

The Study of Bystander Effects of Radiation Brain Injury

【作者】 钟静

【导师】 姜恩海; 姜波; 刘强;

【作者基本信息】 中国协和医科大学 , 放射医学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 颅内病变的放射治疗已应用多年,如胶质瘤的术后放疗、垂体瘤的放疗等。特别是近年来立体定向放疗(X-刀、γ-刀)亦广泛应用于治疗颅内各种良恶性病变,临床上经常可以见到脑放射反应和放射损伤的出现。目前旁效应研究已经成为放射生物学的研究热点,但国内外对电离辐射导致的放射性脑损伤的旁效应研究尚未见直接报道。“旁效应”(bystander effect),也称“旁观者效应”,即通过细胞接触或细胞间通讯,将接触损伤因素原始细胞的应答传递给周围并未直接受到损伤因素作用的其他细胞,使之产生与接触损伤因素原始细胞相同的应答。自1992年Nagasawa等提出电离辐射旁效应概念以来,国外许多研究者应用先进的检测技术,通过多种终点参数证实其旁效应的存在,并得到放射生物学界的确认。电离辐射旁效应的提出,是对某些传统观念有力的挑战,有助于深入理解辐射生物效应,特别是低剂量辐射生物效应的本质,以及对放射肿瘤临床起到重要的指导作用,因此对放射性脑损伤旁效应的研究越来越迫切。经过20年的研究我们取得了许多有关辐射诱导旁效应机制的研究成果,一系列实验也证明了旁效应的存在。旁效应的存在可以帮助我们理解放射生物学中的低剂量辐射效应,以决定放射治疗中控制正常组织反映的因素,使我们更好地评估低剂量辐射危害和防止辐射远后效应,因此旁效应的研究具有良好的应用前景。本研究共包括三个部分的工作。第一部分观察放射性脑损伤临床症状、体征、受照部位及邻近组织的病理学。第二部分观察放射性脑损伤骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核、用单细胞凝胶电泳技术检测淋巴细胞DNA的改变情况。第三部分观察ROS系统在脑损伤旁效应中所起的作用。

【Abstract】 Radiation therapy has been admoved in disease of intracalvarium for many years,for example, the postoperation radiotherapy of neurogliocytoma, hypophyseomaand so on. Especially radiotherapy of stereotaxis (X-knife、γ-knife) generallyadmove in various kinds of good and malignant disease in Intracalvarium in recentyears, we generally could meet the appearance of radiation reaction and radiationinjury. At present, the study of bystander effects has been the research hot spot ofradiation biology, but there are no direct report to ionization radiation causedradioactivity brain injury in domestic and overseas academic province. "BystanderEffect", transfer the respond of archaeocyte which get in touch with injury moduledirectly to other cell surrounding which does not get in touch with injury moduleindirectly through the contact of cell and cell-cell communication, then the other cellsurrounding which does not get in touch with injury module indirectly product thesame respond with archaeocyte which get in touch with injury module directly. Since1992 years, Nagasawa etc proposed the the concept of ionising radiation bystandereffect, many researcher overseas has confirmed its existence through many end pointparameter and many advanced detect technology, these verification also get theaffirmation of the sphere of radiation biology. The produce of ionising radiationbystander effect is a challenge to some conventional idea, it could conduce tocomprehend the biological effect of radiation penetratingly, especially the essenceof low dose biological effect of radiation, and it could also to guide the radiationtherapy of tumor in clinic, so the study of radiation brain injury bystander effect isgetting more and more urgent. We have got a lot of research achievement about themechanism of bystander effect which be induced by radiation through our twenty years study, a series of experiments also prove the existence of bystander effect. Theexistence of bystander effect could help we to comprehend the radiate effectiveness oflow does in radiation biology, so we could to make a decision about how to controlthe normal tissue’s factor, and we also could better evaluate the disservice of low doseradiation and prevent the after effect of radiation, so the study of bystander effect hasa favourable prospect of application.Our research contains three parts of work., the primary part is to observe theclinical symptom、physical sign、pathology of part which get radiation of radioactiveray and adjacent tissue in radioaction brain injury, the second part is to observe thechanged condition of marrow Polychromatic Erythrocyte Micronucleus andlympholeukocyte’s DNA with the technology of single cell gel electrophoresis(SCGE).The three part is to observe the ROS system play a what role in radioaction braininjury.

  • 【分类号】R818
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】158

