

The Study of Spectral Feature and Extraction of Remote Sensing Alteration Anomalies for Metallic Ore Deposits in Gobi Arid Zone and Application in Mineral Resources

【作者】 姚佛军

【导师】 杨建民; 张玉君; 邓刚;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质科学院 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 我国矿产资源紧缺已经成为制约经济可持续发展的重大瓶颈之一,应用遥感技术来研究成矿地质背景,进行地质调查和矿产资源勘查与评价是一种有效的技术方法。目前,遥感技术已经发展到5S技术的集成(遥感RS,地理信息系统GIS,全球定位系统GPS,专家系统ES,数字摄影测量系统DPS)。本论文在研究东天山荒漠戈壁景观区的多种类型典型矿床成矿规律的基础上,利用遥感信息处理技术提取了ASTER和ETM~+多种类型矿床的蚀变遥感异常信息,并检验和查证了优选的靶区,取得了良好的找矿效果。因此,该技术方法具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文重点突出研究了多种类型典型矿床波谱特征及其在ASTER对应各波段上的吸收特征,在此基础上,分别在ASTER和ETM~+中提取了多种类型典型矿床的蚀变遥感异常信息。丰富了蚀变遥感异常信息提取的方法,拓宽了遥感在矿产资源勘查与评价中的应用领域。本人在导师的指导下,参加了“天山铜矿带找矿靶区优选”国家科技攻关项目, 2004年与2005年两次去新疆进行野外地质工作。采集和收集了黄山东、白石泉、罗东、坡十、坡一、天宇、天香、图拉尔根、葫芦、萝卜北、鸭子泉、串珠、马蹄和红十岗等铜镍矿;沙泉子、铅炉子和宝源等铅锌矿;土屋-延东斑岩铜矿;天目和老金硐等金矿;白山钼矿(矿化点)的样品,并拍摄了野外照片。利用PIMA实测了2000多条谱线,分析研究多种类型典型矿床的波谱特征。提取了3600km~2的ASTER和31000km~2的ETM~+数据中的蚀变遥感异常信息。镜下鉴定了光薄片25个。获得了如下结论:1.不同类型矿床的蚀变矿物组合不同。其中,黄山东镁铁-超镁铁岩型铜镍矿蚀变矿物组合为:绿泥石、伊利石、方解石、透闪石、蛇纹石、绿帘石、角闪石;沙泉子矽卡岩型铅锌矿蚀变矿物组合为:方解石、蛇纹石、绿泥石、伊利石、白云石、角闪石;天目蚀变岩型金矿蚀变矿物组合为:蒙脱石、蛇纹石、埃洛石、黑云母、透闪石、绿脱石。2.不同类型矿床有各自的波谱吸收特征。其中,黄山东镁铁-超镁铁岩型铜镍矿在ASTER数据中的特征吸收谷为8波段;沙泉子矽卡岩型铅锌矿在ASTER数据中的特征吸收谷组合为8与5波段;天目蚀变岩型金矿在ASTER数据中的特征吸收谷组合为6与9波段。3.同一矿区中不同岩性波谱特征有差异。例如,沙泉子矽卡岩型铅锌矿的矽卡岩在ASTER数据中的第8、9波段产生具有诊断意义的吸收;玢岩在ASTER第5、8波段产生具有诊断意义的吸收。4.利用ASTER数据作为示范区,使用主成分分析、光谱角技术、最大似然监督分类技术、比值法等方法提取了镁铁-超镁铁岩型铜镍矿床、矽卡岩型铅锌矿床和蚀变岩型金矿的蚀变遥感异常信息。并在ETM+数据中实现了镁铁-超镁铁岩型铜镍矿床、矽卡岩型铅锌矿床和蚀变岩型金矿的蚀变遥感异常信息的提取。然后将遥感找矿信息与多源地学信息综合集成,优选了找矿靶区。通过图上检验,已知矿床位置和蚀变遥感异常信息吻合良好。5.野外实地查证表明,本次工作提取的蚀变遥感异常信息和已知矿床、蚀变带的吻合率较高。在处理景区范围内,像黄山东、黄山、香山、黄山南、土墩、二红洼、白石泉镁铁-超镁铁岩型铜镍矿;沙泉子、宝源矽卡岩型铅锌矿;天目、小红山、金沟井、垄西、库姆塔格沙垄东、明舒井、翠岭采石山金矿(矿化点)与相应类型的蚀变遥感异常信息吻合良好。利用TM、ETM~+、ASTER等多光谱遥感数据提取的遥感找矿信息,非常有效地缩小了找矿靶区的范围。2004年笔者参加的以杨建民研究员为首的中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所与航空物探遥感中心组成的野外考察组发现了罗东铜镍矿;2005年新疆地矿局第六地质大队的莫新华工程师等通过查证蚀变遥感异常信息与CuNi地球化学综合异常信息确定的找矿靶区,发现了天香铜镍矿;2005年新疆地矿局第六地质大队的程松林总工程师面告通过查证蚀变遥感异常靶区,在尾亚岩体东部发现了一处铅锌矿化点和二处与铅锌矿化有关的蚀变带。

【Abstract】 China’s mineral resources shortage has become a major bottleneck constraining economic sustainable development. It is an effective technical means to apply remote sensing technology to study geological background, to do geological survey, to prospect and evaluate mineral resources. Currently, remote sensing techniques have been developed to master 5S (RS for Remote Sensing, GIS for Geographical Information System, GPS for Global Positioning System, ES for Expert System, DPS for Digital Photogram metric System).In this paper, the various typical deposits forming regularities have been studied in East Tianshan mountains Gobi desert, on the basis of that, we use remote sensing information processing technology to extract remote sensing anomaly information of various type deposits, then to test and verify optimized targets, and have achieved good results for deposit exploration. Therefore, the techniques have important theoretical and practical significance. The paper study focused spectrum characters and absorption characters of ASTER homologous bands, on basis of that, we respectively extract remote sensing anomaly information of various type deposits from ASTER and ETM+, which enrich remote sensing anomaly information extraction methods, broaden applications of remote sensing in mineral resources prospecting and evaluation.I have participated in national research project named“Optimization of prospecting targets in Tianshan mountains copper ore belt”guided mentor, and twice conduct field geological work in Sinkiang in 2004 and 2005. I have collected samples which come from the mafic and ultramafic Cu-Ni deposits of eastern huangshan mountains, white rock font, luodong, tenth slope, first slope, tianyu, tianxiang, tulaergen, calabash, northern radish, duck font, a string of beads, horse hoof, hongshigang, the skarn Pb-Zn deposits of shaquanzi, lead camp stove, baiyuan, the altered type Au deposits of tianmu, laojindong, the molybdenum deposit of white mountains, and have photographed field photographs. I measured 2000 spectrums use PIMA, analysed and studied spectrum characters of various typical deposits, and extract remote sensing anomaly information of 3600 km2 ASTER and 31000 km2 ETM+, and identified 25 photic slicesin microscope. Following conclusions have been gained:1. Different types of mineral deposits have different altered minerals compounding, which of the skarn Pb-Zn deposit in shaquanzi areas are calcite, antigorite, chlorite, illlite, dolomite, hornblende, which of the mafic and ultramafic Cu-Ni deposit in huangshandong areas are chlorite, illite, calcite, tremolite, antigorite, epidote, hornblende, which of the altered type Au deposit in tianmu areas are montmorillonite, antigorite, halloysite, biotite, tremolite, nontronite. 2. Different rocks of the mineral deposits have different spectrum absorption valleys, which are ASTER 8th, 5th bands in the skarn Pb-Zn deposit in shaquanzi areas, which are ASTER 8th band in the mafic and ultramafic Cu-Ni deposit in huangshandong areas, which are ASTER 6th, 9th bands in the altered type Au deposit in tianmu areas.3. Different rocks in the same deposit have different spectrum characters, take example for lithology of the skarn Pb-Zn deposit in shaquanzi areas, the skarn rock in ASTER 8th, 9th bands have diagnostic significance absorption, the porphyrites rock in Aster 5th, 8th bands have diagnostic significance absorption.4. Use ASTER data as a demonstration zone, to extract remote sensing anomaly information of the mafic and ultramafic Cu-Ni deposits, the skarn Pb-Zn deposits and the altered type Au deposits using principal component analysis, spectral angle mapper, maximum likelihood supervised and ratio method and so on. And to actualize extraction of remote sensing anomaly information of the mafic and ultramafic Cu-Ni deposits, the skarn Pb-Zn deposits and the altered type Au deposits in ETM+ data. Then to pile remote sensing mine information and other geological information, optimize targets for finding deposits. The known mineral deposits positions and remote sensing anomaly information very fit together on maps.5. The field geology identifies that anomaly information of remote sensing and the mineral deposits concrete position and altered minerals cingulum fit together. In ranges of abstraction of anomaly remote sensing information, the mafic and ultramafic Cu-Ni deposits of eastern huangshan mountain, huangshan mountain, xiangshan mountain, southern huangshan mountain, tudun, erhongwa, baishiquan; the skarn Pb-Zn deposits of shaquanzi, baoyuan and some Pb-Zn mineralized points; the altered type Au deposits of tianmu, xiaohongshan mountain, jinguijing, longxi, eastern kumutageshalong, mingshujing, cuilingcaishishan mountain and some Au mineralized points and the typical mineral anomaly remote sensing informations fit together very well. In 2004, we who are led by yangjianmin researcher found luodong Cu-Ni deposit. In 2005, some people with moxinhua engineer from Sinkiang geological mine bureau 6th geological troop found tianxiang Cu-Ni deposit according to the target given by anomaly remote sensing information and Cu-Ni geochemistry information. In 2005, chengsonglin chief engineer said that they found one Pb-Zn mineralized point and two alteration minerals cingulums about Pb-Zn mineralized in eastern weiya rock mass according to the target given by anomaly remote sensing information.

  • 【分类号】P627
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】741

