

The Design of Brake Shoes Stack Adjuster’s Tiring Test

【作者】 赵蔚

【导师】 李亚荣; 郭良;

【作者基本信息】 大连交通大学 , 机械工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 闸调器全称为闸瓦间隙自动调整器,用于调整列车制动闸瓦与轮对间的距离,是车辆基础制动装置的重要部分。随着铁路运输部门的发展,对列车制动装置的性能与稳定性提出了严峻的考验,同时也对制动装置寿命检测提出了更高要求。由于过去没有闸调器的疲劳寿命指标,铁路列车提速后,这个问题更加突出。为了测量闸调器的疲劳寿命,需要做一个闸调器疲劳试验机。课题的机械部分设计满足了闸调器疲劳试验的要求:疲劳试验机工作时间长,部分部件易损。设计时考虑了机械部件的可靠性、极限工作状态、更换的简易性等。测控部分应用了Delphi软件设计了控制、测试系统,实现了对闸调器疲劳性能的自动控制、记录测试值、监测计算机与控制计算机的双机通讯几项功能。监测部分利用串行通讯技术、VFW数字视频技术和数字图像处理技术,以VC++作为开发工具,开发了一套先进的状态监测装置,实现了对闸调器疲劳试验机工作状态的连续动态监测。该装置包括信息采集、串行通讯、图像数据处理和状态决策等几个模块,并对疲劳试验机的异常状态进行智能报警,自动保存异常状态信息,对闸调器疲劳试验机是否继续工作实行监测。根据闸调器疲劳测试现场的实际情况,本试验机采用摄像头作为信息攫取工具,来解决动态情况下无法准确安装传感器的问题,提高了监测准确率与可靠性;保证不但能完成闸调器疲劳性能的一系列测试,而且能连续工作长达几个月的时间。整个闸调器疲劳试验机的设计将大大提高疲劳状态监控的可靠性、降低工人的劳动强度,提高效率,减少人为因素的影响,具有广阔的应用前景。

【Abstract】 Brake shoes stack adjuster is an important part of act-enable of trains and it is used to adjust the distance between Zhawa and Wheels in pair. With the development of the railroad, the capability and the stability of the act-enable parts of these equipments are faces baptism. At the same time, testing the biometry of the equipment faces higher needs than before too. For no indexes of tire-age before, with the revving up of the train, this problem becomes serious little by little. In order to test the tire-age, a machine of examination of it is used. It is called brake shoes stack adjuster tire test machine.In order to satisfy the requirement of brake shoes stack adjuster’ tire test, this machine’s part is designed, the characteristic of reliability and utmost working state are considered for the design of mechanical part. And it’s relatively easy to change the damageable parts. Use Delphi as a developing environment, Measurement and control software are designed to automatically control the machine and record the testing value. Watcher computer and control computer can also communicate through it. The design uses the pc-camera as the tool to get the abundance information, uses the technique of Serial communication, technique of Video for Windows and theories of digital image processing, uses Visual C++ as the developing environment and exploits this new set for testing and controlling automatically. The design involves four models and makes the automation of test-control reality. It also uses some theories of digital image processing to deal with the information of the test in that time and to record the unwonted status messages. The design could offer helps to the unmanned automation of the test-control.Because it’s very difficult to fix a sensor on this machine, a pc-camera is selected to inspect the working condition of the machine. It not only can improve reliability and capability test but also can continue running for several month. The whole system utilized advantages of the advanced test & control system sufficiently, enhanced automatic degree of the performance test system., moreover reduced influence to test data conduced by man-made factors, improved test’s veracity and reliability.

  • 【分类号】TH87
  • 【下载频次】90

