

Analysis of the Microflora in Liuyang Fermented Soybean Nature Fermentation and Research on the Artificial Infection Fermentation Condition

【作者】 黄欣

【导师】 邓放明;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 食品科学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 豆豉与酱油、腐乳、豆酱并列为我国四大传统大豆发酵制品。它味道鲜美,既可直接食用又可作烹饪菜肴的调味料。传统中医认为它性寒,可解烦热毒,寒热虚痨,调中发汗,通关节,杀腥气,具有很高的药用价值;现代研究发现豆豉中含有大豆蛋白、多种矿物质、多种维生素、亚油酸、磷脂和膳食纤维等营养物质,还含有大豆多肽、大豆低聚糖、蛋白黑素、大豆异黄酮类等多种生理活性成分,它们均具有特殊的保健作用。但是豆豉至今仍以自然发酵的作坊式生产为主,对其发酵过程中的微生物和生理功能研究较少。本文主要对浏阳豆豉自然发酵的过程中微生物的菌相及其动态变化进行分析,采用菌种分离筛选技术,筛选优势菌株,并对多菌种纯种微生物发酵生产豆豉的发酵条件进行研究,主要研究结果如下:1.浏阳豆豉自然发酵过程的微生物分布及其动态变化进行了研究,发现浏阳豆豉自然发酵是由细菌和霉菌混合发酵的,主要发酵微生物为曲霉菌。细菌中的主要是芽孢杆菌;浏阳豆豉自然发酵过程中未检出酵母菌,说明酵母不是主要作用微生物;霉菌主要是毛霉和曲霉,而以曲霉为主;在浏阳豆豉自然发酵的前期和中期霉菌数量比芽孢杆菌的数量至少大一个数量级(第1~5d,LG[芽孢菌数]分别为2.28、4.19、4.38、6.29、6.45,LG[霉菌数]分别为3.82、5.87、6.94、7.11、7.13),在发酵的后期,霉菌数和芽孢杆菌数维持在同一数量级,说明浏阳豆豉自然发酵是以曲霉作为发酵菌株的。2.对浏阳豆豉发酵菌株中的霉菌进行分离鉴定,发现浏阳豆豉自然发酵过程中存在少根根霉、爪哇毛霉、总状共头霉等毛霉,米曲霉、酱油曲霉、赭曲霉、聚多曲霉等曲霉。总状共头霉、赭曲霉和聚多曲霉的某些菌株可能会分泌真菌毒素,表明浏阳豆豉在自然发酵的过程中存在一定的安全隐患。3.从浏阳豆豉自然发酵的菌株中筛选出和C4-30和F4-58两株优良菌株,其中性蛋白酶活力在第三天分别达到:4784.3U/g,3880.9U/g(麸皮培养基)。4.以F4-58和C4-30纯种作为发酵菌株,以温度、时间、菌株比例和接种量为因素进行正交试验,以中性蛋白酶活力为指标,确定浏阳豆豉人工接种发酵的优化条件为:温度25℃,时间为72h,菌株比例为1:1,接种量为1.2%。

【Abstract】 The fermented soybean, the soy sauce, the fermented bean curd and the thick beansauce juxtapose for our country four big tradition soybean fermentation product. Its flavor istasty, both may direct edible and be possible to make the cooking cooked food the seasoning.The traditional Chinese medicine thought its nature is cold, the solvable bothersome painfullyhot sun, the cold and heat consumption, in the accent induces perspiration, put someone in theknow, kills the fishy smell, has the very high for medicinal purposes value, in the modernresearch discovery fermented soybean includes nutrients soybean protein, many kinds ofmineral substance, multivitamins, linoleic acid, phosphatide, meals textile fiber and so on, butalso includes the many kinds of biological activity ingredient for example:the soybeanmulti-peptides, the soybean low polyose, melanoidin, the soybean isoflavone class and so on,they have the special health care function. But the fermented soybean until now still by thenature fermentation and the workshop type primarily, were few to in its fermentative processmicroorganism and the physiological function research. This article mainly in the processmicroflora which ferments naturally to Liuyang fermented soybean and the dynamic changecarries on the analysis, uses the mold mushroom spawn separation screening technology, thescreening superiority strain, and conducts the research to the multi-bacteria via artificialinfection production fermented soybean fermentation condition, The main findings are asfollows:1. Distributed and dynamic conducts the research to Liuyang fermented soybean naturefermentative process microorganism, discovered in Liuyang fermented soybean naturefermentative process the microorganism mainly by Bacillus, Mucor and Aspergillus iscomposed. In Liuyang fermented soybean nature fermentative process has not picked outSaccharomyces, the explanation Saccharomyces is not the main function microorganism. Themold mainly is Mucor and Aspergillus, but by Aspergillus primarily; Earlier period and inter-mediate stage ferments naturally which in Liuyang fermented soybean, mold quantitycompared to Bacillus quantity big number magnitude (From the first day to the fifth day, LG[Bacillus counts] is 2.28, 4.19, 4.38, 6.29, 6.45 and LG [molds counts] is 3.82, 5.87, 6.94,7.11, 7.13 respectively). In the fermentation later period, mold quantity and Bacillus, magnitude maintains at the identical magnitude, explained Liuyang fermented soybean naturefermentation is takes the fermentation strain by Aspergillus.2. Carries on the separation appraisal to in Liuyang fermented soybean fermentationstrain mold, discovered in Liuyang fermented soybean nature fermentative process hasRhizopus arrhizus, Mucor javanicus, Syncephalastrum racemosum and so on. A.sojae,A.oryzae, A.ochraceus, A.sydowii and so on. Syncephalastrum racemosum, A.ochraceus,A.sydowii certain strains possibly to be able to secrete the mycotoxin, indicated Liuyang fermentedsoybean naturally is fermenting in the process has the certain security hidden danger.3. In the strain ferments naturally which from Liuyang fermented soybean screensAspergillus F4-58 and Aspergillus C4-30 two fine strains, their neutral protease vigorrespectively achieved in third days: 4784.3U/g, 3880.9U/g (bran culture medium).4. Take Aspergillus C4-30 and Aspergillus F4-58 purebred achievement fermentation strain,by the temperature, the time, the strain proportion and the vaccination quantity carries on theorthogonal experiment as the factor, take the neutral protease vigor as the target, determinedLiuyang fermented soybean artificial infection ferments the optimized condition is: Thetemperature 25℃, the time is 72h, the strain proportion is 1:1, the vaccination quantity is1.2%.

  • 【分类号】TS264
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】339

