艺技术完成了芯片的工艺设计以及版图设计并进行了一系列相关的版图验证工作。

【Abstract】 Micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) technology holds the promise of making complex systems that integrate micro mechanical and microelectronic component. MEMS gyroscopes can be implemented performance in a small package at a small cost, provide be high while being rugged and operable in harsh environments and take up less space than the macro-systems available. It is believed that MEMS gyroscope will soon be mass produced at similar volumes.The sensing system of micromechanical silicon gyroscope is designed on the base of the differential capacitance sensor’s work principle. The sensing circuit tuning fork micromechanical gyroscope is designed. As for the detecting circuit of the capacitances, the "charge sense" circuit is designed. Trough the analysis of the output of the detecting circuit of the capacitances, the processing circuit is designed. Use locked-in amplifier technology to detect weak signal. In first amplifier, using high impedance and low noise operational amplifier. Then two-pole band-pass filter, a single-pole low-pass filter and transfer-phase circuit are designed. Then the angular rate is separated. Parameters computed of the gyroscope and the performance analyzed of the circuit show that the circuit can reach the base requirement.At last, the layout of the sensing system of micromechanical silicon gyroscope is finished with BiCMOS technology and complemented with series of check.

  • 【分类号】TN492
  • 【下载频次】210

