
黄柏鞘锈菌(Coleosporium phellodendri)重寄生菌的研究

Study on the Hyperparasite of Colesporium Phellodendri

【作者】 吴云

【导师】 叶华智;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 植物病理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 黄柏是具有较高药用价值的植物,由黄柏鞘锈菌(Coleosporium phellodendri Kom)引起的锈菌是黄柏重要的病害之一。最近几年我们在病害调查时发现在黄柏鞘锈菌上自然寄生着一种重寄生菌。本文对该重寄生菌的重寄生现象、重寄生情况调查、形态及种类鉴定、生物学特性、可溶性蛋白及酯酶同工酶电泳分析进行初步的调查研究,为黄柏鞘锈菌的生物防治提供重要的理论依据,具有潜在应用前景。结果如下:黄柏鞘锈菌重寄生菌寄生在黄柏鞘锈菌的夏孢子堆上,在不同的程度上阻碍了鞘锈菌夏孢子堆的发育和夏孢子的释放,寄生严重时甚至不能形成夏孢子。调查表明,黄柏鞘锈菌重寄生菌在7月底8月初开始发生,9月中下旬达到高峰,该重寄生菌在雅安周边县(区)的黄柏鞘锈菌上自然寄生很普遍,在一些黄柏林地,自然重寄生率高达100%,重寄生指数为60~90。经鉴定,黄柏鞘锈菌的重寄生菌为柱隔孢菌(Ramularia sp.)。黄柏鞘锈菌重寄生菌不同菌株在菌落形态,菌丝生长速度以及分生孢子产生能力上都存在差异。菌丝生长速度及产孢量受培养基种类的影响较大,在PDA培养基上菌丝生长速度最快,而在20%黄柏叶煎汁上产孢量最大。重寄生菌对温度和pH的适应能力均较强,在温度5~30℃下和pH值3.0~10.0之间均能生长均能生长,菌丝最适生长温度为20~25℃,最适pH为6.0~8.0。在温度为25℃,pH值7.0的条件下产孢量最大。不同碳氮源对菌丝及产孢量也有一定影响,葡萄糖为菌丝生长的最佳碳源,菊糖及麦芽糖为产孢量的最佳碳源,对于不同的氮源,菌丝生长及产孢量都以KNO3和NaNO3最佳。分生孢子在5~35℃的范围内都能萌发,25~30℃最佳。在pH2.0~12.0的范围内,分生孢子都能萌发,pH值为7.0时最适。当相对湿度高于90%时分生孢子都能萌发,在水滴中最好。分生孢子致死温度为43℃(10 min);140d以后,病残体上的分生孢子都不能萌发。菌体可溶性蛋白和酯酶同工酶凝胶电泳分析结果显示,黄柏鞘锈菌重寄生呈现出特异而稳定的可溶性蛋白和酯酶同工酶图谱,可利用特异性可溶性蛋白或酯酶同工酶条带进行种类鉴定。在可溶性蛋白图谱上的地域性差异不大明显;而在酯酶同工酶图谱上存在着很明显的地域性差异,这表明种内菌株间存在一定异质性。

【Abstract】 Phellodendron amurens is a valuable medicinal plant. The rust of P. amurens caused by Colesporiurn phellodendri was one of the most important diesease of P. amurens. We found that a parasitic fungus attacked uredium of C. phellodendri. This paper reported the hyperparasitism, the development of natural hyperparasitism, the identification of hyperparasite, the biological characters and soluble protein, isoesterase patterns of the hyperparasites. The study of this hyperparasite may provide scientific base for biological control.The hyperparasites attack uredium of the pathogen and hinder the development of uredium and the release of uredispores. Hyperparasitism of C. phellodendri began in the end of July or early August then peaked in the middle of September. The natural hyperparasitism was very popular in ya’an district. In some areas the hyperparasitic percentage reached 100% and hyperparasitic index was from 60 to 100. The hyperparasite was identified as Ramularia sp.. The discovery of this hyperparasite may provide potentials for biological control.The cultural characters, and effect of temperature, PH, carbon source and nitrogen source on the mycelial growth and spore production of Rarnularia sp. were tested. The results indicated that the cultural type, the rate of mycelial growth and the sporulation of Ramularia sp. were various. The range of tmeperature for mycelium growth was 5~30℃, and the optimum tmeperature was 20~25℃. The range of pH for mycelium growth was 3.0~10.0, and the optimum pH was 6.0~8.0. The optimum tmeperature and pH for spore production was 25℃and 7.0 respectively. The most suitable carbon source and nitrogen were glucose, KNO3 and NaNO3 respectively, and inulin, KNO3, NaNO3 were suitable for spore production.The optimum temperature, PH and relative humidity for the spore germination were 25-30℃, pH7.0, in drops of water, respectivel. The death temperature for the spore was 43℃(10min). The survival time of conidiospore of C. phellodendri was about foure monthes.Soluble protein and isoesterase electrophoresis pattems of Ramularia sp. from different locations in ya’an were smdued by polyacrymide gel vertical electrophoresis. The species specific protein and eserase bands of Ramularia sp. were found. The results could be used in classification as an additional taxonomic criterion to distinguish the specie.

  • 【分类号】S435.671
  • 【下载频次】68

