

Study on Propagation Methods of Disporum Bodinieri (Levl. et. Vnt.)Wang et Tang for Exploiture of the Wild Resources

【作者】 蒋天仪

【导师】 石大兴;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以长蕊万寿竹(Disporum bodinieri(Levl.et.Vnt.)Wang et Tang)为试验材料,对其野生资源开发利用的繁殖技术进行了初步的研究。以茎段为外植体,进行组织培养技术体系的建立。同时,研究了长蕊万寿竹的扦插繁殖技术,外源激素种类、浓度、处理时间、以及不同季节对试验材料插穗生根的影响,主要研究结果如下:1组织培养试验:①长蕊万寿竹的组织培养中,外植体灭菌最佳时间为0.1%HgCl2处理6min。②取材最适宜的季节为4月,此时取才进行培养,启动率高,达到82.35%,而污染率最低,仅为17.69%。③初代培养中:茎段的启动诱导,以6-BA 1.0mg/L+2,4-D0.01 mg╱L+NAA0.1 mg╱L+IBA1.0mg/L为最适宜的培养基组合,启动率达到85.20%。④有效苗的培养:适宜于有效苗诱导的最佳培养基配方为1/2MS+IBA0.05mg/L,有效苗的诱导率为62.26%。⑤生根培养:以1/2MS+NAA1.0mg/L+AC 5g/L培养基配方最有利于长蕊万寿竹根的诱导,生根率达96.13%。⑥丛生芽的诱导:适宜于丛生芽诱导的培养基最优组合是6-BA 0.5mg╱L+KT1.5mg/L+NAA 0.2 mg/L+蔗糖30 g/L,增殖系数达到6.10。⑦移栽与炼苗,在珍珠岩:蛭石:河沙=1:1:2的基质中移栽成活率最高,达到82.06%。2扦插试验:①不同种类激素处理对插穗生根均有显著影响,生根率都明显高于对照(CK),其中NAA100mg╱L浸泡插穗基部6h与IBA、ASD相同浓度和时间处理比较,NAA效果最佳,平均根长4.86cm,平均根数4.76条,生根率为78.46%。ASD与IBA处理后综合各项生根指标来看,效果差异不显著。②NAA不同浓度和时间组合对长蕊万寿竹插穗基部进行浸泡处理,结果表明,以NAA100mg╱L溶液对插条处理8h效果最佳,生根率达到76.90%。③在不同季节的扦插试验中,以春季4月扦插的效果最好,生根时间也较短,生根率为75.43%,生根时间38.3d。夏季7月扦插效果居中,秋季10月扦插效果最差。

【Abstract】 The paper mainly dealt with the study of propagation methods of Disporum bodinieri (Levl.et.Vnt.) Wang et Tang for exploiture of the wild resources. The steam of seedlings were taken as explants to establish the technique system of tissue culture. We study the technique of cutting propagation, including thc influence of exogenesis hormones treatment, the hormones’ concentration, the hormones’ soaking time and the seasonal difference on cuttage rooting. The results were as follows:1 The study of tissue culture :①The best way of sterilization was 0.1%HgCl2 for 6 minutes.②April is the optimum season to get explants. In this month, the germination rate is high, it is 82.35%, and the contaminated rate is the lowest, it is 71.69%.③Initial culture: initi al medium of steam: 6-BA 1.0mg/L+2,4-D0.01 mg/L+ NAA0.1 mg/L+ IBA1.0mg/L, in which the germination rate is 85.20%.④Efficiency seedling induction medium: 1/2MS+ IBA0.05mg/L, in which the germination rate is:62.26%.⑤Rooting culture:以1/2MS+NAA1.0mg/L+AC5g/L, in which the rate of rooting reached 96.13%.⑥Proliferation medium: 6-BA 0.5mg/L+KT1.5 mg/L +NAA 0.2 mg/L+ sucrose 30 g/L were the optimum medium. The multiplication rate is 6.1.⑦Forging seeding transplanting: the transplant medium in perlite、vermiculite and sands by 1:1:2 is the optimal for Disporum bodinieri (Levl.et.Vnt.) Wang et Tang ,which the ratio of survival is 82.06%.2 The study of cuttage propagation :①Different types of hormones have efficient influence on rooting, the rooting ratio is better than CK. The cuttings were treated by NAA100mg/L for 6h is the best, in which the rooting ratio is 78.46%,the length is 4.86cm,the quantity of roots is 4.76.The results of ASD and IBA were almost the same ,considering the physiology index②For NAA concentration and soaking time combination, the results show: 100 mg/L dipping in 8h,which rooting ratio is 76.9%.③The seasonal difference: the optimum season is April in spring, which the rooting rate is 75.43% in 38.3days.July in summer at the middle, October in autumn is the worst.

  • 【分类号】S682.19
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】128

