

In Vitro Selection of Salt-resistant Mutant in Kenaf (Hibiscus Cannabinus L.)

【作者】 何谦

【导师】 周朴华; 揭雨成;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 种植, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 红麻(Hibiscus cannabinus L.)为锦葵科木槿属一年生草本作物,是重要的纺织和造纸原料。我国是世界上红麻种植面积最大的国家。红麻虽是耐盐力相对较强的作物,但盐分胁迫依然存在。而且,随着人均耕地面积的减少和粮、麻、棉争地矛盾日益突出,红麻种植势必转向更多的盐渍地,甚至转移到盐分更重的盐渍土壤。因而提高红麻耐盐性极为必要。本研究首次以红麻主栽品种Q3和7804为材料,用无菌实生苗叶片为外植体诱导出愈伤组织瘤状体,并以NaCl为选择压力,利用体细胞无性系变异,筛选出耐盐变异体,为开展红麻耐盐种质创新与新品种选育奠定了良好基础。主要研究结果如下:1.在盐胁迫和非盐胁迫条件下,红麻愈伤组织瘤状体诱导率与品种密切相关,Q3品种的诱导率始终要高于7804品种。2.尽管无菌实生苗幼叶外植体在1%NaCl盐胁迫下诱导的愈伤组织频率比非盐胁迫下(对照)要低,但愈伤组织对盐胁迫适应能力得到加强,所形成的瘤状体以及再生苗频率成倍提高。3.建立了红麻耐盐变异体的诱导、筛选及快速再生繁殖体系。4.建立了红麻耐盐变异体试管苗移栽配套技术,试管苗在大田试种栽培成功。

【Abstract】 Hibiscus canabinus, an annual nerbaceous bast crop, belongs to Hibiscus, mallowfamily. The kenaf bast is a kind of important raw material of textile, and the paperpulp of entire stem can substitute importing water pulp and is a kind of fine rawmaterial for papermaking. China is the most country of kenaf production. Althoughhaving a relative tolerance to salt, kenaf crops suffer from salt severely. Moreover,with the decrease of total cultivated land per cap and increasely contradiction forproduction area between kenaf and grain crops, cotton, kenaf crop certainly willturn its steps to more salted-soil, even more Severely salted areas. Therefore, it is verynecessary to improve its salt tolerance.In the present paper, leaves of released kenaf cultivars Q3 and 7804 were used asthe explants to induce warty of leaf spheroid, then they differentiated and selected byNaCl in vitro to select salt-resistant mutant. The paper provided a fine fundament forHibiscus canabinus germplasm recreation and breeding for new cultivars. Here werethe main results:1. The callus warty induce percentage of kenaf were highly related to the gene-type, the induce percentage of Q3 were higher than that of 7804 in NaC1 stress or noNaCl stress.2. The callus warty induce percentage of kenaf in 1%NaCl stresses were lowerthan that in no NaCl stresses (CK), but its salt-tolerant ability of the callus warty were higher than that in no NaCl stresses (CK), its induce percentage of the callus wartyand seedling were doubly increased.3. The system of induce, selection and high propagation coefficient of salt-resistant mutant in kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) in vitro were established.4. The cultivated technology for the seedling of salt-resistant mutant in kenaf(Hibiscus cannabinus L.) in vitro were established. The seedlings of salt-resistantmutant were planted successfully in field.

【关键词】 红麻耐盐体细胞变异体诱导与植株再生
【Key words】 KenafSalt toleranceMutantIn vitro selection
  • 【分类号】S563.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】59

