

Research on Guarantee Measures for Implementation of Overall Land Use Planning

【作者】 廖建平

【导师】 段建南;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 本文研究了现行土地利用总体规划实施过程中已取得的成果和存在的问题,针对新一轮土地利用总体规划及规划管理的主要任务和目标,提出了一系列土地利用总体规划实施保障措施,旨在不断完善土地利用规划管理的机制,使土地规划在实际工作中的权威性和严肃性得到足够的重视。通过对现行土地利用规划管理体制的研究,提出了改进规划实施保障措施及政策的目标和原则,并以湖南省冷水江市为例进行了实证研究,对现行土地利用总体规划实施的效果进行了评价,对上一轮土地利用总体规划实施存在问题的原因进行了分析,提出规划管理及规划实施保障措施的理念和思想。本研究在理论分析和实地调研的基础上,着重提出了以下一些措施。(1)加强规划管理的立法工作,加强行政执法监督,建立执法责任追究制,完善土地执法监察体制。(2)强化规划实施管理,实行土地利用功能分区管理,建立规划许可制度。建立统一的土地登记制度,创新集体建设用地使用权流转管理,完善建设项目用地预审制度。建立健全规划管理责任制,创新失地农民权益保护模式。(3)加强规划实施经济调控。创新激励与约束机制,完善土地统一供应机制。强化税收调节功能,建立财政转移支付制度。建立土地供求调节机制,实施城镇建设用地增加和农村建设用地减少相挂钩制度,完善土地征用补偿制度。(4)扩大规划实施的民主决策和公众参与。创新规划决策制度,建立规划公众参与制度,改进规划公示制度,实施规划听政制度。

【Abstract】 Achievements and problems of the implementation of overall land use planning at present were researched in the thesis. Taking aim at the main goals and tasks of the revision of the overall land use planning and tasks of the planning management, a set of method on guarantee measures of implementation of overall land use planning was put forward, for consummating the management system of land use planning and for paying more attentions to the authority and seriousness on land planning implementation in the practice.The goals and the principles of guarantee measures and policies for improvement of planning implementation were proposed based on broad scale research on present management system of land use planning. Taking Lengshuijiang city, Hunan Province, as the example, effects on the implementation of the present overall land use planning were evaluated, and the causes of problems in present planning implementation were analyzed. Then, the idea and thought on management and guarantee measures for planning implementation were put forward. Some guarantee measures were stressed as follows based on theoretic analysis and in situ researches in this study.(1) The planning management legislation and administrative enforcement supervision must be strengthened. The law enforcement accountability system shall be established. And the monitor system for land law execution will be consummated.(2) The management of planning implementation shall be strengthened, and the management of land utilization function zoning shall be put into practice. The system of planning admission and the uniform system of land registration shall be established. To innovate the management system of the use right change of collective constructive land, to perfect the prejudication system of the constructive project land use, to perfect the responsibility system of planning management, and to innovate the safeguard pattern of rights and interests of land-losing farmers were useful measures.(3) To strengthen the economic regulation on planning implementation, for example, to innovate the mechanism of economic prompting and restriction, to perfect the system of uniform land providing, to strengthen the regulation function of revenue, to establish the system of financial shift payment, to establish the adjustment mechanism of land providing and demand, to implement the system of integrating the town constructive land increase with the rural constructive land decrease, and to perfect the system of land expropriation compensation, will also be useful measure.(4) For accepting supervision by society, to enlarge the democratic decision-making and the public participation of the planning implementation, for example, to innovate the system planning decision-making, to establish the system of public participation in land use planning, to improve the bulletin system of land use planning, and to carry the system of administering planning affairs of state into execution, must be put in practice.

  • 【分类号】F301.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】636

