

Community Character and Resources Exploiture Value of Rubus in Emei Mountain

【作者】 向丽

【导师】 叶萌;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 森林培育学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是悬钩子属植物资源极为丰富的国家之一,拥有大量优良野生水果、药用植物、园林地被植物和水土保持植物资源。由于起步较晚,我国本土悬钩子属植物资源的利用远远落后于欧美各国。本文以峨眉山为研究地点,采用野外调查结合标本室查询的方法对峨眉山悬钩子属植物进行种类、分布的研究;采用逐步回归法对悬钩子属植物群落多样性与影响因子进行相关性分析;采用模糊等价聚类法对群落类型进行研究;采用逐步回归法对悬钩子属植物与土壤养分进行相关性分析;采用改进层次分析法从药用、食用、园林地被和水土保持四个方面对峨眉山悬钩子属植物进行资源利用评价。研究结果表明:(1)峨眉山悬钩子属植物共有31种7变种,峨眉山特有种1种,为奕武悬钩子(R.yiwuanus);四川省特有种2种,为奕武悬钩子(R.yiwuanus)、峨眉悬钩子(R.faberi)。(2)悬钩子属植物群落丰富度和多样性与海拔和人为干扰显著相关,且人为干的相关系数比海拔大,表明在这三个影响因子中,人为干扰是影响悬钩子群落丰富度的最主要因子,海拔次之,坡向影响不显著。人为适度干扰群落的丰富度和α多样性指数显著高于干扰过强的群落:丰富度和α多样性指数都随海拔高度的增加而降低。(3)通过模糊等价聚类法,阈值λ=10时,悬钩子属植物群落进可划分为4个群落类型。第一类:常绿阔叶林类型,主要分布在海拔500-1500m范围内,土壤为紫色土和山地黄壤,分布的悬钩子属植物种类最多,伴生植物最丰富,主要种类有宜昌悬钩子(R.ichangensis)、川莓(R.setchuenensis)、光滑高粱泡(R.lambertianus Var.glaber)、栽秧泡(R.ellipticus Var.obcordatus)等。第二类:落叶阔叶林类型,主要分布在海拔1500-2200m范围内,土壤为黄棕壤,悬钩子种类较常绿阔叶林类型少,主要种类有峨眉悬钩子(R.faberi)、紫红悬钩子(R.subinopertus)等:第三类:针阔混交林类型,主要分布在海拔2200-2800m范围内,土壤为暗棕壤,分布的种类较少,主要有羽萼悬钩子(R.pinnatisepalus)、喜阴悬钩子(R.malifolius)等。第四类:亚高山针叶林类型,主要分布在海拔2800-3500m范围内,土壤为灰化土,分布的种类较少,群落也较单一,主要有菰帽悬钩子(R.pileatus)、白叶莓(R.innominatus)。(4)峨眉山悬钩子群落东、西坡样地土壤有机质(t=0.393<t0.05(6)2.447)、水解氮(t=0.889<t0.05(6)2.447)、速效K(t=1.305<t0.05(6)2.447)和pH(|t|=1.511<t0.05(6)2.447)值均不存在显著差异,而有效P差异显著(t=2.57>t0.05(6)2.447)。宜昌悬钩子(r=-0.6564*)和光滑高粱泡(r=-0.7771**)与速效K存在显著负相关,表明这两种植物能在速效K含量偏低的土壤上正常生长:峨眉悬钩子(r=0.6475*)则与土壤速效P存在显著正相关,表明峨眉悬钩子主要分布在富P土壤上。(5)改进层次分析法表明,适宜作为药用植物开发的为插田泡,插田泡是古代覆盆子的主要来源,建议加以利用。适宜作为食用开发的有三种,光滑高粱泡属于优良的加工种。山莓和大红泡是开发夏初时令鲜果的优良种。适宜作为园林地被植物开发的有两种,寒莓可作为城市林地下层的地被物。宜昌悬钩子可作为城市园林中攀援地被物。适宜作为水土保持植物开发的有4种,光滑高粱泡、川莓、大乌泡、宜昌悬钩子都具适应性广、根系发达、生长迅速、繁殖能力强、耐瘠薄等特点,是优良的水土保持植物。

【Abstract】 China is one of rubus plant extremely rich countries, is only inferior to the NorthAmerica distribution center, both has the massive fine wild fruits and the traditionalChinese medicine resources and has the massive fine garden cover plant and theconservation of water and soil plant resources. Because starts late, our country native placerubus plant resources development use falls behind by far the European and Americanvarious countries.This article as studies the place take Mt. Emei, used the open country investigationunion specimen room inquiry the method to carry on the type, the distribution research tothe Mt. Emei rubus plant. Used the abundance, the uniformity, alpha the multiple indicesand beta the multiple indices has carried on the quantitative analysis to the dewberrycommunity’s multiplicity. Used the fuzzy equal cluster law to carry on the cluster analysisto the rubus plant community type. Used returns the method gradually has carried on therelevant analysis to the rubus plant and the soil nutrient content.Used the improvement theanalytic hierarchy process from the for medicinal purposes value, the edible value, thebotanical garden carries on by the value and the conservation of water and soil four aspectsto the Mr. Emei rubus plant’s development using the value the appraisal.(1) Indicated after the system resources investigation that, the rubus floristiccomponent is extremely rich in Mt. Emei, altogether has 31 kinds and 7 varieties, there are1Mt. Emei endemic specie, for Ryiwuanus, 2 Sichuan endemic species, for R. yiwuanusand R. faberi.(2) The correlation between abundance and the multiplicity of rubus community andthe elevation and the jamming are remarkable, the jamming is the main factor, the elevationnext best, the slope position influence is not remarkable.The abundance and the a-diversity indices all reduce along with the altitude above sealevel increase. The linggongli down is highest, Jinding is lowest. The communityunitbrmity quite is consistent, Pielou index between 0.7-0.8; Theβ-diversity indices are0.69-0.83.(3) If threshold valueλ=10, the rubus community is divided to 4 ecology class Byfuzzy equal cluster law. First kind: Evergreen broad-leaved forest, including Hongchunping, Jingshui,Wuxiangang, Linggongli upon, Linggongli down. This type mainly distributes in the Altitude500-1500m, Purple Soil and mountain yellow soil, the community is also most complex, therubus and associated plants are richest. The main spaces of rubus are R. ichangensis, R.setchuenensis, R, lambertianus Var. glaber, R, ellipticus Var. obcordatus, and so on.Second kind: Deciduous broad-leaved forest including Yuxiansi and Xixiangchi. thistype mainly distributes in the elevation 1500-2200m, yellow brown soil, the spacesdistributed is litter than evergreen broad-leaved forest.The main spaces of rubus areR. faberi, R. subinopertus, and so on.Third kind: Mixed coniferous and broadleaf forest, including Leidongping andShuangshuijin, this type mainly distributes in the elevation 2000-2500m, Yellow BrownSoil, the rubus Species are fewer, include R. pinnatisepalus, R. malifolius, and so on.Fourth kind: Sub-alpine coniferous forest, including Jinding, this type mainlydistributes above elevation 2500m, Sub-alpine Coniferous Forest Soil, the rubus species arefewest, the mainlycommunity which is quite unitary, include R. pileatus and R. innominatus.(4) The Organic matter, Available N, Available P, Available K has the very bigdifference in different community, T-test Indicated that the value of Organic matter (t=0.393<t0.05(6) 2.447), available N (t=0.889<t0.05(6) 2.447), available K(t=1.305<t0.05(6) 2.447) are not remarkable between east slope and west slope, but the available P isremarkable (t=2.57>t0.05(6) 2.447).The relevant analysis between 9 advantage and frequency higher kind ofrubus speciesand the soil nutrient indicated that: The R.ichangensis (r=-0.6564*) and R.lambertianusVar. glabe had a remarkable inverse correlation with available K, it showed that they areable to normal grow on the low Available K soil; the R. faberi had a remarkable positivecorrelation with available P, showed that the R. faberi mainly distributes on rich available Psoil. R, setchuenensis, R. niveus, R. subinopertu, R. malifolius, R. pileatus, R. pileatus andR. pinnatisepalus to the soi The Organic matter, Available N, Available P and Available Krelevance is not all remarkable, indicates these kind of rubus plant’s to scatter to not specialrequest of the soil nutrient element.(5) The result of improvement analytic hierarchy process analysis indicated that: there is only one species named R. coreanus with big value for medicinal purpose. TheR. coreanus was used for medicinal purposes,instade R. chingii from ancient times tonow, the resources were rich and broadly distributed, suggested used.There are 3 species with big value for fruit. The R. lambertianus Var. glaber is goodspecies for jiagong, R. corchorifolius and R. eustepHanus is good for beginning summerseason fresh fruit, because of good outward appearance,bright red color and uniqueflavor.There are 2 species with big value for garden cover. The R. Buergeri may be used forgarden cover plant under forest in city,the R. ichangensis may be used for clinging gardenplant in city.There are 4 species with big value for conservation of water and soil. TheR. lambertianus Var. glaber had broad compatibility and big growth quantity, also the fruithad extremely processing value, The R. setchuenensis and R. multibracteatus both hadextremely developed root system, big growth quantity,broad compatibility. TheR. ichangensis main broade distributed under the parse forest, with tree matching, bepossible to Impediment the direct washout by rain to the ground.

  • 【分类号】Q949.9
  • 【下载频次】249

