

The Research on Integrated Land Section Price of Land Expropriation

【作者】 王明丽

【导师】 马才学;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 资源环境信息工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 征地补偿作为征地过程中的核心经济问题,直接关系到被征地对象的利益与征地工作的顺利实施。作为计划经济时代的产物,以年产值倍数为补偿标准的补偿方式弊端日益突出,当前征地区片价作为新的补偿标准被提出,开始引入市场定价机制,对于解决以往征地补偿标准偏低、同地不同价等问题具有重要的意义。本文旨在通过对征地区片价概念的理解,探讨征地区片的合理划分和征地区片价的合理测算方法。本文在研究农地外部性、资源价值构成的基础上,重建了农地价值体系,将农地的外部价值纳入农地的价值核算体系,在此基础上,提出征地区片价由农用地经济价格、农用地社会保障价格、农用地社会稳定价格、农用地生态价格构成。本研究以湖北省山地丘陵区枣阳市为例,对征地区片的划分和征地区片价测算方法进行了验证。首先以行政村为基本单元,对该地区的农用地利用状况、农业投入产出、农民生活水平及征地案例等进行了全面而详细的调查,收集到丰富可靠的数据。然后采用多因素综合评价法划分征地区片,提出了征地区片价影响因素的D-S-R概念模型;尝试构建了征地区片价影响因素体系,将社会因素和环境因素纳入该体系中,并针对枣阳市的具体特点,选择了道路通达度、农民人均收入、基础设施状况、农用地级别、土地利用效益、中心城镇影响度、人均耕地面积、土地供求关系共8个因素作为定级因素;采用层次分析法确定了各因素的权重;采用GIS的分析方法和一般分析方法结合,量化各因素,划分出枣阳市征地区片。最后计算枣阳市的征地区片价,其中经济价格采用收益还原法计算,社会保障价格由养老保险法计算,社会稳定价格采用替代法计算、生态价格采用意愿评估法计算。

【Abstract】 As thc core cconomic compound of thc process of land expropriation, land requisition compensation directly affects the benefit of the land owncr and smooth implementation of the land expropriation progress. As the result of the planned economy, land expropriation compensation which take which take multiple output compensation as the compensation method is in urgent need of reform. Currently Integrated land section price of land expropriation is presented as a new standard of compensation, import the market pricing mechanism, it has great significance to rcsolve the low standard compensation and compensation.This research aims at understanding the concept of integrated land section price to discuss reasonable compartmentalized way of expropriation section and reasonable calculation way of integrated land section price. Based on the study of Externality of farmland and the composing of resource value, reestablish the farmland valuc system. On this basis, integrated land section price should include four parts as following: The economy price, social security prices, social stability prices and ecology price.As the Zaoyang city for an example, this research validated the calculation method of integrated land section price. Firstly, taking the administrative villages as. units, a comprehensive and detailed survey was made to attain the rich and reliable data, including the information about the agricultural land utilization, the agricultural inputs and outputs, the living standards of farmers, and the cases of expropriated land and so on. Afterwards, this research uses Multiple factor comprehensive method to plot out Expropriation section. An impact factor system of integrated land section price is established in this research. Based on characteristic analysis of integrated land section price, the model of D-S-R conception is set up. The index system of Expropriation land block price with social and environmental factors is dcveloped tentatively. Aiming at the characteristic of Zaoyang City, the indexes of road, basic establishment, farmland grading, average income of farmer, farmland proceeds, center city, Per capita cultivated area and Land quantity of expropriation are selected and measured by GIS and tradition methods. Their weights are confirmed by AHP method. Four classes of expropriation section are ensured. Finally, integrated land section price was evaluated, The economy price was calculated by profit reduction method; social security prices was calculated by insurance method, social stabilization prices was calculated by Alternative method and ecology price was calculated by contingent valuation method..

  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】285

