

Studies on the Biological Effect of Pelleting Rape Seed Coating Agent

【作者】 熊海蓉

【导师】 邹应斌;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 种衣包衣是实现作物优质、高产和机械化栽培的重要技术手段,已成为国内外作物栽培研究的重点领域。本研究采用免耕直播田间试验和室内培养试验,研究了自研的丸化型包衣剂对油菜生长的生物学效应和丸化油菜种子的贮存特性,比较研究了丸化油菜种子在育苗移栽和直播栽培条件下的适宜用种量。主要结果如下:1、丸化型油菜种衣剂处理常规(湘油15号)和杂交油菜(湘杂油6号)品种能显著提高油菜种子的耐贮性能,较好的保持种子活力。在贮存4个月后,湘杂油6号的发芽势、发芽率、成苗率分别比对照提高了24.75%、30.4%和21.3%,t检验结果表明,经种衣剂处理后种子的各项指标均与对照有极显著性差异,湘油15号的百株鲜重和干重分别比对照提高了5.330g和0.347g。2、贮存时采用塑料封袋包装保存在室内,包衣和未包衣种子含水量为4.0%~9.0%,在油菜种子安全贮存的含水量范围内。因此,包衣处理没有影响到种子的含水量。3、贮存试验和育苗试验结果表明湘杂油6号和湘油15号经WHY-11丸化处理后的发芽势和出苗率都低于CK,分别降低了10%~15%和5%~10%,这主要是由于试验条件下气温高、土壤含水量低,丸衣不易吸水裂解所致。由于播种时的土壤含水量较高,昼夜温差大,丸衣能吸收土壤中的水分促进开裂,脱落的丸衣还能改善种子根际土壤的微环境,促进幼苗的生长。因此,在免耕直播试验中经丸化处理的种子出苗率比对照提高了11.34%~19.33%,但差异达不到显著水平。4、种子包衣处理能明显促进油菜幼苗的生长,提高根系活力,增加叶绿素含量,增大叶面积,促进地上部碳水化合物和干物质积累,提高幼苗综合素质,培育壮苗。与对照相比,包衣处理的叶绿素含量提高了1.7%~3.07%,叶面积增大7.33~5.93 cm~2/叶,鲜重增加0.273-2.43 g/株,但差异达不到显著水平。5、种子包衣处理明显提高苗体过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶及超氧化物歧化酶等与抗逆境能力有关的酶活性,以及氮、硼的含量,有利于增强幼苗的抗逆境能力。过氧化氢酶、超氧化物歧化酶活性分别提高0.788~0.594、980.42~1107.664个酶活单位,氮含量提高0.192%~0.238%,硼含量增加0.078~0.162 mg/kg。6、利用种衣剂处理杂交油菜和常规油菜进行免耕直播栽培,两品种的T2处理的本田基本苗数分别为31.26万株/公顷和33.38万株/公顷,足以满足直播油菜栽培所需的种植密度,即省种、省工、省时,提高经济效益。7、育苗移栽的试验结果表明常规油菜经种衣剂包衣后的T1、T2处理的苗床基本苗数分别为92.90万株/公顷和58.62万株/公顷,能满足大田移栽的需要。

【Abstract】 As an important technological way to realize good quality and high yield as well asmechanization cultivation of crops, seeds coating technology has become the key areain crop cultivation researches in China and foreign countries. The field experiment withno-tillage and direct seeding and laboratory experiment with self-pelleted seeds inoilseed rape were conducted in Changsha in 2006-2006. Both conventional oilseed rape(Xiangyou No 15) and hybrid oilseed rape (Xiangzayou No 6) were tested to study thestorage character and biological effects of self-pelleted seeds as well as the properseeding rate of self-pelleted seeds under the no-tillage and direct seeding condition. Theresults are as followed:1. The treatment with self-pelleted seeds of Xiangyou No 15 and Xiangzayou No 6prolonged the remarkably storage time and maintained good seeds vigor. After 4months’ storage of self-pelleted seeds, the germination energy, germination percentageand adult seedling rate of Xiangzayou No 6 increased significantly by 24.75%, 30.4%and 21.3% respectively compared with the control. Meanwhile, the fresh weight and dryweight of 100 plants of Xiangyou No 15 increased 5.330 g and 0.347 g compared withthe unpelleted seeds respectively.2. Self-pelleted seeds were kept in plastics bags in the laboratory. The watercontent of both pelleted and unpelleted seeds varied between 4.0%~9.0%, of which iswithin the standard scope for safe storage of oilseed rape seeds. It is accounted for noinfluence of self-pelleting agent on water content of storage seeds.3. In the storage and nursery experiments, the germination energy and seedgermination rate of tested varieties after treatment with WHY-11 decreased by 10%~15% and 5%~10% respectively compared with the control. The possible reason for thiswas in relation to high temperature and low water content in the soil as well as the hardbroken coating agent. Under the field experiment, condition, the coating agent was easybroken by sopping due to high water content in the soil and big difference intemperature between day time and the night. Meanwhile, decomposed pelleting agentmight improve the rhizosphere environment in soils and promote the seedling growth.In consequence, the germination percentage of self-pelleted seeds of tested varieties increased by 11.34% and 19.33% respectively but no significant difference comparedwith the control.4. This experiment showed that self-coating agent could remarkably promoteseedling growth, improve root vigor, increase in dry matter production, enrich thechlorophyll content, enlarger the leaf area and form the better seedling quality.Compared with the control, the chlorophyll content of self-pelleted seeds increased by1.70%~3.07%, the leaf area increased about 0.733-5.933cm~2 per leaf, and fresh weightincreased about 0.273-2.433g per plant. But there are no significant differences betweenthe self-pelleted seeds and the control.5. This experiment showed that the treatment with coating agent could obviouslypromote enzyme activity as peroxidase(POD), catalase, superoxide dismutase(SOD) andothers related with anti-stress, and nitrogen and borne content, of which set a goodphysiological basis for anti-stress of seedlings. Compared with the control, the enzymeactivity of POD and SOD increased about 0.788-0.594 per enzyme unit and980.42-1107.664 per enzyme unit respectively, and the nitrogen content increased by0.192%~0.238% and borne content increased 0.078~0.162 mg/kg.6. As can be seen from the no-tillage and direct seeding experiment, basicseedlings number of the tested varieties after treatment with T2 is 31.26 and 33.38×10~4/hm~2, of which is enough to meet the need for cultivation density in the direct seeding,and reduce the production cost and improve the economic profit.7. In the nursery and transplanting experiment, basic plant number of conventionaloilseed rape after treatment with T1 and T2 is 92.90and58.62×10~4/hm~2, of which couldmeet the need of field transplanting.

  • 【分类号】S565.4
  • 【下载频次】154

