

Tendency Analysis on Natural Fermentation about Microorganisms and Chemical Contents of Yongfeng Hot Pepper Sauce and Research on the Fermentation Using Multi-cultures by Artificial Inoculation

【作者】 张忠刚

【导师】 邓放明;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 食品科学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 永丰辣酱多由传统方法生产,由传统方法生产的辣酱无论是制曲和发酵都有多种微生物参与并发挥多酶系的作用,产品香气浓郁,风味俱佳,深受人们喜爱。但由于多为自然制曲发酵,产品质量不稳定,存在一定安全问题,含盐量高,发酵周期长,从而影响了永丰辣酱的产业化发展。我国在酱油、豆酱和甜面酱酿造生产上使用多菌种提高产量和质量的研究已有报道,但尚未有多菌种发酵生产永丰辣酱的研究。本文通过对传统永丰辣酱的基础原料麦酱自然发酵不同时期的主要微生物的分离、培养、计数、归类和鉴定,以及对氨基态氮和蛋白酶活力、总酯与糖化酶活力、酸度与pH值等的测定、分析,表明传统产品生产中的各类微生物在不同的生产阶段起着不同的作用。米曲霉、酱油曲霉、黑曲霉的大量繁殖主要在制酱的第一阶段即制曲阶段,其作用主要是产生蛋白酶和糖化酶等多种酶类,为分解原料中的蛋白质、淀粉等大分子物质创造条件;鲁氏酵母和盐水四联球菌的繁殖则积累大量酒精、乳酸等中间物质,为酱的成熟准备条件;第三阶段是酱的成熟阶段,也是酱香形成的主要阶段。在对传统永丰辣酱的自然发酵过程进行分析的基础上,本文考察了辣酱生产中的主要微生物米曲霉和黑曲霉的产酶特性,并通过正交试验对两种曲霉的制曲工艺进行优化,结果表明:米曲霉采用种曲接种量0.8%,曲室相对湿度85%,制曲温度28℃,制曲时间72 h时,制得的生产曲的蛋白酶活力较高;黑曲霉主要控制以下参数,制曲时间48 h,制曲温度30℃,种曲接种量0.8%,曲室相对湿度70%,制得的生产曲的糖化酶活力较高。对制曲菌种的选择、制曲工艺条件的优化、种曲添加量、发酵工艺参数的初步优化表明:人工接种多菌种生产的永丰辣酱产品质量符合有关酱的标准,含盐量在8%左右,比传统产品降低了40%以上;氨基态氮的含量在第30 d就达到了自然发酵60 d的水平,生产周期可缩短近一半;酯类物质含量提高了50%;其余指标基本不变。通过两者的比较,表明人工接种多菌种发酵产品与自然发酵产品质量无明显差异。

【Abstract】 Yongfeng hot pepper sauce is mainly produced in traditional methods, in which a variety ofmicroorganisms play an active role in the enzyme family in the process of preparation ofkoji-making and fermentation. The traditional sauce is popular for its appetizing quality.But dueto natural koji-making and fermentation, the traditional products have no stable quality but havesome safety problems; the addition of salt is so high that the ferment cycle is long.There have been researches and reports on the improvement of output and quality ofsoybean sauce, bean and sweet sauce through mufti-cultures technology, but no research onYongfeng hot pepper sauce.By analyzing the separation, cultivation, calculation and classification of microorganisms;and measuring the amino nitrogen and protease activity, the ester value and glucoamylaseactivity, the gross acidity and pH value during different period of Yongfeng hot pepper saucemade of fermented wheat product, the paper tends to exploit the microorganism form, thechanging principle of the microorganism family and the major microorganisms in naturalYongfeng hot pepper sauce ferment system. The rapidly growth of Aspergillus oryzae;Aspergillus niger; Aspergillus sojae is mainly in koji-making period—the first period offermentation of Yongfeng hot pepper sauce, aspergillus produce different kinds of protease andglucoamylase, decompose proteins and starch and so on; the growth of Saccharomyces rouxiiand Tetrcoccus soyae produce many alcoholic and lactic acids, which prepare for the laterfermentation of the sauce; the last stage is mature stages of Sauce Mash and the main stages ofthe flavor of the Yongfeng hot pepper sauce.Based on tendency analysis on traditional Yongfeng hot pepper sauce spontaneousfermentation, the paper studies the major microorganisms—Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus nigerand their performances in sauce production, thus providing theoretical help for the developmentof suitable preparatory culture. Aspergillus oryzae: inoculation volume 0.8%, environmentalrelative humidity 85%, koji-making temperature 28℃, koji-making time 72 h, the proteaseactivity is more higher; Aspergillus niger: koji-making time 48 h, koji-making temperature 30℃,inoculation volume 0.8%, environmental relative humidity 70%, glucoamylase activity is morehigher. The research on the choice of main microorganisms of koji-making and its addition,improvement of preparation and fermentation technique suggests that the quality of productsusing mufti-cultures by Artificial inoculation is well in accordance with relevant nationalYongfeng hot pepper sauce, and the salinity is in about 9%, lowering 40% than the traditionalproduct; the amino nitrogen level can reach that of 60 in only 30 days in artificial inoculation andthe production period can be shortened to one seconds; total esters have increased 50%; All testsshow that the quality of products using mufti-cultures by artificial inoculation is same as thequality of products by natural fermentation.

  • 【分类号】TS264
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】369

